
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter 23: The Robed Boy

Sleeping in an unknown place wasn't such a good idea, but hey i'm tired and i wanted it. And due to it my condition was somewhat improved, mana reserves are at a usable level and I was healing well. All around good.

Oh and there was a dark robed person sitting on the opposite side of me but they didn't seem to be that threatening. So I focused on my injuries for now, trying to figure out how to heal my body quickly.

The person didn't do anything, only observed. Never once did the person try to approach me or even do anything for that matter.

I had some guesses that the person was still staring at me even when I slept. It was a weird feeling to say the least.

So the next question I have to solve in my head, and that is, why didn't the person do anything? That's the main reason why I didn't put my guard up. Its because if it wanted to harm me, he would have already done so in my sleep.

Thus, I can be rest assured that we won't be trying to kill each other for now.

I focused my attention back to my internal injuries and realized that after a few days I would be dandy. My natural regeneration will be enough to solve this problem.

So to solve another problem or I don't know if it's even a problem is what I shall do with this person.

Gazing back at the person before me, with my eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, do I now notice that the person was umm…short? The robed individual might be giving off a very ominous atmosphere but it seemed to have been counter acted by how… well short the person is…

Wiping the insulting thought out of my mind, I tried making conversation with the fellow.

"Hello there! It seems that you have been watching for quite some time now, so may I ask why?"

I asked very honestly since my mother often told me that honesty would go a long way in building friendships. And indeed I have been following it to the letter.

Problem is that if the other person didn't answer. I can ask an honest question but judging by how the person hasn't said a word ever since I woke up, I think I'm sure they aren't pretty good at speaking.


Surprisingly the other person actually spoke. Yet for some reason, the person had a well, how do i say this. A childish voice? He had a high pitched tone to his speech and matching that with his own height, I think I have some idea on what kind of person this is.

"Hi nice to meet you, im Cosmo and can you please answer my previous question if you don't mind? Although it's fine if you don't wish to tell."

The dark robed individual seemed to have slightly panicked as he waved his hands around and replied, "…Okay"

Cool. I was about to ask more when I heard a sudden screeching roar in the distance.

The dark robed person suddenly went silent and gazed at the direction of the roar. He muttered some things in his breath I couldn't hear and just as I was about to question what it was.

He appeared in front of me without a sound and pulled at my arm. I was about to retrieve my arm when in the next second I saw my surroundings darken. The second after that, I was in some sort of cave.

There were a few lights hanging above the cave, and everything else was pretty much empty, except for the few bare bones scattered at the corners of the room. I ignored it for the moment since I had a bigger question at hand.

"Um, what was that?"

The dark robed individual let go of my arm and took some distance between us. He observed me for a couple of seconds and replied.

"A monster. Scary Monster."

"Well good enough i guess."

I strolled around the room and saw that there were all sorts of things here. In some corners there were swords, spears and shields stacked against one another.

On the walls themselves there were some sort of sigils, what sort of sigils and what do they even do? I had no idea. But when I did gaze at some of them, it seemed that it contained some profoundness.

"Ah by the way, you still havent told me your name."

I expected a response since my name isn't that big of a deal but there was only silence. I quizzically looked at the person and saw that they already pulled back their hoodie.

Utter amazement took me over as I realized that wow he was handsome. He had a soft and innocent face and pitch black hair that seemed to have melded well with the dark. Hazel eyes that contained confusion to my question.

"I dont know."

"What do you mean you dont know?"

"I don't remember."

"What? Then what are you doing in this place anyway?"

"I do not know."

Stupefaction was plastered on my face as the person seemed to be really serious about his words. He really didn't look like he remembered anything.

I tried cheering him up as I said, "Hm well it's fine, if you don't have a name, I'll just give you one."

The boys' depressed expression was suddenly gone and replaced with starry eyes. Seemingly like a child about to get some candy.

Not wanting to disappoint him, I tried thinking of a name but I couldn't come up with one. I don't know much about naming things and now I'm about to name another person. I think I've skipped a few steps.

Still I thought hard and I concluded… that I don't have a name for him. Well at least not yet.

Staring back at him, he was still looking at me with his starry eyes and I was feeling a little guilty. But i wanted to be honest and said.

"Um kid, i can't think of a name for now, but i can think of a name later okay?"

The boy's face dropped to the ground when he heard my words, clearly disappointed. I swear I will find a suitable name for him soon enough. I sat down on the ground as I was feeling a little tired when a question popped up into my head.

"Um so kid, I gotta ask, how do I get out of this place?"

The already saddened look on his face deepened, the same as a puppy being abandoned on the street. That's not good.

"Ah I mean, you can come with me if you want?"

I thought about it for a little bit and concluded that I think it's fine to bring him with me. Sure I may have to plead with Mr Frank and Amy to allow him to stay with us but I can think about how to convince them later.

As I analyzed the kid, I realized that this place wasn't fit for a growing child. This place has all sorts of cracks and spiders lurking about, there isn't even a bed. No way to live. His puppy-like confusion reminds me of someone, unfortunately, can't remember who it was. I'm surprised he lives this long here.

All of a sudden, an idea struck me. Hmmmm this could be a fine plan if i think about it. I looked at the boy and noticed that he was dozing off. I wanted to tell him my plan but it seems it will have to wait for next time.

In the damp and dark forest, a young lady was streaking by with a sword in hand. The sword itself shines a bright light wherever the lady goes, and is based from the view atop the forest.

At times something would hinder her and yet not really as the moment that something tried getting in the way of the young lady, they would be cut down without mercy by the blade of her sword.

It happened a few times yet the emerald eyes of the young lady showed no hint of annoyance. Everywhere she went a life was reaped, and that was until she finally found a trail.

She looked down and noticed grass being slightly frozen, leading a trail towards somewhere and that somewhere might be where she might find that person.

'You idiot', she thought.

Without wasting time, she followed the trail. But the longer she followed the trail, she felt that something was wrong. There was an inherent feeling in her heart that something didn't add up.

She stopped as the trail she was following was about to stop by a cliff. Confusion overtook her since she believed that nobody would jump into 'that' place.

Without warning, she sliced her sword in a particular direction, sending a green sword intent in the process.


She felt her intent collided with something, taking a stance and readying her guard for a possible battle to come. She keenly observed the direction where she sliced a sword intent to and saw that someone sauntered out of the shadows.

The arrogant man made his appearance and she saw that he was wearing a full white outfit. Similar to the man that once visited her fathers bar. Her guard, which was already high already, heightened even more as she put her full focus on the man in front of her.

She knew that inquisitors were already dangerous, yet the overwhelming energy emitting from the man in front of him, felt leagues above any inquisitor she encountered.

The man in front of him had a wide grin on his face, seemingly interested at the recent development.
