
Soon to be deleted...

This is a "Second Coming of Gluttony" fanfiction... Alex Diaz, a young man born on Earth in a highly advanced future, where discrimination and human conflicts are things of the past, where resources are infinite, and technology is so advanced that artificial intelligence, immersive virtual reality, and nanotechnology are everyday things. They allow humanity to enjoy experiences such as diving into the depths of the ocean, flying in the immensity of the sky, strolling in space, or immersing themselves in unimaginable adventures in the infinite worlds of virtual reality created. With so many wonderful things that can be done, young Alex cannot enjoy any of them due to a rare birth condition that only allows him to see and hear; the rest of his body has no other function, and despite technological and medical advances, no cure could be found. Therefore, the best specialists in the medical field decide to perform the first brain and soul transplant surgery in human history and give Alex the opportunity to live the life he has not been able to, but things do not always turn out as expected. *NB* *** I AM JUST TRANSLATING THIS WORK... I will try to make a decent translation out of this. Please do point out any error should you find one, I will remedy it as soon as I am able.*** The Original fanfiction is in Spanish by Author 'EOA1'. You can find it here on Webnovel.

Maya_Matengele · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 38: The Tutorial – First Mission

[T/N: 6.3K words! 5 hours! I'm fuming!! I almost became a super Saiyan]


I checked the phone and saw that the countdown was ending "00:00:09" then after a few seconds it reached "00:00:00".

Thanks to my [Sensory Perception] ability, I could feel a disturbance in space. I directed my gaze to the front of the auditorium where I felt the disturbance in space. There was nothing there, but a few seconds later I saw a person appear out of nowhere behind the podium and said, "It's time."

The person is a man dressed in formal attire, his demeanor is dignified and disciplined. Everyone present was quite surprised since there was no one there a moment ago, and some also saw him appear out of nowhere, so they started to comment among themselves about it.

The man at the podium has a formal and neat hairstyle, as well as a monocle over his eye and a small beret on his head. He raised a hand towards María, who was by the entrance, and asked, "Is that everyone?"

María shook her head slightly, pointed towards the group on the right side of the aisle, the contracted people, and then raised four fingers.

"Four people... Well, that's fine. We can't wait any longer, so just close the door and unleash that."

Clearly, he is telling her close the auditorium's 'entrance and exit' and release the tutorial monster, but the others have no idea what's going on, and those who do still know very little.

María showed some signs of hesitation, but the man at the podium just narrowed his eyes and said, "I am the Guide. It's not difficult to get here. Those who can't even meet the schedule are not necessary."

In the end, María obediently bowed her head and closed the door quietly. Then she took out a smartphone, touched the screen, and stepped away a bit.

Meanwhile, the man at the podium clapped twice to draw everyone's attention to himself. And said, "Welcome. My name is Han and I am in charge of guiding you all this time. You can call me the 'Guide'."

Han spoke up to here and gestured to María with his index finger. She quickly ran to his side while her ponytail danced in the air. She looks quite cute.

"First of all, the Contract documents, please. How many do we have, 28... Quite a lot, isn't it? And do we have nine Invitations this time?" he said calmly.

Han didn't even glance at the package of Contracts and simply stuffed them under his jacket. However, he still held the invitation cards tightly in his hand, showing a clear distinction in treatment.

Han played with his monocle and said, "Ahem, first of all, let's confirm the identities of those present today. Although we have the invitation cards here, it makes no sense if we don't confirm personally."

Everyone kept silent and waited for Han to speak. But he just smiled.

He waited a moment and said, "I'm sure you're curious about many things. But let's follow the protocol. Everyone here, please think about opening a status window as if it were a video game, or a folder on your computer or cell phone, if that doesn't work just shout 'Status' in your minds. It's okay to say it out loud too."

I have my [Nine Eyes] and I can see my status window with my Observation, but I know that the information shown by Observation and the one shown here is different in some aspects, and that is why I also called my status window.


{Your Status Window}

<< 1. General Information >>

Name: Seol Jihu

Summoning Date: March 16, 2017

Qualification Grade: Gold

Sex / Age: Male / 26 years old

Height / Weight: 181 cm / 102 kg

Current Condition: Excellent.

