
The love of a vampire

A princess who is deprived of so many things unlike her twin sister because of a prophecy for told before her birth about her grandmother's witch powers being passed to one of the twins among the Queen's unborn children. Months later, the Queen gave birth to two girls who were twins, Jucin and Julia. They observed both girls and they realized that Julia carried most of her grandmother's observe traits, so they focused their attention on Julia thus neglecting Jucin as a royal witch is one of the most powerful to protect the kingdom from threats. What happens when the neglected princess falls in love with a vampire prince? Quotes; " You want to dance around the stars" luchan asked "can I?" jucin asked enthusiastically "Take my hands" came his next words and with that he shot out black feathered winds, he scooped her in his arms and soared the skies with her " what a pretty witch I have in my hands" luchan said immediately they landed on the ground "what"?! Jucin asked with a frown settling on her beautiful face. A/N: This novel is clouded with genres of romance and fantasy. THIS BOOK IS RATED 18, precautionary for young readers. This is my first book so please support the young authoress with coins,

Blessing_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 7

Jucin kept starring at the girl, her beauty was just simply out of this world

" Can I join you?" she asked and Jucin nodded in reply, she adjusted her self and sat close to her

" My name is Axia by the way" the girl said after a brief moment of silence

"Axia" Jucin memorised the girls name out loud " Am Jucin" she introduced

" That's nice" Axia gave her a warm smile

Jucin starred at her palm and played with her fingers

" Beautiful moon by the way" she heard Axia say

" I agree" Jucin nodded

" I didn't know witches enjoyed the company of the moon" Axia said, her tone flat and neutral

Jucin tsked, " Am not a witch, you're mistaking me for my twin sister"

" I didn't quite get you"

" My grandmother was a powerful witch before she died but after that my parents declared that my twin sister possessed her witch abilities not me."

" Oh" Axia muttered in an awkward tone

" Rough childhood huh"? Axia scoffed

" You have no idea" Jucin said while stressing the 'No' and both girls giggled

" You're a demon right?" Jucin asked

" Yeah, a water demon" she said proudly " Come inside with me Jucin" she coerced

" Okay" Jucin nodded

They both went back into the mansion and Jucin heard her name being called, it was Mai

" Excuse me Axia I'll be right back" Jucin sàid and Axia nodded

She walked over to where Mai was

" Time to go" Mai said while pulling her gently

" Not now"

" What do you mean by that?" Mai questioned.

" I need to stay here for a while longer"

" Why?"

" Mai please" Jucin pleaded

" Fine" she rolled her eyes " please be careful okay"?

" Of course" Jucin nodded then both Mai and Shabeth left the party.

Jucin went back to meet Axia, " Jucin you're back" Axia said excitedly " I thought you were leaving"

" No, I chose to stay" Jucin replied

" Come, I want to introduce you to my friends" Axia yanked her hand gently.

She led her to a bar where she saw a lot of guys

" Hey luchan" she called one of the guys who was surrounded by a lot of girls, she sighed and went to drag him away from them, to stand in front of Jucin

" Meet luchan, he's a vampire" Axia introduced the 'out of this world' looking guy, he was really hot and good looking.

Jucin recognized those blue eyes and inky black locks anywhere, it was him, the prince she had met at the market and now he was here, standing right in front of her, she suddenly felt her knees go weak.