
Chapter 3

(1 Week Later)

In the Senju Compound, sleeping and rubbing his eyes, Young Hoshiro was standing opposite of Battle ready Tsunade.

"Auntie, Can't we sleep some more", asked Hoshiro really sleepy

"Nonsense, you are the future Head of Senju Clan, all other clans heirs begin their training when they are 4, You are 6 this year, and yet you do not know a single thing about Senju Clan Jutsus."

She is not really that strict, and because of her past experience and her innate nature she does not care that much, but...Hoshiro is the future head of Senju Clan, he is Senju Clan Heir, he is the hope of the clan's revival so even she is not that tough on Hoshiro like all other prestigious clans heirs, she is going to drive him hard

But Young Hoshiro didn't really understand the situation he got himself into...

"But...I don't really wish to compete with oth-"

Before he could complete his sentence, he saw his aunt lazily making her way towards a giant boulder and easily lifted it with her one hand



He hurriedly rolled to the side, evading the giant boulder that was about to kill him

His eyes wide open as he saw his aunt, who just threw a giant boulder at him

Tsunade was cheerfully smiling and clapped her hands, "So, You are awake now, that's great, as expected of future Senju head, let's start your Training now shall we?"

Hoshiro mouth twitched, did his aunt threw a giant boulder at him just to wake him up, what would have happened if he failed to dodge it, that giant wouldn't have killed him, right? She would have somehow stopped the boulder before it hit him right?

He gulped at the thought.

In the meantime, Shizune was preparing to have a breakthrough in her medical jutsus, she was sweating as her hand glows green with more and more chakra she is putting into it.

Tsunade Side-Glanced at her, and was very satisfied with her progress.


"Listen to me very carefully Hoshiro, and listen to me well, do you know why Senju clan is being called clan with thousand skills?"

Hoshiro shook his head, before a week, he didn't even know a clan name Senju existed on the face of the earth

"Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were masters in all skills: from ninjutsu to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were feared as "the clan with a thousand skills."

"But Auntie, Won't that make our Clan the jack of all trades, and master of none", asked Hoshiro tilting his head cutely

Tsunade smiled at that, " Very Good Hoshiro, That's a Very Good Question, Well the thing is, We are humans, after all, It can't be that we can be good at everything, even someone as talented as Grand-Uncle, and Grandpa, couldn't master everything, Everyone has their Strenght and weakness they follow, Everyone makes choices, and those strengths and Weaknesses, those choices, make you strong or weak."

Tsunade Gently smiled as she remembered her first lesson under her Grand-Uncle, as she repeated the same to young Hoshiro

"Remember, it as your First Lesson, Young Heir of mine, People are born unequal, there is no fairness in this world, you have the Mukoton, one of the greatest Kekkai Genkai present in the entire shinobi world, and one day, you will have the power to be above of those people", Tsunade Started

"Would you become someone who saves or someone who would kill", asked Tsunade

"Of course, If I have the power, I will save innocent people", Said Hoshiro without even thinking

"What if you have to kill to save, how can you save someone or something if you can't kill"


"Will you kill their descendants too that will come to take their revenge, will your side will take the revenge and kill them?"


"The curse of hatred, the cycle of revenge, an eye for an eye, leaves the world with nothing, but hatred and desire to revenge"


"The world awaits for the chosen one, someone who will bring peace, someone who will save everyone from this curse of hatred, this cycle of revenge but-

"How can the child, who is supposed to bring love to this terrible hatred, remain pure in the world that is filled with nothing but pure hatred and desire to revenge"


"Will the chosen one needs to be someone powerful, or someone who need to understand people, their pain; but how can the world, where power fights for supremacy, listen to the weakling with no power; how can powerful understands the pain of someone who is weak"


"I need you to think about the answer, very Carefully, in the meantime, let's start with your Foundational Training, and Chakra Control after that we will discuss your specialty, and what you wish to train in"

"Yes", his voice was low now

[The truth is when you fight to save something or one that's precious to you; at that very moment you become genuinely stronger, this is the most powerful magic in the world 'love' (Albus Dumbledore - Harry Potter)]


Time Flows, Like every other Heir, Hoshiro kept training like a dog in the heat, Tsunade just kept pushing and pushing him till he breaks and that's when a day's training comes to an end.