Class: Guest - level 0

Nationality: Republic of Korea (Area 1)

Affiliation: The Shadow

Alias: Oppa, The Best Oppa in the World, The Oppa of Oppas, The Blue Prince, The Best in School, The Best in College, The Best in High School, The Four Gossips, Seoul's Most Coveted Bachelor, Genius, Boss of the Shadow, The God of Death, Martial Master, Lethal Weapon, Multimillionaire, Successful Businessman, Womanizer.

<< 2. Traits >>

\ 1. Temperament \

Self-control: (Suppresses emotions, greed, and impulses with rational will)

Superhuman: (Incredibly exceptional at enduring pain and hardship compared to an average human being)

Tender: (Sweet and gentle character with friends/allies/family)

Cruel: (Ruthless and indifferent character with rivals/threats/enemies)

Overprotective: (Constantly keeps a watchful eye and protects those he loves)

Ambitious: (Claims, enjoys, or covets things he feels he lacks)

Playful: (Likes to play and make jokes)

\ 2. Aptitude \

Observant: (Will carefully analyze and study the elements and events around him)

Computational: (Capable of receiving, processing, and analyzing a lot of information at high speed)

Creative: (The ability to think of new things)

Universal Genius: (Heavenly talent. Naturally born with exceptional talent in any field)

<< 3. Physical Level >>

Strength: High (High)

Durability: High (High)

Agility: High (High)

Stamina: High (High)

Mana: High (intermediate)

Luck: High (High)

Remaining Skill Points: 0

<< 4. Skills >>

\ 1. Innate Skills (4) \

[Nine Eyes] (Unknown Grade)

[Passive Natural Talent] (Unknown Grade)

[Passive Quick Recovery] (Unknown Grade)

[Self-Healing] (High Rank)

\ 2. Class-Related Skills (0) \

\ 3. Other Skills (5) \

[Mana Circuit Application] (High Rank)

[Physical Reinforcement] (High Rank)

[Mana Cloaking] (Intermediate Rank)

[Continuous Mana Flow] (High Rank)

[Sensory Perception] (Unknown Grade)

<< 5. Cognitive Level >> : Will be available after the conclusion of the Tutorial event.


So there are quite a few differences after all, now it shows me the summoning date, the grade of the invitation mark and the level of my class.

In my physical traits, there are no longer any restrictions even though the observation on Earth told me they were at the maximum due to the new physical limit I had reached and had not yet broken through.

There are also the Skill Points and the Class Skills that I do not have for now.

As for the skills, I am curious why the Status Window cannot evaluate some of my skills. Instead of showing their rank, it just says they are "unknown grade" unlike when I use Observation with my [Nine Eyes]. so I can only assume that the [Nine Eyes] is superior to the Status Window's ability to evaluate things.

And finally, the cognitive level that shows it until the end of the tutorial.

I began to pay attention to the others in the auditorium.

"Ohh!" exclaimed a guy as he clearly sees his Status Window.

"What the hell is this?!" exclaimed another.

People began to exclaim all sorts of things in surprise everywhere. The members of my group were no different, the only exception being the little girl who has no idea what is going on; I laughed a bit and patted her head.

"What is this thing called innate ability?" Kang Seok asked in a low voice to his henchman Hyungsik, who is sitting next to him, but guide Han and I clearly heard him.

Han seemed quite interested in the fool's question and asked him, "Excuse me? Perhaps you possess an innate ability?"

Kang Seok did not expect his words to be heard from so far away, so he became nervous as he shook his head in denial and answered fearfully, "N-No, I don't have one. I was just curious." So I could only think that besides being a fool, he is also a coward.

"Oh... Well, it's normal not to have an innate ability. That is the case with most, or actually, almost all humans. You don't have to worry about that section of your Status Window." Han smiled brightly as he spoke.

"Well then... Stop being surprised, okay? This time, reveal the grade of your marks. Just like before, just think about it or say it out loud, and it will be done. Don't worry, I won't be able to see anything more than what has been revealed," he said while pointing to the side of the auditorium guests, but showed confusion and annoyance when he saw that of the 9 guests there were only 3 sitting there. He quickly gave an inquiring look to María who pointed us out, a little further back, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Let's see... As we don't have much time left, I'll just move directly to the next step of the procedure. Miss Yi Seol-Ah, Mr. Yi Sungjin, Mr. Yi Hyungsik, Mr. Jeong Minwoo, Mr. Hyun Sangmin, and Mr. Yoo Jung, all of you have Bronze Marks, right? Oh, indeed you do," he said, but then he was looking for the last person who obviously is my uncle and was the only one of those named who did not show his seal, so I spoke for him.

