
The love of a vampire

A princess who is deprived of so many things unlike her twin sister because of a prophecy for told before her birth about her grandmother's witch powers being passed to one of the twins among the Queen's unborn children. Months later, the Queen gave birth to two girls who were twins, Jucin and Julia. They observed both girls and they realized that Julia carried most of her grandmother's observe traits, so they focused their attention on Julia thus neglecting Jucin as a royal witch is one of the most powerful to protect the kingdom from threats. What happens when the neglected princess falls in love with a vampire prince? Quotes; " You want to dance around the stars" luchan asked "can I?" jucin asked enthusiastically "Take my hands" came his next words and with that he shot out black feathered winds, he scooped her in his arms and soared the skies with her " what a pretty witch I have in my hands" luchan said immediately they landed on the ground "what"?! Jucin asked with a frown settling on her beautiful face. A/N: This novel is clouded with genres of romance and fantasy. THIS BOOK IS RATED 18, precautionary for young readers. This is my first book so please support the young authoress with coins,

Blessing_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 10

Jucin gulped, she didn't know why she didn't notice the danger lurking behind those playful gestures, though her family treated her unfairly she didn't want any harm coming to them.

" That isn't necessary, am fine" she tried to convince him

" If you say so then", she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in " But, if anyone touches even a strand of hair they would be shown no Mercy. Did I ever mention how I love torturing people Jucin" he grinned and she shook her head in reply

" I love torturing those who pass their boundaries and messing with what's mine" he stated bluntly

" What kind of torture are you talking about"? Jucin asked with a shaky voice

" You're too innocent for that, let's not talk about it anymore" he caressed her cheeks

" Am going back to Axia" she got up from her chair but luchan pulled her making her seat back down

"We'll go together once you're done with your drink" he said

she sighed and emptied the content in her glass cup and after that they went back to the bar section where Luchan's friends were.

"You're back" Axia smiled at her " Did he touch you?" she shot luchan a hard glare

" No" she shook her head " Why did you ask that?" Jucin asked

" Because this vampire is a complete jerk, he'll have his fun then dump you," Levi chimed and he received a cold hard glare from Luchan

" Just be careful around him" Axia said and she nodded

" The time is far spent, I should be on my way" Jucin said

" Do you want me to drop you off" Zingua offered

" I'll take her home myself" he held her in a possessive manner, before leaving she stole a glance at the ancient demon who looked calm and starred at nothing in particular, he whipped his head to her direction and she offered him a faint smile which to her utter surprise he returned before Luchan led her out of the mansion.

When they were outside he teleported with her to her rooms balcony, he did that in a millisecond. She reached for the door knob and they entered her room.

" Thank you for bringing me back" she bowed a little.

He took more steps closer to her, she wàs reaching just his rock hard chest as he was taller than her, he leaned in on her and she instinctively closed her eyes.

" That wouldn't do" he whispered close to her ear

" w.. what do you want?" she stutters

" I want a simple kiss on the cheek, that shouldn't be too hard" he smirked

" What if I refuse to do it?" she questioned

" Then I'll just hold your hand and take you to my place so you can spend the night with me, sounds good?"

" No" she exclaimed " fine I'll do it" she agreed and he smiled victoriously

" Well don't keep me waiting"

She took in a sharp breath and pecked him on the cheek, and she turned red after that simple action

" I'll see you around princess" he smiled at her one last time before teleporting away.

She quickly changed back into her night dress and went to bed, while thinking about him

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