
Chapter 24 ★ My baby


"Professor Riley! You coming to party or what bro?" I shove past the useless vermin that's in my way. I end up pushing him a little too hard because he goes flying to the ground a few feet away. His beer sloshes in the grass.

"Whoa man." He calls after me. I ignore him.

I have to get to Hendrix.

Imagine my surprise when I go to bed after a long day of worrying about our fight only to be woken up hours later with her calling me.

Calling me while she was obviously very, very drunk.

I curse myself again. Have I made her that upset that she turned to alcohol to console her? And of all the places to have her first drink. A frat party filled with horny human college boys. The worst possible scenario I could think of.

Guilt eats me alive. This is all my fault.

I have to get her safe and warm before something happens to her.