"The last person you mentioned is my uncle, I'm currently carrying him on my back in this chair, due to his physical condition he cannot respond, but I assume his responsibility," I said. He just nodded and looked at me as if I were crazy, but said nothing and continued.

Han threw six Invitation cards into the air. Suddenly, the letters glowed before transforming into six bronze-colored bags that fell to the ground. It was all like an elegant magic trick.

"Bronze Marks will only receive a Random Box according to the regular rules of bonus items. You could also have asked for the advantage of bringing an assistant, but I see that none of you have done so, unfortunately," he said. He looked at me again a bit puzzled, surely thinking for a moment that I was my uncle's assistant, but he realized I was not.

María picked up the six bronze-colored bags and handed them to their respective owners, and my uncle's bag was handed to me. Meanwhile, the Guide unfolded two more invitation cards. As he read the content, he continued.

"I recommend that you activate your bonus items immediately. The Tutorial will start soon, so it would be a shame if you died without using them... Oh?" he said and paused for a moment as he checked the other two cards in his hands.

Han's eyes always maintained a level of disinterest, but a small flash of surprise flickered in them now. And he said, "Hoh. We have two silver-grade marks. I am very eager to guide you two. Mr. Kang Seok? Miss Yun Seora?"


Kang Seok shouted like an excited schoolgirl, as if the boy she likes had just confessed to her. While Yun Seora simply nodded once.

"For Silver Marks, two regular random boxes and unique special bonus items provided by your sponsor, or rather the person who invited you, are provided. Mr. Kang Seok will not receive a special bonus item, but there is one for Miss Yun Seora."

This time the invitation cards also turned into bags when they fell to the ground. If there was something different, it was that these bags were silver-colored instead of bronze.

María moved quickly to deliver them to their owners. Meanwhile, Han's eyes rested on me. His gaze was evaluative, as if he were reassessing me.

"Please reveal the grade of your mark." Han's voice was low, but it contained an undeniable emotion.

So I nodded and thought about revealing my mark.

Han suddenly stopped his movements and stared. And he murmured, "What?"

His eyes widened as he looked at the grade of my mark which is obviously gold.

"Gold?!" he said alarmed.

María, who had finished distributing the silver bags, trotted lightly to the stage and used her elbow to gently push the waist of the stunned guide.

"Ah!" Finally regaining his senses, Han coughed slightly and cleared his throat as he looked down. With the remaining piece of paper in hand, he became openly cautious as he slowly unfolded the Invitation Card. He read the content from top to bottom without leaving anything out. Then, he exhaled a long sigh. And he said, "We have a... very important guest, this time."

His voice was calm. Yet still, everyone fell silent and stopped what they were doing, all attention focused on me. I just smiled a little and waved to everyone. And I clearly heard Kang Seok cursing under his breath about damn rich kids with diamond spoons in their asses again.

"I would like to apologize. It's my first time guiding a gold mark after all... No, even in history, there has only been one previous event like today. I've only heard about it until now."

Everyone was surprised by the revelation of the Gold Mark, realizing it was such a momentous matter. Han's words did not even sound like an excuse, just some mumblings of a stunned man.

María chuckled softly and Han cleared his throat again and said, "Alright, let's continue, shall we?"

He lightly tossed my invitation card. The paper exploded into a brilliant shower of light before transforming into a single bag.

And there were six things written on the label of the gold bag.

Four regular bonus items, plus two unique special bonus items, very different from any other Invitation Card.

"For the Gold Mark... Oh." Han was left agape after reading the list of bonus items.

Han remained shocked for a considerable time, unable to complete his sentence. Then, his lips began to tremble in an unseemly manner before he hastily covered his monocle with his hand, the monocle clearly emitting a faint light, as if it were a low-power flashlight.

"Damn it, the one who invited that man, are you watching now?" Han growled threateningly.

"What is the meaning of this? Why is a guide and a tutorial necessary if you plan to do things this way?"

Han was clearly upset. "Are you mocking us? Was your experience during the tutorial so unpleasant? Are you trying to break it completely, is that it?" Suddenly, the light from the lens faded. Han let out a short but sharp groan and began to bite his lips in frustration.

Completely disregarding Han, María simply picked up the gold bag and brought it to me with quite grace and elegance, I laughed and thanked her, she just bowed in response and returned to the podium next to the guide. Han did not try to interfere, but his appearance was clearly mortified.

