

The death of a professor of history at New York University during an expedition in Iraq triggers a chain of events that have been prophesied since biblical times of the flood, where The Book of Nimrod, the most powerful man, was hidden, and now the world is about to succumb to the power that God himself once feared. Gregory Evans, when investigating the death of a boy in a satanic ritual at Trinity Church, finds himself involved in a plot of global domination where everyone is suspect and guilty, including God and the devil himself.

Rafael_Zimichut · ย้อนยุค
142 Chs



VICTORIA WAS PERPLEXED by that flood of information. His mind was still trying to understand the connection of all this with the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

The priest then, as if guessing the confusion in the girl's mind, said:

— I know it sounds confusing, and you might be wondering, what does all this have to do with the Serpent Brotherhood? And I begin to clarify, and for that I ask a question: do you know who Enlil is?

— Enlil, within the pantheon of Babylonian gods, was the god of the underworld.

— If we're going to translate it into Christianity, Enlil corresponds to Lucifer, Satan, or the devil. Well, you know the story of Satan. At the time of his creation, he was Lucifer, whose translated name is "light bearer", the most beautiful and magnificent being in creation, the absolute conductor of the celestial choir. However, this dazzling being was filled with pride — remember the movie "The Devil's Advocate", in which Al Pacino plays him, and says at a given moment:

— My favorite sin is vanity...

The reverend nodded.

— Then taken by vanity, he looked around and saw that all other creatures were inferior to him. However, one thing disturbed him: God, the Creator, who on his throne reigned over the Universe. A desire welled up in his heart to be like God, to be worshiped and to reign in his place. But how to do it? How to make angels and other creatures worship him instead of God? Lucifer, endowed with an intelligence beyond human comprehension, knew he could not question the power of God.

— If it did, it would be immediately destroyed.

— Then, using his great intelligence, he questioned the divine authority to govern the Universe, on the grounds that angels and creatures could govern themselves independently of God. Having raised the doubt, then a moral question arose. God could not destroy him immediately, as doubt would remain in the minds of all other beings in creation for all eternity. It was a question only time could answer. God then shut up in the face of such an outrage. Doubt was cast upon his divine rulership. Seeing that God was silent, Lucifer and the other angels rebelled with Him and tried to seize the celestial kingdom, but were defeated by the Archangel Michael, whose name means who is like God? Who, placing himself beside the Creator, commanded the legions that remained faithful.

— There was a war in heaven and Lucifer and his angels were cast out and cast down to Earth, as can be seen in the book of Revelation.

He nodded and continued.

— Therefore, while on Earth, Lucifer, using cunning, induced man to participate in his rebellion, awakening in him the desire to be independent of God. The man, after practicing the act of rebellion, repented, causing God right there to promise, in the future, the remedy for the mistake committed there.

— Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world — exclaimed Victoria with satisfaction.

— Exactly! — said the reverend, showing joy — you touched a nerve point.

She complied.

— Do you now understand the great danger for readers of The Da Vinci Code, as well as for all adherents of philosophies or religions who see Jesus as just another — enlightened one— and not as the son of God?

— Yes — replied the girl in the wheelchair, with regret — Not believing in the divinity of Christ, they will automatically be excluded from the salvation provided by his sacrifice on the cross.

— Well then — continued the reverend — Lucifer, once exiled here on Earth, after convincing man to disobey the Creator, automatically became the guide of humanity, putting in the hearts of men the desire to be independent of God himself. This at first sight seems difficult enough for a creature, but remember that he was the masterpiece of God's creatures, and the conductor of the heavenly choir, and with him is the third part of the angels of heaven. We must remember that Lucifer still holds as part of his own nature the beautiful gifts bestowed by the Creator.

— Even the music, by the way, comes to mind an excerpt from John Lennon's song: Imagine:

— Imagine that there is no heaven... No hell below us...

— My God! — exclaimed Victoria, terrified — This song is known as the international anthem of peace!

— I see that you are now understanding the extent of evil, of peace...

— That's true, but of peace without God, which men want to conquer through their own effort, ingenuity and intelligence.

— See the old idea that beings must govern themselves without God. In a way it could be the hymn of Lucifer and the third part of the angels who rebelled. Now do not forget, Victoria, that this was not Lucifer's original purpose.

— His aim was and is to be worshiped in the place of God.

— Yes! See this in the Bible passage of Matthew 4:8-9, where Lucifer tempted Jesus himself.

— What would happen if a group of well-placed men accepted this offer?

— The Brotherhood of the Serpent!

— Yes, Jesus denied Lucifer's offer. He knew that one day everything would be His, but by the way of the cross. Now some men have accepted and have become the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

Victoria was completely perplexed by the narrative told by the priest.

— That is terrible!

