
The love of a vampire

A princess who is deprived of so many things unlike her twin sister because of a prophecy for told before her birth about her grandmother's witch powers being passed to one of the twins among the Queen's unborn children. Months later, the Queen gave birth to two girls who were twins, Jucin and Julia. They observed both girls and they realized that Julia carried most of her grandmother's observe traits, so they focused their attention on Julia thus neglecting Jucin as a royal witch is one of the most powerful to protect the kingdom from threats. What happens when the neglected princess falls in love with a vampire prince? Quotes; " You want to dance around the stars" luchan asked "can I?" jucin asked enthusiastically "Take my hands" came his next words and with that he shot out black feathered winds, he scooped her in his arms and soared the skies with her " what a pretty witch I have in my hands" luchan said immediately they landed on the ground "what"?! Jucin asked with a frown settling on her beautiful face. A/N: This novel is clouded with genres of romance and fantasy. THIS BOOK IS RATED 18, precautionary for young readers. This is my first book so please support the young authoress with coins,

Blessing_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 2

Jucin made it out of the castle's gates since no one cared to keep an eye on her, she blended with some members of high society.

She got to the market and just as she imagined, it was really rowdy. There were a lot of people flocking the market attending to their various business. Since the commoners were never invited to the castle, they didn't recognize her as their princess but she was receiving odd stares from people.

She kept walking, lost in things around her when a girl bumped into her

" Am sorry my princess" she quickly apologized

Jucin was a little stunned on how the girl recognized her

" it's okay" she said " what's your name?" she caught the girl by surprise

" uh..ehm Mai" she stutters a little surprised why the princess wanted to know her name

"Okay am Jucin, princess Jucin . Would you like to be my friend"?

"Of course" Mai nodded gingerly ' would you mind me taking you to my sister, she'll also love to be your friend" Mai offered

" sure, let's go"

With that, Jucin followed her new friend Mai to meet her sister. In no time, they arrived at a coffee shop, Mai took her to a girl who had similar features with Mai

" Princess Jucin this is my sister Shabeth" Mai introduced the young lady

" Your highness" Mai bowed

" please call me Jucin"

The trio stayed at the coffee shop talking about all sorts of things and they laughed in-between their conversation. They found out they were actually fond of each other, when they finally came out of the coffee shop they saw the sky had graced itself with different shades of orange and pink, evening was fast approaching.

They headed back to the market which was the fastest route to the Castle. Jucin kept thinking about her little discussion with Mia and Shabeth, they had told her they were half witches, she felt happy and privileged to have friends who had supernatural powers.

Her head started spinning and everything started becoming blurry, she felt her knees giving up on her then she felt a strong pair of hands on her waist keeping her in place. She turned and met a pair of sea blue eyes starring at her. The guy was the most beautiful thing she had ever gotten the chance to lay her eyes on, he spelled pure perfection, his inky black hair which fell across his shoulder and those soul piercing sea blue eyes and then his pale skin made him look at of this world and he had those pale pink seductive lips.

" Are you okay princess?" she heard him ask with his deep masculine voice.