I already more or less know what is in the bag, and I opened it just to confirm it. Yun Seora stretched her neck slightly to get a better look, she seems really curious, I thought it was cute so I told her she could come closer to see and she blushed when I caught her looking, she covered herself again with the hood and turned her gaze away.

I shrugged at her reaction, the others in the group are also curious so I told them they can look, I opened the bag and there are 6 objects.

—Necessary Box x4

—Survival Mark x1

—Diary of an unknown student x1

"Please open and apply your bonuses here." Unlike before, Han's voice seemed to possess much more urgency than before. As I don't want to give anyone a heart attack due to the apparent anxiety they show, I proceeded to activate the objects.

[You have acquired 1 Survival Mark.]

[The diary of an unknown student is currently updating]

The smartphone buzzed and vibrated but I ignored it and focused my attention on the four necessary boxes. According to the original story, these boxes will provide you with the objects, abilities, or physical stats that you will need the most in the Tutorial, Neutral Zone, or even in the Lost Paradise itself.

But there is a theory that many fans of the novel thought of, and it is that the boxes will actually provide you with something similar to what you consider you need. The theory is to consider them more as wish boxes than necessity boxes.

So before opening the first one, I thought about improving my [Nine Eyes] and just then, a notification popped up;

[The necessary box (x1) has been opened!]

[Searching for the 'most necessary item' during the current situation... Please wait.]

[Your innate ability, 'Nine Eyes', is evolving even further]

[The (3) Directions to the Right of the innate ability 'Nine Eyes' have been unlocked: Blue - choice that determines a destiny, Indigo - pioneer of a new destiny, Violet - Stellar Evolution]

At first, I thought the theory was correct and that if one thinks about what they want, the box grants it, but the following boxes showed the opposite to my disappointment. The second box I hoped would improve my [Self-Healing], but instead it improved my [Mana Circuit Application], from High rank to Pinnacle rank.

Well, even though it was not what I wanted, the result wasn't bad, it was actually good because that's my ability that is in charge of my mana control and the ability to conduct mana through my mana circuits. The stronger that ability is, the more control I have over mana and I can move more mana through my mana circuits without risking damaging them.

The third box that I once again had hoped would improve my [Self-Healing] improved my [Continuous Mana Flow] instead, also from High rank to Pinnacle rank.

It was not bad either when I think about it... I usually undervalue that ability due to the little mana there is on Earth, but I forget that in Lost Paradise there is plenty of mana and that ability can be very useful there.

There is only one more box left and I have already lost hope that they grant what one wishes, so I simply opened it and a window appeared.

[You have acquired the 'Necessary Paper Talisman'].

Well, at least that came out. I really hoped that one would come out because if plan A to heal uncle does not work, that talisman will be my plan B. So I sighed more calmly. Anyways, everything I got was a boon, so there's really no reason for me to be disappointed.

"Have you opened your boxes?" Han asked.

"Yes," I replied calmly, but he seems to expect more than a simple yes. But I didn't care, so I just shrugged.

Without saying a word, Han laughed awkwardly, he took a deep breath and then sighed. A necessary box usually gave something scandalous to those who had the privilege of opening them. But he could not inquire further as I didn't tell him anything.

"Excuse me." I heard Shin Sang-Ah who is near me along with our say softly.

Han is still upset by my lack of response, so his eyes impatiently moved towards her, urging her to continue.

"Uhm, well, it's just..." said Shin Sang-Ah hesitantly.

"What is it? We're about to start," Han is clearly annoyed and impatient now.

His attitude was clearly different from when he interacted with the Guests. Hearing his voice full of annoyance, similar to shooing away an annoying insect, a look of dissatisfaction formed on Shin Sang-Ah's face.

"Aren't you giving us anything?" she said, annoyed and now without hesitation.

"Ah?" Han could only say that and put on a puzzled expression, as if he doesn't understand what she means.

"You know, like those bags that those people just got," Shin Sang-Ah said, now more annoyed.

Han seemed to finally understand what she meant and let out a cynical laugh, then immediately replied, "Yes. You get nothing."

"P– But why not?" Shin Sang-Ah asked again, nervously.

"Those bonus items are reserved only for the Guests," was Han's simple and articulate response, but it caused a deep frown on Shin Sang-Ah's face.

"Why is there a difference?" she asked.

"It's simple." Han smiled softly, and his right hand pointed towards the guests. "These Guests have been invited here after going through a strict evaluation."