— You see, Victoria — continued the reverend — you might ask how anyone would accept Lucifer's offer, for the price to pay is so high. But look around you. What do we see but thirsty men in pursuit of fame, power and money? See how easy it must have been for this terrible creature, who managed to seduce even the angels who stood before God, to win the worship and service of mere mortals, obsessed with their hidden treasures. In return for their services in this age-old purpose, Lucifer bestowed upon them power, riches, and knowledge.

— This then explains why Pythagoras learned the secrets of geometry in a secret sect in Egypt, and also the mystery of the construction of the pyramids!

— Exactly! Now that's not all. Look at our world and see the resounding success of dozens of rock groups, some of them even not hiding the source of their inspiration. Or, look at literature, today taken over by gnomes, witches, sorcerers and goblins. With writers who claim to be initiated and who sell millions. What's the reason for all this? Where does such success come from?

The priest paused as if wondering if he should continue.

—...and also look at globalization...

Victoria was measuring each of those words. The priest's revelations made reality unfold before her eyes, until she heard that last word.

— What did you say? — Globalization?

The reverend continued to look at her, this time like a professor who examines a brilliant student, as if looking for the best way to explain the lesson to her.

— Globalization is an economic phenomenon! Victoria, with the achievements of science and technology, the world is changing at every moment. Only the old cherubim and men continue with the same passions for glory and power that have accompanied us since the beginning of time. You see, once one nation dominated another, or even the world in its day, with the strength and valor of a great army. Babylon or the Persian and Roman empires, or even France, of Napoleon Bonaparte, had in the power of their armies the control of the people in their times. But, as I said, the world changes, men do not.

— Modernity brought a much more effective form of domination: the empire of money.

— Currency is the most powerful form of subjugation whether it be a person or even a country. And what is globalization, if not the collapse of all borders and the loss of sovereignty of nations in the face of the power of the international monetary flow and of the great world corporations, whose capital exceeds even the GDP of many countries? You see — continued the reverend — who do you think controls the money in today's world? I tell you, they are the same ones who accepted the offer that Christ did not accept!

Victoria was perplexed, she had nothing to answer.

— Look, the whole world is moving towards becoming a global village, the customs of peoples are increasingly diluted and suffocated by a mass culture, young people practically speak the same language, think and act in the same way, whether in Europe or in Japan. I ask you: how and why is this happening?

— Are you implying that this is all the work of the Brotherhood of the Serpent?

— Yes, the whole world is moving in the same direction. First: it will be the regional blocs, the European Union, then... the world government. All controlled by the ancient lord, the great conspirator, the great star, the great serpent: Lucifer!

VICTORIA FELT like the character Neo, from the movie The Matrix, when she discovered that the world she had lived in until then was not real:

— But how?... how was this done?

— Look into history and you will see an age-old conspiracy: silent, hidden, and extremely effective! Century after century, orchestrated by this supernatural intelligence, which has seduced and deceived millions in pursuit of its sole purpose...

— The worship of all creatures!

— And the instrument of that purpose, the establishment of the universal kingdom! — See that in antiquity Lucifer's kingdom was about to be established on Earth, however, with the universal flood, his plans literally went down the drain. Such was the wickedness and perversion of the customs of the men of that time. The mighty cherub, however, did not lose heart, and with the discovery of the Golden Book of Atlantis, by Nimrod...

—...He was summoned again!

— That! Taking refuge in Egypt, shortly after being persecuted in his homeland, Nimrod began to invoke this Prince of Darkness. With the magical knowledge acquired by worshiping Lucifer, Nimrod and his descendants became powerful, thus creating the secret society of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, whose secret objective was to create the conditions for all humanity to worship the mighty cherub.

— That's why he built the Tower of Babel.

— Now you're starting to understand his plan.

— IN THE BIBLE THERE is a very interesting episode that relates the power of the descendants of Nimrod. When Moses, the man chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, presented himself to Pharaoh, the magicians Jannes and Jambres performed some of the same wonders that God performed through Moses. See, however, that his magic was not enough to keep the Jewish people imprisoned, and Lucifer who was already trying, at the time, to establish his kingdom by enslaving the greatest possible number of lives, was forced to change tactics: some wise men of Israel were then seduced by the Brotherhood of the Serpent, that is, the descendants of Nimrod, to join the secret society. These Jews, now initiated into the secret knowledge, created the Jewish Kabbalah, making the Jewish people, already on their departure from Egypt, rebel against Moses!

— So that explains the golden calf!

— Exactly! In this episode it appears that the Israelites built and began to worship a golden calf, while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the tablets of the law from God.

— There is a biblical passage that always seemed to me rather nebulous, but now, with its caveats, it instantly became very clear: it is the episode in which Jesus calls the Pharisees children of the devil. Jesus always showed himself to be kind and kind to all sinners, but with the Pharisees he was ruthless.

