
The Love life of Ren Goto

Ren Goto, the enigmatic son of a billionaire, escapes his small-town roots and the dark secrets that haunt him. Seeking solace in the bustling streets of Tokyo, he unexpectedly crosses paths with a mysterious girl in a shadowy alley. Little does he know, she’s a fellow high school student with her own troubled past. Drawn together by fate, Ren and this captivating girl embark on a rollercoaster journey filled with laughter, struggles, and unexpected drama. As they navigate the challenges of youth and confront their personal demons, their bond deepens, revealing hidden strengths and vulnerabilities. In a city that never sleeps, can they find the light to overcome their pasts and embrace a future together? Join Ren and his newfound companion in a tale of resilience, friendship, and the transformative power of love.

2 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Fateful Encounter Part 2

[POV of Yua Fukushima]

I was just trying to go along with my god forsaken life as peaceful as it could go until...

"Hey Yua, remember me?"- A boy called to her.

He came into it.

"Yeah, you are the boy that crashed into and sped off like as if it was a hit and run." - I said with an expressionless look on my face.

"I'm really sorry about that." - The boy apologized to me.

"He apologized?" - I thought to myself genuinely surprised by his actions. Everyone else would have said "Oh, didn't see you there." or pretend they didn't do anything. But he apologized.

"I know you scraped your knee due to the fall. Can I help you with that?"- the boy asked genuinely.

"And now he's trying to treat my wounds. Wait.. "- I thought to myself then I said -

"What do you want in return?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" -The boy asked looking very confused.

"I mean what do you want me to give you or ... do for you in return?"

"I don't want anything in return. It was

my fault in the first place so.. accept my hospitality " - The boy smiled after what he said.

When I took a closer look at him, he looked really handsome. He has blonde hair with bright blue eyes and I could tell by his structure that he's super fit. And his smile made him look like a Godsent- He's perfect.

But, unfortunately, men are not that nice.

"I don't want your hospitality " - I said in a soft harsh tone.

"Really I don't want anything please let me just help you." - The boy pressed on.

"I said I don't want your hospitality!" - This time I said it really loud that everyone in the class looked in our direction. Out of embarrassment, I ran out of the class.

But what I just did got the attention of everyone, even the three evil madonnas in the school,Hisa Katayama, Yeuri Kato and Ahyma Kawabata , know about it.

*Hisa, Yeuri and Ahyma are the three evil madonnas that rule our school. They always get what they want and one of the things they claim to own is Ren Goto.*


As I was walking through the hallway, I could feel some evil glares fixated on me. But I didn't give them much attention, I just walked back to my class and pretended like nothing happened.

"Who does that bitch think she is?" - Hisa said while gossiping to her friends about Yua in the hallway.

"She has no respect for our Ren." - Yeuri continued.

"We should teach her a lesson." - Ahyma said with an evil smirk.


It's now the end of school activities today.

"Today's my last day in that house. I have to hurry so that I can get it over with." - I said to myself painfully while leaving the class. I spotted that boy looking at me with pity eyes but my life is non of his business.

As I was about to leave the school, the three witches stopped to have a little chat with me.

"Hey bitch!" - Hisa called me as I was passing by peacefully.

"Are you talking to me?" - I asked looking really confused.

"You disrespected our Ren and now you're gonna pay" - Yeuri said looking like an evil stepmother.

"Look I am sorry for what I did to this Ren guy. I'll make sure I don't do it again. " - I said trying to persuade them to leave me alone.

"And we're gonna keep it that way. We just came here to inform you about our plans against you. If you go anywhere near Ren we're gonna expose all your secrets to the whole school"- Ahyma said with an evil grin.

"How did you?"

"Oh, you think we don't know about your little business, you slut. Haha think again."

"Stay away from Ren and nothing will happen to you. Good bye." - Hisa finished the talk and they all leave.

" Tch, what have I gotten myself into. "- I wondered while leaving the school.

*The business those girls were talking about is well prostitution. I sleep with guys in exchange for money and a place to stay.*

And if word about this should get out in school well I should be better off dead somewhere.


" I'm here."- I said to myself while taking a deep breath then knocked on the door. A fat man welcomed me into the house.

"Alright, it's time for your last job." - The fat Man said with a big grin on his face.

"But today we're doing something much more fun." - After what he said he pushed me onto the bed and tied me to the bed frame.

"What's going on?" - I said really scared.

Then some guys walked in, two more to be precise.

" What are these men doing here?"

"They're here to have some fun too."

" But we said only one man."

"I don't think you're in a position to make rules here. Don't worry, we're all using protection."

"Please don't do this I'm begging you." I said with tears flowing down my cheek.

"Okay boys, let's start. I'll go first."

"No, please don't!"

This is it. I'll be raped by three men and probably die in the process .

"At least, I won't have to worry about the threat made by the witches." I had already given up, until...

"Hey you three stop what you're doing!"

"Who is this runt?"

"It's Ren!"

He broke into the room to save me.