Then, Han pointed to the contractors, including Shin Sang-Ah, "And you were dragged here because of the Contracts."

"No, that's not what I meant!" she said angrily.

"Besides, Miss Shin Sang-Ah, didn't you receive ample compensation on Earth? Hmm?" With the timely arrival of that question, Shin Sang-Ah was completely lost for words by Han's response. She stayed silent with a flushed face, but that was not the end.

"Have you finished talking?" A man from the group of Contractors stood up indignantly. He has a fierce expression, and his well-developed physique makes him look intimidating, well, that is to a normal person, to me he looks like a barking puppy.

"And now what?" Finally, a look of irritation formed on Han's face.

"Ah? Can't you give a proper explanation of what this contract crap is? You asked us to come here, and this is how you treat us?" Some people here and there began to silently agree with the man.

Such a complaint was bound to happen sooner or later. After all, since Han appeared, he only paid attention to the Guests.

The Contractors already felt insecure and anxious, and after being treated like a group of invisible fish out of water, it was not very strange to see them declare their dissatisfaction. Unfortunately for them, this was not the place to express their problems, nor was Han the right person to complain to.

"You know what, stop wasting time and bring us some chairs too. My legs hurt from everything around me, and now that I look at you, you still look like a young man, so how can you think it's okay to discriminate between people?" the man apparently tried to take advantage of the fact that he is older than Han appears to be, and according to Asian education, a certain level of respect and status is given to elders just for their age. But to begin with, that doesn't matter here, and even less to where the Tutorial is supposed to take you. The guy is just making a fool of himself.

When they heard the man's words, more and more voices began to sound in agreement, and a certain amount of confidence and energy began to fill the man's expression. He looked at Han, waiting for a response.

As for Han, he was just smiling at them and said, "Sometimes, we have people like you. Those who don't know their place, those who only know how to bark and nothing else."

"What did you say?" said the man, annoyed.

"Well, I understand you. I don't know what deplorable predicament you got yourself into on Earth, but you must have jumped in first at sight of a 'way out' without even waiting to hear an explanation. That is, after being blinded by the money and the reward they promised you, you didn't think about what you were signing and surely you didn't stop to listen to any explanation, you're just a poor fool," said Han, laughing.

The man shuddered at Han's words.

"Whatever the case, you've already signed the Contract, haven't you? While you're here, you have no choice but to follow my guidance. If you want to file a complaint, you should meet with the person you signed the Contract with later and do so," Han said as if it were no longer important.

"So, what you're saying is that I should just stay here quietly?" asked the man.

"Exactly," Han replied amusedly.

"So we don't deserve to know? And we better just shut up and do as we're told?"

"Right. Excellent analysis," Han said as if celebrating because the few functioning neurons of the man seem to finally work.

"Ha, what should I do then? Because I don't feel like doing that," said the man with arrogance and insolence.

"Well, if you feel that way." Seeing the man's rebellious attitude, Han simply pointed to the solitary exit of the auditorium with his index finger and said, "You can just leave."

"Stinking son of a bitch. Do you think I won't leave?" the man asked, clearly upset, and turned to address the group, shouting loudly. "He's telling us to leave, so let's go! Tell them to do whatever the hell they want and let's go!"

Upon hearing this, several people stood up hesitantly. However, ultimately, the number of those preparing to move was small.

"What are all of you doing? I'm saying we should leave now!" he said, but apart from the few who had already followed him, no one else appeared to do so.

Even after the man continued to urge the crowd, no one else moved. And when the majority didn't move, even some of those who had moved first began to back away again. Sure, the uncomfortable atmosphere had to be considered, but it wasn't as if all the Contractors here had not received an explanation or two before coming here.

"Ha, screw this. What a bunch of stupid cowards," the man muttered some insults and then furiously headed for the exit along with three more people.

Maria, with her quick wit, was already there and she silently opened the door. The man turned around, spat on the floor of the auditorium, and left along with the three people following him.

"Is there anyone else who wants to leave?" Han asked, but no one else made a move.

Maria silently closed the door.

Han said nothing more. He simply looked at the door with the expression of someone who found it all quite amusing. As this strange silence continued, the crowd alternated their gazes between the exit and Han for a while.

And so... a minute passed. And just when the second minute was about to pass...

Hasty and frightened footsteps were heard approaching the door from outside. Then, the door handle was desperately moved from the outside, but since the lock was on from the inside, the door wouldn't open.