The reverend smiled proudly at her insight:

— I see you understand — Being the son of God, Jesus knew that the Pharisees were not common sinners, but descendants of those Jews who had been incorporated into the Brotherhood of the Serpent, that is, the Pharisees were recognized by Jesus as the children of Lucifer himself. That's why he publicly condemned them!

— Yes, and that's why he was killed by them! — she exclaimed.

— If you look in the books that exist about secret societies, or even in Internet sites related to the subject, you will see that all these occult organizations have blood oaths, that is, promises that the followers will not reveal their secrets under penalty of losing life itself. When they saw that Jesus was performing so many marvels and prodigies, the Pharisees thought that the Messiah was a member of a secret society, and that by performing miracles in the eyes of common men, he was betraying this blood oath.

— So they sentenced him to death for apparent breach of oath!

— Exactly!

— Does this mean that the Pharisees had the knowledge to perform wonders like Jesus?

— Well, that was never explicitly demonstrated. But if we look at the Holy Scriptures, we will see that they closely followed the miracles of Jesus, with a feeling of reproach and even hatred. It is quite possible that, like the magicians of Egypt, who resisted Moses in the departure of the Jewish people from Egypt, the Pharisees, through the secret magic learned from the Egyptian magicians, could do some of the wonders wrought by Christ himself. However, due to its secret and occult character, this mysterious knowledge, learned from Lucifer himself, was kept only among them.

— This then is the reason for your hatred. The knowledge of Christ, which they thought had the same origin as their own, in their understanding was not to be demonstrated or even applied in favor of the people!

Victoria was trying to understand the magnitude of everything the reverend was revealing to her:

— This information is really amazing, but how did you get access to it?

His face was then taken over by sadness.

— My dear, you have shown yourself to be committed and courageous in accepting the cause your father entrusted to you. As painful as it is for me, you have a right to know everything that happened. When looking at me you see an old man tired and beaten by time, but I was young once. Rebellious and adventurous in search of emotions, one day I met a beautiful and charming young woman who, like me, loved life and was always willing to embark on a new adventure for the simple pleasure of discovery: Alicia McIvans. What had started out as something fleeting took on a serious air, and every day we fell more in love. Life and energy was what enchanted me most about her. Belonging to the English aristocracy, one day Alicia McIvans, to my sadness, was invited by people belonging to her family's circle of relationships, to join a secret society called Astrum Argentum, or, as it was known in occult circles, the Order of the Star of Silver, founded by Aleister Crowley.

— Driven by curiosity, Alicia accepted.

He agreed and continued:

This seemed like something new and exciting: initiation rites, blood oaths, and extrasensory manifestations. According to what she revealed to me, they met in an old mansion on the outskirts of London, where, in a completely black room, they made evocations to some spiritual entities that they called beings of the Great White Brotherhood. These secret masters spoke through a priestess in a trance. In one of these meetings, one of these entities of the Great White Brotherhood announced that the end of the Christian Era was approaching, and that soon they would be presenting the Illuminated One to the world. Man initiated into all the ancient mysteries of the occult arts. All secret societies around the world would receive guidance on how to proceed to prepare the way for the Son of Light, who would reveal the ancient arcana to the whole world.

— Did she witness these events?

— Yes, Alicia McIvans, despite my pleas to depart from that order, continued to attend and reveal to me. One day she told me that one night when she arrived outside, she was stopped by one of Crowley's assistants on the grounds that it was a meeting only for the masters of the order. Driven by curiosity, Alicia pretended to have left, but, going around the mansion, she entered the premises through a window left open, hiding behind a curtain. She saw what astounded her: Lying humbly within a circle of black candles, his body forming a pentagram, was the great and proud Aleister Crowley. Crowley swore an oath to a man in a scarlet hood and mask, whom the great wizard called the Grand Master of the East, Son of Enlil. In that oath he pledged his full endeavor to use his occult knowledge for the cause of the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

— And what happened to Alicia?

— I insisted that she leave the order because of that, but one day, we had the impression that we were being followed. She didn't agree and because of that she walked away from me. That way I lost contact, until one day I was shaken by the news that she had been found dead in one of London's squares. According to the autopsy, the cause of death was a heroin overdose, but I know that she would never do that to herself, because she loved life and never had any involvement with drugs.

— I'm sure she was killed for having uncovered some vital secret of that secret society.

— That revolted me and I swore that I would not rest until I unmasked them, I have dedicated my life to discovering their mysteries and secrets. For forty years I have patiently investigated its signs and its influence in all fields of human life, hidden from the common people. They plot in a hidden way until the day when there is no longer any means for society itself to resist their purposes.