

She was married to the crown prince of the United Kingdom, a multi-billionaire, and the current CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. No, this wasn't her dream come true, this was a nightmare. A nightmare because the man was not only insanely handsome but a cold soul who was going to divorce her after two years. Besides, was Frankie even a princess name? Could things ever change? When they agree to make the best out of the marriage? Will it be a better move on their part or will it only make matters more complicated? Hang on dear readers, this is one of the million love after marriage stories, so hang on and take this pleasant ride with me

Yvonne_Jemutai · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Ex and Rome

The next morning Frankie woke up late as usual, half asleep walked to the living room where she didn't find anyone and so walked out. "Hey, Daria." The house was awfully quiet as she went behind the house where she was sure Daria might be. True to her thoughts, Daria was seated with a person in a black hoodie who had his or her back to her, whatever the gender, might it seem it was male or maybe a cool tom-boyish girl?

She walked to them and she stopped when she noticed it was her ex, Lucas. Her eyes zeroed in on him and suddenly she didn't know how to act. They had broken up a few days before she signed the damn contract and got married the following day and now here, he was standing in flesh and blood in front of her. "Lucas," she whispered shocked.

And before she knew it, she was engulfed in a hug, a tight one to be precise and she knew it was nowhere near being just friends, she could almost feel his heartbeat on her chest and his hands that were squeezing her back, his breathing on her neck and his body heat mixing with hers. "Frank-what the…" Frankie froze when she recognized that voice. Holy shit, Rome!

She tried to disentangle from the hug with no success. Ugh, it was so awkward of all the time Rome had to come, it had to be at the moment when her ex was squeezing the hell out of her but that wasn't the shocking part, it was when she saw his eyes change shades and veins appearing that she mustered all her strength and pushed Lucas away running to Rome, hugging him and burying his head on her shoulder.

"Rome, calm down, you're transforming…" She felt him tense but she struggled to comfort him, hugging him tighter. When she realized nothing was working, she shouted at the guards. "Block us." To which they obeyed and she lifted his head, looked at his straining face, shut her eyes, and kissed him senseless.

Smiling against his lips, she kissed him more, feeling him, un-tense and she almost sighed in relief. "Frankie," he whispered his voice raspy as he took her lips again, pulling her into a never-ending kiss. "Oh Frankie," he searched her eyes and then captured her lips again. "Can never get enough of this."

Frankie blushed and he stopped kissing her for a minute and she pulled away. "Rome," she called with warning remembering what had happened before. She felt the urge to explain things but before she could do that, she heard Daria speak.

"Franks, need help, is everything alright?"

She walked to the guards and politely asked them to excuse her so that they weren't offering a shield anymore. "Yeah, everything's peachy," she gave Daria a knowing smile but the fool didn't understand making her roll her eyes. "At the moment."

Then looked over her shoulder at Rome who was approaching looking nothing more than an angel in the white turtle neck she had bought him with blue jeans and some white Nike. She hadn't even seen that before. "Prince Rome," Daria greeted with a bow.

Rome looked at Frankie as if asking for her permission and after aww-ing him in her head she nodded. "Daria," he greeted back. "Don't be so formal, I am your brother-in-law after all."

Frankie swore she saw Lucas shift uncomfortably but Rome, it was as if he wasn't seeing him, and for that, she was thankful she wouldn't know how to even introduce them if he had asked.

"Why don't we go in the house," Daria suggested saving the day. "Rome you go on with your wife, I'll see to something first."

As Frankie took Rome inside, she threw Daria a 'thank you for saving me' look which Rome caught and pursed his lips in displeasure. "Love, I want us to take a walk, show me around we didn't do that the last time we were here, wifey." And he crept behind her and kissed her neck making her shiver. "Please." He licked that spot behind her ear and she bit her lips to fight back a moan. As if her brain was long frozen, she found herself nodding to him.

Two hours later, Rome walked towards Frankie's house in his arms his wife who could move no more. "I knew this was a bad idea!" Frankie whined and pouted.

Rome looked down on her, "Wifey with this kind of stamina, tsk… I am worried."

Frankie blushed and hit him. "Shameless, besides if it wasn't for you greeting everyone you saw and introducing yourself and making me name everything and everyone and every place and walking for miles forgetting I am a damned human we wouldn't be in this position."

Rome grinned at that and she rolled her eyes, why was he finding every damn thing funny. "You're welcome, Love."

"By the way, young man why did you come?" she asked but Rome seemed to have other plans than answering her.

"I should be asking why you were hugging your ex as if you couldn't have enough of him." A guilty smile played on her lips. Rome stopped walking and looked at her, his face deadly serious.

She coughed before speaking. "I wasn't, he hugged me first." She blinked. Rome sighed and didn't look at her again. They stayed silent until they got to the house and after carefully placing her on the sofa, he walked out. Confused, she followed him and saw him standing on the veranda. "Rome," she called but he didn't even turn to her.

Was he angry at her, she walked and stood in front of him but his eyes didn't at all look at her? Slowly, she touched his hand and tugged at it looking sorry. When he looked down at her, she didn't even know where the tears came from. It was like a dam in her head broke. Alarmed, Rome looked at her, his fingers gracefully wiping her tears before he pulled her to his chest and rubbed her back, all this way, he hadn't spoken and Frankie knew he was really angry. What was she even going to do?

Daria's voice came out clearly behind them. "Franks, are you okay?" a concerned Daria asked as she looked at her. Frankie pulled away from Rome and went to Daria's hands who hugged her worriedly. "Did anything happen, did anyone hurt you?"

Frankie sniffed as she wiped her tears. "Come with me." They walked with Daria to her room and after making sure the door was securely closed, she spoke. "What did he want?"

Daria looked at her confused. "Who?"

With a sigh and a look. "Lucas, why was he here?" she whisper yelled.

Daria shrugged as she sat on the bed. "I don't know, wanted to his ex." Frankie rolled her eyes. "He hugged me, I think Rome is mad at me."

Raising a brow, Daria asked. "Is that you why you were crying?"

Frankie smiled. "They just came, I feel bad like I betrayed him, I don't know what to even say to him, I feel bad." She cupped her face before falling back on her back to the bed.

"I do not want to interfere with couple's matters. Do your thing darling but just so you know, it wasn't your fault that Lucas hugged you, you can't control how people act towards you." Then she clapped as she got up. "I have school to attend to, so you'll be fine, darling?"

Frankie nodded and waved her off and sighed when the door closed behind Daria. Then it opened again and when she looked up, she saw Rome standing by the door, his voice expressionless. Oh no, not this face.