"Open the door!! Open the door!!" It was the alarmed voice of the man who had left upset, then there were loud bangs on the door along with more shouts from other people who surely were the others who followed him.

"Freaking bastards! Open up! Please!! Pleeease!!! Ah, aaaaaahhhh!

With those last screams and a series of banging sounds on the door. The noises from outside suddenly stopped.

"Well, I knew that would happen. Alright, in any case, let's start. We've already wasted too much time," Han smiled brightly and touched an icon on his smartphone.

Immediately after he did that, a series of notifications sounded from everyone's phones, for my part, I took out mine and saw the messages.

[You have received a new message from the Guide.]

[The first Tutorial mission, 'Escape from the Auditorium', will now begin!]

[1. Escape from the auditorium and reach the waiting area on the second floor of the main school building before time runs out.]

[2. Remaining time: 03:59:55]

[The diary of an unknown student has been updated.]

"I pray for a pleasant school life for all of you." Han said as he placed his right hand over his chest and politely bowed. Then he said, "Everyone, I wish you all good fortune." Again, I felt a disturbance in space thanks to my [Sensory Perception], and a few seconds later, he vanished into the air, just like when he made his first appearance. Not only him but also Maria.

I seriously have to learn a teleportation skill, entrances and exits like that are really impressive and classy.

Now apparently abandoned, everyone began to move and seek to talk and form groups and discuss the situation.

My group immediately gathered with me and they were asking me what's next, as I am the one who gathered them and have the Golden Mark, they clearly expect me to lead them.

"Well, the thing is this, we will soon be attacked by a monster. It is relatively strong, fast, and durable, but you don't have to worry, I will deal with it, just stay out of the way and you'll be safe. Most importantly, don't let the little one see how I take care of the monster, that would be traumatic for her," I said resolutely. Everyone was puzzled but nodded.

"Boss, if you want, you can leave your uncle to me, I'll take care of him while you fight so you won't be hindered," said Hyun Sangmin trying to earn my good side.

"Don't worry, my uncle is my responsibility. Just take care that the girl doesn't see anything and keep an eye on those idiots, don't let them get any funny idea," I said calmly as I headed towards the exit of the auditorium where I clearly saw the Green color from using my [Nine Eyes]. That monster is no threat to me unless I stand still and let it attack me without defending myself in any way.


A noise of impact much louder than the previous blows shook the exit door instantly silencing the commotion of everyone inside the auditorium.

One of the door hinges could no longer withstand the impact and came off the wall, hitting the ground with a loud metallic thud. The door had been locked from the inside, but the blow forced it open slightly before it closed again.

I laughed at how everyone fell silent out of fear. I even heard Yun Seora tell me to come back because it was dangerous, but I just shook my head in denial and drew my toy sword, which with my [Mana Cloaking] became a formidable and incomparable weapon. I swung it and cleanly cut the door's bolt. I heard frightened and alarmed exhalations from everyone at what I did.

It took only a few seconds for the next blows to completely open the door now without a bolt. Then the monster appeared in front of everyone, and they were completely scared. I heard sounds of screams and hurried steps from everyone retreating to the back of the auditorium but I didn't care, I simply advanced towards the monster.

The monster is big and its appearance is grotesque. It is almost 4 meters tall, but it is thin in comparison, its head is almost like that of a human in appearance, but bigger and deformed and it only has one eye, it has long black hair and its skin color is red. For its hands it has hooks that protrude from its fingers as if they were weapons and its legs are in the form of animal legs, like those of a goat.

It saw me and clearly showed hostility. It then tried to attack me with its finger hooks, but as it raised its hand and tried to bring it down and launch its attack, I stopped it halfway and with a simple but elegant movement of my sword, I cleanly cut off its hand and before it could do anything else I also cut off its head.

I made sure to move away immediately to avoid getting splashed with its blood.

I could only hear the alarmed screams of everyone in the auditorium. Hyun Sangmin even came running immediately to tell me that was awesome and that he would always follow me.

I just laughed and said to everyone in the auditorium, "Move on to the waiting room on the second floor. There is nothing more to fear, but if you're scared you can choose to follow me. So do whatever you want."

The leader of the idiots just made a constipated face and then left the room with his lackeys, some others followed them, but the rest didn't move, it seems they were waiting for me.

