
Chapter 5: The Omen of the Serpent's Shadow

The nights in Qingpo Village were usually serene, but ever since that trial, everything seemed to shift. Not only did Shen Lai's abrupt departure leave a warning, but it also cast a shadow of doubt amongst the villagers. Whispers began to circulate. Why would such a powerful cultivator appear in their remote village out of the blue?

Soon, some villagers reported encountering a colossal black snake at night, its body adorned with dark golden patterns, its eyes seemingly fixated on Dawn.

A feeling of unease grew within Dawn. He began to recall the descriptions of mysterious creatures from that ancient book. On one of its pages, there was a tale of an evil entity known as the "Serpent's Shadow". It was once the guardian beast of a mighty cultivator but was sealed into the endless void due to its betrayal. The legend stated that only the true inheritor of the Sky Stone could awaken it.

Dawn realized that Shen Lai's appearance was no coincidence, and that the snake might also be related to the Sky Stone. Determined to delve deeper into the secret of the Serpent's Shadow and find a way to banish it, he took action.

On a silent night, following the instructions from the book, Dawn set up a summoning circle by the northern lake of the village. Using his blood as a conduit, he began the summoning.

The weather turned chillingly cold, and the lake grew dark. From its depths emerged the giant serpent, slowly slithering towards Dawn, its eyes full of hostility.

At this critical moment, a figure descended from the sky - it was Shen Lai. He immediately cast a spell, trapping the Serpent's Shadow within a barrier of light. It turned out that Shen Lai had already sensed the presence of the serpent and returned to protect both Dawn and Qingpo Village.

Together, Shen Lai and Dawn successfully repelled the Serpent's Shadow. However, this was only the beginning. Shen Lai warned Dawn that the power of the Sky Stone would attract even more sinister entities. He needed to train harder and strengthen his abilities.

That night, the villagers of Qingpo came to understand the privilege and responsibility that came with Dawn and the Sky Stone. They also recognized the challenges and trials they would face in the future. Dawn, even more so, realized the weight of not only his destiny but the safety of the entire village.