
The Lost Idol.

Bao Li Xiao , a beautiful and talented heiress suddenly decides to join the showbiz world instead of taking over her dad's seat in both the business and Mafia world. Will she be able to complete her mission and also continue with her normal life. Find out..

Elizalove · LGBT+
12 Chs

"Be Nicer to me!"

Li Xiao wanted to kick his d**k but Ling Chuanli quickly caught her leg.

"What are you doing here" Li Xiao said her body still tense.

"What do you think?" Li Xiao said.

"Let go of my leg" Li Xiao said to him.

Ling Chuanli dropped her leg.

"Why were you crying?" He asked.

"No reason" Li Xiao said and walked to the railings.

Then Ling Chuanli noticed that she was slightly shivering , the weather was ice chillingly cold.

(How can she withstand such cold)

(She's definitely not ordinary)

"Stop staring at my back" Li Xiao said.

"Why are you here, it's too cold for you here" Ling Chuanli said.

"Who told you that" Li Xiao said.

"Whatever, just go inside" He said.

"Why should I and why are you ordering me around" She said.

"Okay, if that's how you want to do it" He said as he walked towards her and suddenly carried her on his shoulder.

"Heyyyy!!! Put me down" She yelled as she hit his back profusely.

Ling Chuanli walked into the house with her hanging on his shoulder hitting his back continually.

He finally dropped her on the bed in the room.

"Jerk!" She said as she glared at him.

Ling Chuanli smirked

"I know, now sleep!" He said.

"You are very annoying!" Li Xiao grumbled.

"I heard that" Chuanli said.

"Tch!!" Li Xiao said and closed her eyes to drift to sleep.

After Li Xiao slept Chuanli smirked and went to sleep.

The next morning, Li Xiao slept in.

"F**k!!!" She cursed.

"And he didn't even wake me up, what a guy!" She groaned as she hurriedly walked into the bathroom.

She drove to work at full speed breaking all the speed limits.

She got a call.

"Hello, who is this?" Li Xiao said as she put on her earbud.

"Hello dummy, didn't you check your caller ID" A voice said.

Li Xiao checked and saw that it was Daiyu.

"Oh, Daiyu I'm sorry I didn't check it" She said.

"What's up with you, you are late and you always check your caller ID before picking up the phone." Daiyu said worried.

"Nothing is wrong, I just slept in and that bastard Ling Chuanli didn't wake me up" Li Xiao said as she rubbed her temples.

"Oh, ok . Get here fast!!" Daiyu said and hung up.

"Uggghhh! What the fuck!" Li Xiao said to herself as she drove faster.

She got to the company and met Daiyu sitting in her office.

Bao Li Xiao immediately walked towards Daiyu who looked very very happy.

"Ok I'm here so what's wrong" Li Xiao said as she hung her bag on the bag stand.

"I have good news for you" Daiyu said as she stood up from where she was sitting.

"Spill it out!" She said sitting down and going through some documents on her desk.

"We are all going for a vacation in the States" Daiyu said.


"Who caused trouble this time?" she asked looking up from the document that she was holding.

"The bitch , Zhang Lin!" Daiyu said.

"I'm listening" Li Xiao said as she placed the document down.

"She wants to make a new alignment with one of our rivals in both the business world and the Mafia" Daiyu said.

"Raging Fire right?" Li Xiao said, her face as calm as ever.

"Yes and it is gonna be taking place in the States" Daiyu said.

"Do the others know about this?" She asked.

"Yeah they do and they have already planned everything, we are leaving this evening" Daiyu said.

"Do you realize that I'm living with a butthead now and he won't allow me to go anywhere" Li Xiao said rubbing her temples.

"I know but we all have to be there, so that we can take care of the other matters that have been bothering us in the States once and for all" Daiyu said.

"Ok, I'll meet you guys at the airport by six pm" Li Xiao said.

"I know we can do it. Gayo!!" She said and walked out of Li Xiao's office.

"Gayo!!" Li Xiao muttered to herself as the for closed.