
The Love Of A Human Cat

Synopsis One of the most famous witch in the powerful kingdom of Okhaima was poisoned to death immediately her close friend found out that she's the one that attaches the soul of a baby into the body of a kitten, once her experiment worked she started abusing it, many kittens and cats in the Atlantis kingdom were possessed with the soul of a human being only for them to grow into human and lead their basic lives at the age of five, parents crying for the death of their poor children not knowing they are possessing the body of a cat nearby their neighborhoods. Finding out all these by her fellow witches, the coven couldn't stop Irene due to it has taken part of her so they decided to end her life using the most effective poison with the help of her closest friend Cassandra and due to the anger of her friend's betrayal and the coven shattering her fun, she swore that they will all die with her. Bringing the cat she cherished so much, with her little son, she stabbed his little heart, " I'm so sorry son, mama won't be there with you anymore but I promise that it will pain a little, just make sure you kill all of them once you are fit especially cassandra, I COMMAND YOU" she said in between her sobs trapping his innocent soul and fixing it into her black and dark looking cat immediately she noticed his last breath as his painful cry ended. It became the fate of nature if her grown up child will kill the beautiful child of his mother's betrayer just the way he scattered the lives of many covens or he will end up dancing to the tunes of love. Tragedy hits the peaceful lovers as the protagonist's lover stabbed him in the heart due to being possessed to do so. Coming back to herself, she painfully sang him to death. Her prayer and last wish for him is to reincarnate and find her wherever she is...she will never marry that lustful prince that only wants her body on his bed...over her dead body will such bad life happen. She came back from her thoughts immediately she heard that three precious, beautiful yet dangerous words "I love you". She looked down only to see the body of her mate fade into darkness leaving her alone with the beautiful green fabric cloth she made for him. Is this the end of her love life, she heard how painful love could be but this one is way too much for her to handle. He will surely come back, he will surely incarcerate and find her.

Ben_Ben_0085 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Crown Prince

In awe, few of the servants ran to call a helper or so to come and witness and help them out while the others are stuck in the huge kitchen but Romeo cared less about these things. They couldn't figure out what is going on, this is a work of a spell perhaps, but they are not really sure if it's a spell or not. In his invincible form, he passed through them, making his was to the door not caring about the others that seems to be coming. Truth be told that he doesn't know where he is going not his destination, in his mind is walking helter skelter and whenever he finds a safe spot he stays there and rest.

King Roland of the kingdom of Ree has made his mind into crowning his last son as the crown prince of the kingdom his genuine love for his little son has deafened his ears from hearing the advice of the society. King Roland has a total of thirty sons and twenty daughters and out of the grown up sons, he choose his last son. Afraid that when he died, the throne will be directed to any of the elderly son, he directed it to his youngest son and this didn't stop here, he is going to crown him the king sooner and train him to be able to protect himself against many enemies because since he is the upcoming ruler, enemies will surround him to take away the throne from him most especially his elder brothers but the main problem now is that his last son is so young for the day dreaming plans that this father of his has for him. He is only twelve years old and tonight will be the very moment that his elder brothers are pronouncing their hatred for the little him.

"Please stop running prince Williams, you will get us into problems..." "please allow us to dress you"... the maids were pleading, meanwhile luckily for the little prince williams, he was able to get into his room and the door was immediately locked. Hitting his back on the door of his room, he slide down in frustration... " how is he going to handle this tittle of a crown prince, his brothers and everything about the palace, he is too small to handle such status. He knows that his father loves him alot, even more than the kingdom but he didn't know that his love for him will go to this extent. Feeling the shadow of an object towards him, he looked up, only to see a white beautiful cat hanging on his window. Standing up in amusement, he went directly to the window stretching forth his small hands, his mother has thought him to stop going near anything called strange, if possible, he should run to a safer place even if it seems harmless but this little cat before him is soo cute for him to run away from. Stretching forth his hands and as if the cat knowing his signal jumped from the window not far in distance between them. leaning on his arms as Williams brought him closer to his chest, he purred softly which made the little boy chuckle without knowing what the little idiot has committed before coming to his room.