I walked and studied the floor of the auditorium and quickly found what I was looking for, a part of the floor that was clearly more deteriorated. I drew my sword and cleanly cut the floor creating an opening and then jumped in. The others were scared until they saw that there was another room below and began to carefully go down and followed me.

"Boss, the waiting room on the second floor was close, so why did we come this way? What are we looking for?" asked Hyun Sangmin quite puzzled.

"It's simple. The mission said to reach the waiting room on the second floor, and the only real threat was that monster, so even with it, reaching that room would take a few minutes, yet they gave us many hours. That doesn't really make sense unless there are more things to do. We will go to the other main buildings, this is a school, surely there is a convenience store, workshop, and other facilities that may have things of interest. We will take a few minutes to go explore them," I said while showing that I have a map of the school on my phone.

As we walked with some haste, we heard notifications that the three idiots and some other people reached the waiting room on the second floor.

Gathering all the important things from different places only took about 15 minutes, and reaching the second-floor rest room took just 4 more minutes. As we were arriving at the rest room to finish the mission, I checked the timer and only 21 minutes had passed since the mission started, which is a good time, not the best for breaking records, but it doesn't matter. With the second mission of disarming traps, I know we will be ahead of the other groups, and that will give us more survival points.

We arrived at the entrance to the room, and as expected, the path is blocked by metal bars, and on the other side are Kang Seok, his two henchmen, and five more people who chose to come here instead of following me and my group.

I checked the map on the phone and saw that all the doors had already been taken, so it does not really matter which route we take, if we don't convince those inside to let us in, we won't be able to pass.

"Look what we have here, the pompous one with a diamond spoon in his ass. Sorry to tell you rich kid but you can't enter, there are only 6 entrances and all have already been taken by us, so without our approval you will fail and not pass the test," said Kang Seok like the human trash he is and began to laugh and explain like a typical monologuing villain.

I ignored him and his cronies and directed my gaze to the other people in the room, among them was the man who sold me the mother and daughter pair. When they saw me, everyone, including that man averted their gazes seemingly out of fear. I don't know if it's because they fear Kang Seok and his cronies, or me for what I did to the monster, but the truth is I don't care.

"HAHAHA don't look at them like that. Don't expect anything from them, they agree with me that you are a rival that no one wants to have later on, so it's better to just leave you out of the test. But as we know that you think you are a great hero and you claim to be a good person, we'll give you a chance to prove your heroism..."

"We will let everyone else pass as long as you back off and walk away, what do you say rich kid? Will you prove that you are good and let them pass or will you show your true face and not walk away?" he said expecting me to do either of those things with great anticipation, the guy is despicable but he has no idea how much his performance pleases me. He is giving me what I wanted most, a justification to kill him.

"Ten seconds, that is all I will give you to open the way," I said and started a countdown.


"Wow, look how I tremble, I knew you were despicable and fake-"


"-It's obvious you won't back down and let the others pass-"


"-You're a trash that pretends to be good. But I am different-"


"-If you all unite and defeat him, I will let you pass-"


"-come on everyone, the guy doesn't want to back down and give you-"


"-the chance to pass the test, he clearly is trash-"


"-he pretends to be good, but he really isn't-"


"-decide quickly because if you take too long I will change my mind-"


"-and I won't let you in, come on what are you waiting for-"


"-Give that good-for-nothing rich guy a beating, we have to teach him that life is hard and you don't always get what you want just because you were born with a silver spoon," he said in a whole speech.

While I was just internally begging that the damn door would not open, I even regretted giving him so much time. Luckily he talks enough trash for there to be time left over.

I drew my sword and covered it with my [Mana Cloaking], I swung it and cleanly cut the bars that obstruct the path. The expression on the idiot's face was a priceless sight to behold.


"Cover the girl's eyes, I don't want her to see what follows, and anyone weak-minded better not watch," I said as I approached the idiot and his lackeys, they are clearly scared and are now backing away.

I saw them try to put their hands in their bags, most likely to search for bonus items to protect themselves or attack me with, but I did not let them and cleanly cut off their hands. I really don't want to waste more time with this trash. In the future there will be more trash ahead, and if I waste time on each one I come across, I will die of old age. So I cleanly decapitated them.

The others were scared and turned their gazes away from me in fear that I would notice them, but I didn't care, I just entered and indicated that they should also enter. When we were all inside, our phones rang.

[The first tutorial mission, 'Escape from the Auditorium', has concluded. Number of remaining survivors: 30]