

She was married to the crown prince of the United Kingdom, a multi-billionaire, and the current CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. No, this wasn't her dream come true, this was a nightmare. A nightmare because the man was not only insanely handsome but a cold soul who was going to divorce her after two years. Besides, was Frankie even a princess name? Could things ever change? When they agree to make the best out of the marriage? Will it be a better move on their part or will it only make matters more complicated? Hang on dear readers, this is one of the million love after marriage stories, so hang on and take this pleasant ride with me

Yvonne_Jemutai · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs


Frankie shifted comfortably in her seat as Rome fell on his. Private jets never seemed to fail to amuse her and Rome seemed to be having plenty of those not to forget used to them. "You packed my sandals, right?" she asked when he sat and he almost glared at her.

"Everything you need is set and packed and if not wifey, there are shops where we are going."

Frankie rolled her eyes at his annoyance, if he didn't like packing why do it and then carry his frustration on her, petty man. "You said we are going to a beach, right?" Rome whipped his head to face her, his lips in a thin line. "Geez don't answer, if looks could kill." She turned to the window and watched the crew prepare for the flight.

A sweet melodious voice brought her back. "Hello, Prince Rome, Princess Frankie, I am Nelly and I will be attending to you throughout the flight."

Frankie smiled at her and her eyes fell to what she was wearing. A top that had all her cleavage out and a very short skirt that had her white legs exposed. She shrugged, maybe they wear that to please the customers. The last time she was in one, a day ago, they had a male host, to think of it, they always had a male host. Rome gave a curt nod, not looking up from his laptop and she sighed.

If the honeymoon was going to be a reason for him not to work from the office but to a different environment, maybe he should go alone. Smiling at the air hostess, she asked her politely for a duvet. "And a room in the back, please?"

The air hostess nodded, smiled and left. Rome looked up from his laptop. "You want to sleep?"

Frankie lifted a brow with a scowl on her face. "Got a problem?" she asked.

Rome shrugged and continued reading whatever it was that was so important. She scoffed and walked away to the back to sleep. She also had important things to do. When she opened the door, the startled air hostess inhaled. "You scared me a bit, your highness."

Frankie smiled and looked at the bed. It was in light grey and she was sure as hell she wouldn't wake up until the trip ended. "I am sorry, I am sure the bed is ready?"

The air hostess nodded and left. As soon as the door was closed, she kicked away her sneakers and got in bed, covered herself and smiled at the room warmer before she drifted off to herself. She was woken up a while later by a gentle shake. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned as she sat up. Rome's face came into focus.

"What is it Rome, have we landed?" Rome smiled and she looked closely. "Did you smile, I thought you had sworn not to all throughout the flight." She looked on her right and saw a tray of casserole and rice. "Ooh food." She moved and grabbed it and immediately started eating.

"Are you mad at me?" Rome asked and Frankie lifted her head up innocently.

"Hmm?" she asked and closed her eyes as she chewed on the rice. They make good food.

Rome moved closer to her and she folded her legs away from him and continued eating.

"Okay, what did I do?"

Frankie looked at him unable to tolerate him. "Why are you here?" she asked and then realized she sounded insane, it was his jet, he could be anyway he wanted but she wanted to know why he would leave his silent cabin where apparently, he didn't want to be disturbed and walk in where her noisy self was and even wake her up.

Rome made a face. "Can't I be here?"

Was he saying that he was there because it was his jet? She felt angrier. "Know what, fuck you!" she got, took the plate and walked back to the cabin and took a seat next to the window, keeping her face stuck on the cold window and ignoring the noises she heard around her.

"Babe." She ignored him completely and even started counting the clouds below. "We are going for our honeymoon and we aren't even talking to each other." She didn't want it, nor ask for it. she continued counting her clouds. "Love, please."

She turned, her face passive. "What?" she asked.

Rome eyes begged her. "I'll do anything."

Anything, he said? She crossed her hands. "Anything?" her eyes were narrowed and she could ever have looked more serious.

Rome nodded quickly. "I promise."

"Where are we going to?"

Rome lips parted. "But you know I can't…" She had already gone back to her window, counting her clouds and even pointing as she counting. "Okay, fine, I'll tell you just don't be mad, okay"

She was grinning at him stupidly by the time he was done speaking. "I am listening," she said excitedly.

Rome sighed. "Florida."

"What!" she screamed as Rome covered his sensitive ears. This was for real, sweet heavens, she was going to the United States! Marrying rich has never ceased to be fun. "God, I love you."

She embraced him and he couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips even though he knew she had coaxed him into telling her what was supposed to be a surprise.