He was also to read every secret scroll in the Senju Personal library, something that is only openable by the blood of a living Senju, Even Space Nin-Jutsu won't work, This was the seal created by the great Mito Uzumaki, the seal can't be broken at all, The Library is something only the Senju head was allowed to touch, Tsunade herself read the entire secret scrolls, If these scrolls were ever made public there would be a bloodbath, these scrolls contain the very secrets of the Senju Taijutsu Arts, Hashirama's Mukoton Arts, Tobirama Secret Jutsus That he created...The value of these Scrolls was off the chart, but most importantly, the library contains the secret to Hashirama sage arts, something that Madara, Orochimaru, or Danzo would kill to get their hands on.

Of Course, This is Senju's Secret, that absolutely no one, not even Madara, or even Zetsu knew about

A month has been gone by, Just like that

"Okay this exercise is simple, your only goal is to hit me. The catch is I'll be throwing these rocks at you. Like so." Tsunade spoke as she threw the rock at Hoshiro who dodged. He had a smirk on his face. Tsunade frowned, "Wipe that smirk off your face. That was only a practice throw, plus now I know how fast I have to be to actually hit you." She cracked her knuckles as Hoshiro's smirked turned to a look of slight fear.

After eight Straight hours of dodging. Tsunade decided to move on to other things such as chakra control. This was a tough task given just how huge his chakra is, It was too high for a Senju Alone, so she had Shizune to check his DNA again, but this time under her, direct supervision, and this is something other than Hokage no one outside knew about.

Turns out Hoshiro's father is an Uzumaki, Hoshiro practically is the son of an Uzumaki and Senju, just like her own father and Uncle. Tsunade just smirked and had him do the drills under different conditions. These conditions ranged from Hoshiro balancing the leaf on his head with charka well standing one-legged on a huge stack of stones that she had put up, having Shizune throw senbon needles and stones at him as he did the tree climbing exercise, even Ton-Ton got involved in that by throwing small stones at Hoshiro with his snout and even sometimes tree climbing himself (Ninja Pig!), and having to try staying on top of the water, well, fighting a clone of Shizune when Tsunade threw A-rank fire jutsu at that him like they were candy.


Today was her holiday, and she decided to give Hoshiro a day off, this was supposed to be a family day, of course, they had to wait for Shizune to finish her work off, to have a complete family day, even Ton-Ton was happy doing Oink Oink happily

"Lady Tsunade you have to come quickly. There is an emergency at the hospital." A Medic Nin came running to Senju Compound

Tsunade turned toward Hoshiro with a frown, "Sorry"

Hoshiro nodded, "I understand Auntie, go help people." He hugged her and got rewarded with a kiss to the head.

As Tsunade left, Hoshiro turned towards Ton-Ton, "Let's go home Ton-Ton, I'll read and you can eat a couple of apples." Ton-Ton oinked in happiness at the mention of apples. They both didn't see the shadow on a roof.

They were a few blocks from the main gate when a shadow appeared in front them, the only thing that mattered to Hoshiro was that the shadow wasn't wearing a leaf headband instead it was one from earth country.

Iwa Shinobi

"So, You are the rumored last Male Senju, the only hope of clan's Revival, Sorry Kid, It's a Job that I have to complete, under any circumstances, can't let fearsome Senju Clan to rise again, now can we?", he raised his kunai filled hand slowly

Fear was evident on Hoshiro's face.

"TON-TON, GO GET AUNT TSUNADE!", Hoshiro yelled, and if you were there in that moment you would swear that the pig used a charka dash to hurry back to the village.

The ninja raised an eyebrow, Leaf ninja really do have a screw loose. "Really kid you are depending on a pig to save you?" the sarcasm dripping from the ninja's voice.

"Ton-Ton isn't just a pig he's part of my family!" Hoshiro yelled as he threw a few shurikens that the ninja easily deflected by just turning his hand.


