
The love of a vampire

A princess who is deprived of so many things unlike her twin sister because of a prophecy for told before her birth about her grandmother's witch powers being passed to one of the twins among the Queen's unborn children. Months later, the Queen gave birth to two girls who were twins, Jucin and Julia. They observed both girls and they realized that Julia carried most of her grandmother's observe traits, so they focused their attention on Julia thus neglecting Jucin as a royal witch is one of the most powerful to protect the kingdom from threats. What happens when the neglected princess falls in love with a vampire prince? Quotes; " You want to dance around the stars" luchan asked "can I?" jucin asked enthusiastically "Take my hands" came his next words and with that he shot out black feathered winds, he scooped her in his arms and soared the skies with her " what a pretty witch I have in my hands" luchan said immediately they landed on the ground "what"?! Jucin asked with a frown settling on her beautiful face. A/N: This novel is clouded with genres of romance and fantasy. THIS BOOK IS RATED 18, precautionary for young readers. This is my first book so please support the young authoress with coins,

Blessing_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 13

Jucin sobbed in his arms as she couldn't stop herself from crying, she didn't know why exactly, probably it was because she was glad to see him, the one person she felt at ease with.

" Who hurt you?" he repeated his question

" There was a snake" she muttered

" Did it bite you?" he asked and she shook her head in reply. Something told him she wasn't telling him the entire story but he just let it be, at least for the now.

She had already stopped crying, so he wiped her cheeks and kissed her forehead which made her blush

" Am sorry" she whispered

" For what?" his brows creased

" For crying like that"

" Well you don't have to apologise, you can do whatever you want with me", he gave her a mischevious smile

" There's something I unfortunately need to attend to but before going do you need me to drop you off, anywhere you want to go" Luchan said

" Yes" she nodded " I want to go to the village"

"Alright" Luchan smiled in agreement, he snapped his fingers and Illyas materialized in the room, making Jucin gasp as the angel looking demon appeared in her room.

He leaned on the wall lazily and those silver locks we're packed in a ponytail, leaving his gracious appearance for the adornment of people. He closed his eyes as he leaned with one leg on the wall while he folded his hands.

" Well since am a vampire, I can't transform into my vampire form during daytime, hence I can't use my powers. So Illyas is here to take you to wherever you need to go" she heard Luchan explain

She gazed at Illyas but his eyes were shut close.

" Are you ready to go?" Luchan asked her and she nodded in response. With that, the trio teleported to a garden close to the coffee shop Mai and Shabeth worked in, Illyas stayed by the garden while Luchan and Jucin went to the coffee shop. Just at the door step Mai came to stand in front of them, she was in daze when she caught sight of the prince next to Jucin. She bowed her head in greetings and gave Jucin a tight hug.

" Where's Shabeth?" Jucin asked

" Um.. she went to run an errand, you know how she is" Mai replied politely

" I'll leave you two ladies to your selves" Luchan gave a faint smile " I'll see you later" he kissed her forehead tenderly making Jucin blush profusely then both girls went inside the coffee shop.

Illyas came to stand beside Luchan in front of the coffee shop whose doors were now closed.

" Why are you making me do this?" Luchan asked his voice laced with coldness

" We made a deal, you return to Daal with me in exchange for me teleporting you wherever you want to go" Illyas reminded him

" You really want me meeting my dad so bad huh?" he tsked

" Think of it as a son to father reunion" he teased and Luchan rolled his eyes before Illyas teleported them to Deal, Luchan's birth kingdom.

Meanwhile at the coffee shop both girls chatted and laughed in humor

" So you're courting the handsome prince?" Mai asked teasingly

Jucin bit her lips to restrain herself from blushing again " I don't know" she said honestly

" But you like him, don't you?" Mai pressed further

" Yes" Jucin agreed " I do like him and it worries me cause i only know him for a short period of time"

" Probably he's your mate"

"What's a mate?" Jucin asked

" A life partner who you're destined to be with, it's mostly common among demons" Mai explained

Jucin nodded her head" maybe" she murmured under her breath as she thought of those ocean blue eyes.