
The love of the enchanted

What would you do if you were forced to marry a man? Not just any man, but a Cold-hearted, wretched, vile Duke. Follow Sara an ordinary girl from a family who works with an oil company, move in with her future husband. Is there any hope that there love will blossom? Or will Sara simply be stuck in a marriage that will only leave her bitter and just as cold as the Duke himself! **please leave any comments on my story, may they be criticism or simply love for the story. This is my first novel and I am still working very hard on it as well as adding more characters. Also leave a rating, any rating that you see fit for this story. -with love, Saaaritaaa

Sara_Wilson_4940 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 7

After I had got done with my last plant for the day, I stood up and took a look around. All the colors, the smell that engulfed my nose. It truly could make someone feel so heavenly. If I were to ever die this is what I would hope heaven to look like. After taking in the scenery I walked with NiNi back to the mansion and to my chamber. She helped me take a bath and change into my clothing. I feel kind of bad having them wash my clothes so much, due to the fact that I get them dirty from gardening.

"What all do you plan on planting?" Asked NiNi while she was brushing my hair.

"I want to plant all the really colorful flowers and make it into a pattern that blends into each individual color, I also was thinking of maybe adding some vegetables and fruits, a seperate area for them both. We have so much room I wanted to make my own fresh produce like we did back at home" Saying that reminded me of me and my sister going out and picking strawberries with my mother.

"I think you're doing a fine job with that garden. It's nice to see it finally being put to good use after so long." NiNi smiled.

"Why hasn't anyone worked on the garden in so long? It seems a little strange to have a garden and not even have the people to take care of it." I stated, curious to see if she knew the answer. I imagined she would considering she has worked here so long.

"Well you see, Duke Liams mother would use that garden, in fact I remember that being her sort of hide-away when things were struggling the Dukes father. Unfourtunately the mother became real ill, and passed. After that, the father refused to let anyone work on it anymore. I believe it hurt him to see other people working on it instead of his wife. That's when he started drinking a fare amount." She replied, I find it weird that I find out so much more information from NiNi then I do my own fiance, but then again that fiance of mine has a very hard and strong wall up, that he probably has let little to no one enter.

"How was the Dukes mother?" I asked, If she's going to be open with me I mine as well learn more, the more I learn the more I'll know how to handle the Duke. In fact I really would like to know how his mother was.

"She was beautiful, and just as beautiful on the inside. Kind, Generous, and mannerized. She reminds me of you. She always looked for the best in people even when they gave her no reason to." I smiled. Liams mother sounded like a woman that I would have loved to meet. I wish that Liam got some of her characteristics or at least kept them. I feel like our marriage would have been a lot easier to work through if he was more like his mother.

"Sara are you ready to go to dinner?" NiNi asked. I nodded and stod up from my seat and walked with NiNi to the dinning room.

The Duke was already sat down at the table he looked up at me and stood up, and walked over to me with a smirk of a smile.

"Good evening Sara" He said gently while placing a kiss to my forehead. He pulled my chair out for me and allowed me to sit down.

"Did you recieve my gift?" He questioned.

"Yes I did, I truly appreciate your gift. It was very kind, and they were all so beautiful" I said taking a bite of my food.

"Did you plant them all today?" He asked.

"I did not, but I got a lot done." I stated. He looked at me with a curious look that I have never seen before.

"Maybe once you're finished with it we can go on a walk so I can what all your work looks like." He stated.

For the first time I looked this man, with pure excitement and joy. It feels so good to see him trying to be kinder to me, I know it is very difficult for him as he didn't even look me in the eyes when asked. I also know that he will fall back to his ways from time to time. But, If I could have just a couple of these moments. Just a few of them to remember. Then I could just possibly be happy here. I smiled.

"I would really enjoy that."