
The Lost Shadow Knight

A young girl gave her life to being a knight. Lived her life as a tool to protect the royal family. But a seed of treachery sprouted in the kingdom and it led to her demise. Elysia watched the King and Queen of her country Grabania, masters she had sworn to protect, get killed right in front of her. In her desperate attempt to save the future King, Arhad, she was killed by the traitor who sold out their country. Using her dying breath, she begged for another chance. A chance to protect her master despite her current failures. A being answered her prayers and granted her another chance at life. This time round, in order to get stronger and destroy all those who threaten her masters, she unlocks the secrets of her clan. A secret that only she can accomplish as the last one of her tribe, a lost tribe among her clan. A new life, a new chance. One for her to prove her worth not only to the world but to herself. This was the oath Elysia swore to herself after taking her first breath in her new life.

Irene_Cookie · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 15: Not Quite Home for Home

Once the castle was in view Dinole slowed down.

"I…I need to warn you Elysia, the people in that place don't treat my master like a prince. Because his mother was a foreigner, a commoner, he holds no authority there." He pointed at the white castle, "but Chan and I are always there for him. His father too before he got sick. Do not allow them to torment you. Remember, only a few can be trusted so always be on guard." His somber tone did not match how lively he had been in the dark forest. It was a huge flip from who I thought he was. I looked back at the castle wondering what kind of battlefield awaited me inside those gates.

Once the carriage stopped outside the steps of the castle I could already hear them whispering.

"he didn't die?"

"it would have been better if he ran away."

"is he trying to prove something?"

"that good for nothing with dirty blood!"

The insults to Jaram didn't end even after he got off the carriage. I jumped down and looked around at them. One man from the wall launched an arrow towards Jaram. Catching it before it hit its mark, I turned around and glared at the man. He took a step back. I gripped the arrow tighter in my hand breaking it. I was annoyed. Jaram was a good person. But all because of his mothers' blood he had to go through all this, it pissed me off.

Arhad never stood for such things. Judging people by their origin wasn't something he did. He always said that you need to judge a person by their worth. They may be a commoner but if they brought an idea that will help the kingdom he would listen to it without any prejudice. But the people here had the audacity to turn on one of their masters. "if any of you fucking dare to pull that off again I won't hesitate to slit your throats,"I growled loudly for all of them to hear. "you'll be the first one," I pointed at the man who shot the arrow. Throwing away the broken pieces of the arrow, I spoke to Jaram, "shall we?"

He stared at me in shock for a second before smiling. "yes. Let's head out to see father."

It seemed that he felt happy to have someone defend him within this walls of what was a prison to him. As we walked into the palace we didn't see the head butler or the head maid waiting to greet him as they would Arhad in Grabania. That was the third sign I had seen that day that showed that Jaram was not regarded as a prince. The palace, despite the filthy people that lived in it, was beautiful. Its walls were a sparkling white, brighter than the buildings I had seen in the town. There was a red carpet covering the floor that contrasted perfectly with the white walls. Golden ornaments hung from the walls and the windows let in light that made the place seem more beautiful. Jaram led the way to the kings' bedchambers where we met two people leaving the room.

"If it isn't my little brother, I see you've returned safely from your adventures," he said his voice strained.

"Terrin, I'd say it's a pleasure to see you again but we both know that's not true," Jaram retorted back. I glanced at Dinole, 'Terrin?' I mouthed. 'First brother,' he mouthed back. I nodded my head, 'so the one who doesn't want to be upstaged by his little brother.'

"still too young to understand the ways of the nobles I see little brother. I shall need to guide you more strictly then. Shall I ask for teacher to visit your room tonight?" he asked with a crooked smile. "I have learnt enough on my journey elder brother," Jaram gritted out. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see father." He tried to move past him and got blocked by the man accompanying Terrin. "why the rush. I haven't met your new friend yet. Anyone that tries to see the king must be vetted in order to protect his ailing majesty from harm."

"ha!" Jaram exclaimed in annoyance, "Each prince was given a chance to try and heal father, she's my doctor. Now move out of my way Terrin," he ordered. "calm down little brother," Terrin raised his hands and the palace guards moved closer towards us. I looked around watching their positions. Four of them with lances, two in front of us and two behind us. I glanced up at the ceiling and counted two who had hidden their presence. I glanced at Terrin. He was quite crafty. Trying to block anyone other than himself to see the king. It looked like he had something to hide.

"you should vet your men instead," I said tilting my head slightly, "a dog that tries to bite its master should be put down, don't you think?"

Staying next to Arhad my whole life I learnt how to speak like a noble. How to hide behind words and how to attack with them.

"shall I get rid of the dog for you? I happen to pick up a thing or two on how to discipline disobedient dogs," I gave him a smile and I could see the corners of his lips twitching. "I appreciate the kind offer but we can handle it ourselves."

"so you wish to carry on with failure? No wonder your men behave like dogs, looks like they learnt it from their owner," I add with a smile and I heard Dinole trying to hold back his laughter. Terrin glared at me as he gritted out, "much appreciated. With how persistent you are, I would assume you were a lyncher and not a doctor," Terrin said after regaining his wits. He gave me a once over and added, "or a child pretending to be one. All the more reason for you to be questioned first before you are allowed near the king."

"I vouch for her Terrin," Jaram said.

The prince stared at his little brother before he smiled suspiciously. "very well, I'll hold you accountable for your words Jaram. Welcome back home. It's only by the nature of the gods that you've returned safely." He turned around and left with the man besides him. The way he left things off was weird and I made a mental note to keep an eye on him.

We got into the room and the king was lying on the bed without making any movements. One would have thought he was already dead. We moved closer to him but he didn't open his eyes or react to our presence. "I trust that you will be able to heal father Elysia," Jaram said confidently. I nodded and moved closer to the king. I grabbed his hand and checked his pulse. It was weak but there. He was still alive but barely holding on. 'what to do next?' I thought as the librarians' voiced filled my head.