
Assassin School.

So, the first day was typical if you discount the fact that the teacher was a female, and my first class was about interrogation.

Yup, I was in an actual school for assassins! I didn't like where this was heading already.

A few of the guys in the class looked over at me and motioned they'd cut off my neck. So, I was the new guy here… and they didn't like it, which I understoond..

The girls, however, fluttered their eyebrows at me, and played with their clothes.

I was actually in the FBI in my last life, and that was a sign of flirting… If they started playing with their pants, well, you might just get lucky. However, why the hell was this happening to me!

It would've been nice to know more about the school… More about the environment, and more about the people. However, I didn't know anything besides the teacher was beautiful today. Her skirt was short, and the system measured her bust, hips, and waist. 36, 24, 38… Yes, the last number was her hips and ass, and damn she was an SS!

"Well… welcome to the interrogation class… sorry, I know we're starting late, but I'd like to introduce you all to Alex…"

The damn teacher walked over to me and bent over and grabbed my hand.

"Ding! Teacher's pet… +3 points!"

I sighed wanted to punch myself to shut up my system… but it had no off button… It was automatic like my soul, and I was so upset by that damn notification! She had on a short skirt, and the way she was holding me didn't feel right. Her hand was caressing my wrist and then I was in the front of class. The class room was pretty even, but there was a few more girls. If I counted, it was 18 F to 15 M…

In somewhat of an odd display, all the girls spread their legs just enough that I couldn't see anything. Luckily, I had some life experience and I didn't spurt blood.

"Ladies, and Gentlemen… this is Alex, he needs a few girls to volunteer to interrogate him… However, today… you'll be using seduction."

She actually flung me down onto the table after saying that. What the heck was with this my teacher… Her teeth… omg! She was biting my ear, and the girls were nodding looking at her.

So, yup, my first class really said it all, and if that wasn't enough she sat me down in a seat and I was somehow chained up. The girls looked at me like I was a bonus, and I actually was… They'd get rare resources for getting me system points.

That damn imperial cultivator, who set up this whole damn operation, really wanted to give these poor pretty girls an incentive. Well, they weren't all poor, but most of them were cultivator majors. Hence, they were looking at me with true desire….

The kind of desire that makes interrogation class on my first day exceptionally hard. Despite that, the worst part is the fuming guys. I can't really see myself without a best friend… I fed off Mike's quirks and now Mike was probably speaking to Matty. Matty was most likely freaking out, and oh god… what if she turned eighteen, and I had to wait a few extra days… What kind of travesty was this sort of life? Was I secretly in a heaven that prided itself on being like hell?

The girls who walked up to me smiled as the teacher pulled me back up. She had something she wanted to say,

"So, guys… I also want you to watch Alex, and rate his performance! The girls will try and get him to tell the secret I will whisper into his ear. If they can't get him to say it, you guys automatically get an A+. However, if they fail… sorry, but you'll have to earn it." She said this and came forward and whispered one word, "Matty…"

What kind of damn joke was this?

Then the handcuffs were fully on me once again, and the three chosen girls circled around me.

The guys folded their arms into crosses hoping I would manage to resist. These girls were taught a few approaches… and I happened to be the first test subject of the semester.

In fact, the boys were somewhat surprised this was even happening. I could see it on their faces. Sure, this was a school for spies, but since when was it so… dirty? They practically were all drooling, but I wasn't. As the former head of the FBI, how could I fall for such simple… omg that is good.

The girls closed a curtain in front of the class room as the teacher shined a lamp down onto the curtain I was in.

Yup, she was certainly letting them do whatever they wanted, but then I resisted them.

"Hey… my parents are in deep trouble… If you don't tell me the word they'll die."

I looked at her pupils. She was lying and I was thinking nice try, noob! However, after that she started kissing my leg… I didn't even know her name and all the guys were able to see her shadow.

"Hmph, you aren't going to answer her? Don't you know what her parents had to do to get her into this school!"

"Uhm…. You'll are too much… but I'm sorry no."

The three girls were named Mali, Coral, and Linda… Mali was exceptionally pretty and was the one with the supposed parent issues. However, Coral seemed to be the ring leader, and started dancing.

'No devil no!'

In my mind, even though she was exceptionally beautiful, I didn't care that she unbuttoned her shirt. Nor did I care about her brown locks that were tickling my skin. She started kissing my chest and I could only resist the urge.

When I was in the FBI, I went through countless hours of training on non-submission. I learned to read emotions, check for pupil dialation… and also learned how to manipulate the situation. I guess some would call me overqualified for being a seventeen-year-old hormonal male… And as I said… look at the situation I'm in right now… How can you be overqualified for seventeen-year-old female interrogators?

I could laugh and snicker at their benign efforts. Finally, Mali started unbuttoning her shirt, and Coral played with her chest.

"We'll let you taste these wonderful melons if you submit… Please… it's just one word… I'll even kiss this beautiful girl if you say it."

"Ding! +1 Stamina"

"You will now be able to last longer in bed and in battle."

I couldn't believe this system once again granted me a stat point. However, then my lower half started reacting and the girls all looked down smiling.

"Heh… it's working Coral… come here…"

Mali and Coral were about to lock lips before the teacher sighed. It was taking these girls too long, and she didn't want this getting too graphic. After all, this was supposed to be a secret mission, and the boys were all gawking in disbelief.

"Hey… do you think this is some kind of illusion, or should we kill him after class?"

"Yup… kill him, so we can go next time… What do you say Noland?"

"Death by hanging in the cafeteria?"

The guys in jealously already plotted against me and the sad thing was I didn't blame them. The girls actually were about to kiss in front of me, and the teacher could only slam down her stick, and walk behind the curtain.

The next moment, she smiled at me and tore off her shirt. What the hell was going on?!

She immediately put her hands down my pants and smiled at me nefariously. "Say the word… or your little guy gets it!"

"Girls… now you try…" She buttoned back up her shirt before Coral… a small but exceptionally beautiful girl dropped down on top of me.

"She started sliding her fingers close to my pants… and for some reason all I could see was Matty."

Matty used to touch me there and was just that kind of tease. She kept things exciting for our twenty-year marriage. I married her when she was thirty-five, and I was forty-five… We didn't have any kids, but… it was my fault and she stuck with me.

It was hard to explain an entire life, but in this life, we'd have kids.

"MATTY!" I screamed causing all the guys to turn their heads. I could already tell… since they lost their A+… I might really die, and Coral even had the nerve to kiss my belly button and withdraw her hands.

"Hmph… girls… I think the guys just lost…" The teacher sighed and helped Mali put back on her shirt. The three girls could only smile at me as I walked back to my desk. Somewhat broken and with all eyes on me.

It was like this entire school was against me… All I could do was think about Matty… God… she better be in a better place right now. Wherever she was, I hoped she had it better. In fact, I could tell before the next class I'd have to be really careful… the guys were clearly trained in weapons, espionage, and martial arts.

If I made one wrong move, I might very well fall to the pack…

I could already sense their eyes on me as I sat back down at my desk.