"Seriously Kid, You are trying to resist, and not running, you who is not even Academy Student yet, trying to resist a jonin that's something, I really like your straightforwardness kid, pity you have to die today, there is no other option"

"DAMITT", Hoshiro wished to turn and run away, but his aunt training for a past month actually taught him something, he can't run, and if he turns around he will show his unprotected back to his opponent that will truly kill him.

And so he fought with the basic Senju Taijutsu arts, that he didn't even mastered yet

"GAK", Hoshiro threw a mouthful of blood as a Kunai was pierced in his abdomen

"Yo- GAAAAA", Before Hoshiro could even complete his sentence, his chest has been pierced by a Kunai


Hoshiro fell into the ground, from Iwa ninja grip, as the shinobi glare at the barely alive Senju

"Earth Release: Stone Arm", with a Huge Arm made entirely of Storm he just punched the lying and barely alive Young Hoshiro


He sprayed a mouthful of blood, as he fell with all his bones broken

One more time and it would be over, one more time and the young Senju Head would die and along with him, the hope of revival for Senju clan will be gone forever

He swings his Giant Stone fist one more time

Don't know what triggers it, Don't know if its luck or destiny....at that very moment a huge forest appeared in the middle of Village

Iwa shinobi frown, he swings his fist again, but this time a vine from one the tree constrict his stone arm with a tight grip, he couldn't move his arm at all.

If it just Constricts him, that should have been fine, but, damn, the vine is sucking his chakra, this entire forest is sucking his chakra out of his body, albeit slowly, he has to get out of here.

He frowns as he looked at it, as he prepares to cut the vine...But that was not over at all, soon in extremely fast motion many vines made their way towards Iwa shinobi, constricting his other arm, his legs, and his body, and to make matter worse, it just makes the chakra sucking even greater

He couldn't stay here, but where to go, the forest was really too big and staying here only means the forest will suck his chakra to death

He was too near, he was caught unprepared for he never thought anyone to ever acquire Mokuton

He rotated his fist, and cut the Vine with the kunai, as he hurriedly prepared to cut other vines, suddenly from the numerous trees more and more vines grow up, they constrict his arm once more, his chakra reserve is running an all-time low, Dammit, the terrifying vines, and the dense jungle that is near impossible to get out of right now, he could never live and be able to leave this jungle, so right now there is only one option...

He hurriedly made the stone fist as he slammed the Young Horuto's face




And Again

No Sound

The vines tried to constrict his arms, but he was not an Elite for no reason, he swiftly cut and dodge the vines and slammed onto Hoshiro again and again

Soon like the jungle like losing it's medium, lost its effect, the trees grow smaller, the entire jungle disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

Iwa shinobi look here and there, the damn Forest is finally gone, he took one last look at young Hoshiro before deciding to move on, he was low on chakra reserve, and it took too much of his time, he can't stay here any longer. So he decided to escape.

Only to have a fist slam into his face and a shout of, "LET GO OF HIM YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!" The ninja was sent through at least a dozen trees.

Tsunade Kneeled at the unconscious Young Senju, there were tears in her eyes, as she remembered her brother, her love, she lost all, and this time...

Forgetting her trauma of blood, she immediately begins to heal him using green glowing hands

"Please...Wake up...Please *Hic* I beg you, *Hic* Please wake up", Tsunade was desperately trying everything in her power to save him

"WAKE UP YOU IDIOT.....Wake up Please...Don't leave me alone, not again, please not again", her hands were shaking, she was crying, he was unconscious, he was too much injured and saving him is just as difficult

She is losing again, first, it was Grandpa, then, GrandUncle, then, Grandma, then her younger Brother, then her lover, and now when she finally found her family once more, he is dying yet again...

The Damn Village that took everything from her, is taking everything from her yet again...

Life is a constant race, one book closed another begins

2 Days Later, Young Hoshiro opened his eyes again, this time in the hospital, while his aunt was sleeping on the stool, sitting beside his bed, and Shizune-Nee was sleeping on the couch, while he had Ton-Ton on his stomach sleeping peacefully

He smiled, this is his family, he finally has it, Senju or not, clan heir or not, he never cared, but this moment is something he will never wish to let go.