
The Lost Amnesty

Wang JoonChul, a part timer who bought a VR headset to finally play VR game, got home from his work. However, instead of playing a wonderful game, he ended up in another world with 999 other people. Trapped in a random world, and received a game like system, everyone who was sent there, were supposed to defend Earth from its destruction by an ‘Evil Being’. Will JoonChul be able to defend Earth? Or will he die before having the chance to protect Earth? Watch as JoonChul's adventure through this hardship with his comrades.

Akuma_Kira · แอคชั่น
203 Chs

Episode 15 : Imprison ‘Amaranth’ (4)

With an insane knock on the head, the Dragon crash landed on the ground where she just departed.

Descending downward toward the Dragon using 'Wave Vortex' to support myself in the air, I arrived beside the injured Dragon.

[Curses..! How can mere insects be this strong..? Eek..!!] The Dragon groaned from the agony before she had locked eye contact with me, flinching upon the view of my glaring eyes.

I gave her a death stare as menacing as I could, stabbing my katana into the Dragon's leg. "Did you forget about not using insects as an insult?"

[Keukkk!! Kyeehh!!]

Obviously, I was trying to act strong in front of the Dragon since my Mana was quite insignificant if not used wisely.

Despite having Behemoth with me, I shouldn't let my guard down no matter what, even if my enemies are at death's door.

"Don't worry. You won't die." I pulled out my katana, giving it a swing to get rid of the Dragon's blood which was green liquid.

[I'll live? What a joke! You humans love to take the EXP from me!]

"If I wanted your EXP, I would have killed you already, dumb lizard."

[Dumb lizard?! I'm a dragon! Not a lizard! Say it again and I'll make sure you'll regret it!!!!]

"Master, should I silence this Dragon?" Behemoth was on my head the entire time, asking me when he was already preparing to force the Dragon to be quiet.

I stroked Behemoth's head as a sign to not let him do as he pleases yet. I then looked over to see if Raiden, Frostina and that young girl were ready to capture the Dragon.

During the time when I was observing them, I was surrounded by a dozen trees possessing durians.

"Ho.." I smirked, staring at those trees as if I knew what would come next.

The trees had durians on them, launching their durian's prickly rinds toward me.

As the prickly skins of the durians shot in from all directions, I dodged while cutting the rinds in half.

Not only that, the smells of the durian's aroma that have a disgusting odor, saturated the surrounding area to smell like rotten sewage.

"This is less unpleasant than the stench of a bloody battlefield." I let out a sigh after remembering a battle from the past before shaking my head and focusing on the task at hand.

I proceeded to evade the flying spiky projectiles as well as slicing them into two with me dual wielding my shortswords.

But it seemed I have forgotten that by cutting these in half will only increase its continuous attacks.

[Imitation of 'Frost Blades' has activated.]

Since Frostina has become a player, it would be easy for me to borrow her skills.

Blades created by ice, hovering around my back while giving off a chilly feel behind me.

When one of the prickly rinds came close to me, my blade of ice rushed in to freeze the rind into ice, shattering them upon the blade's penetration.

"Behemoth, destroy the trees." I gave my order to Behemoth while controlling the blades behind me to pierce the spiky skins.

Behemoth was talking to me when I was grabbing him off my head before throwing him toward the trees. "As you wish, Master!"

Once Behemoth was near the trees, he showed his claws as sharp as a sword, using his skill 'Slice and Dice' to slash at the trees which in turn stop those damaged trees from shooting prickly rinds at me.

In a blink of an eye, my surroundings were no longer filled with trees that the Dragon had spawned in.

And it appeared as though the Dragon had moved quite a few steps instead of flying away from the area.

Since the Dragon had fun in trapping me and trying to buy time for herself to escape, I extended my hand out to command the 'Frost Blades' to transpierce through the Dragon's behind.

"Master… don't you think that.." Behemoth walked over to me, watching the blades travelling toward the Dragon's direction.

"What is it?" I looked at him, utterly unaware by his pitiful expression for the Dragon.

"..Never mind." In Behemoth's head, he thought. 'I had experienced an arrow to my behind.. So I pity the Dragon..'

The Dragon who was running away from the scene, looked behind to watch if her trap still remained, but what came forth behind her were five blades of ice.

The baffled Dragon thought of using her vines to catch the blades, however instead the vines were pierced through by the blades.

She then realized that her physical body was transferring to somewhere as she was attempting to defend herself from the 'Frost Blades'.

[How in the world..?! The amulet's power?!!?] As the Dragon said that, her body from head to tail started to transfer into the amulet by the young girl who was chanting with her eyes closed by Raiden.

"Looks like it's almost over." I spoke with a smile on my face, lifting Behemoth up to place him back on my head.

While the Dragon was struggling to fight back against the amulet's imprisonment power, her butthole looking so undefended got stabbed by five blades of ice.

The sensation of a sharp pain piercing through her butthole caused her to shriek louder than when she roared. [Kuahhh!! My rosebud!! KyaAHH!!]

I noticed Behemoth covering his eyes with his paws which was kinda strange when you should be closing your ears to stop yourself from hearing the ear-shattering shriek..

'What makes it so that Behemoth wants to cover his eyes? Meh.' I shook my shoulders, ignoring Behemoth for a moment.

I shifted my gaze behind me, finding the young girl doing her best to firmly hold the amulet as well as Frostina who was freezing the Dragon when it was being absorbed in the amulet.

Raiden was still covering the eyes of the young girl, so she wouldn't be frightened by the sight unfolding in front of her.

On the other hand, I felt something was off..

The moment when I looked toward where HwanGi was, I found Alaine who was being treated by Mirai while HwanGi stood a few steps back, eating the apples I gave them and drinking a HP potion.

In a blink of an eye, two portals spawned behind HwanGi with a scythe poking out, not even in a heartbeat, the scythe slashed down as if it were going to sever HwanGi's head off.


In 0.362 milliseconds, my brain went through an insane thoughts process to think of a way to help HwanGi.

Eventually, I randomly selected a way instead of thoroughly thinking things through.


Alaine had drunk the HP potion that Mirai had given her, she then opened her injured eye slowly.

"How are you feeling?" Mirai asked to confirm Alaine's state.

As Alaine spoke, she blinked a few times before smiling toward Mirai. "Great! My eye is better now thanks to the HP potion you handed me."

"You should thank my Captain, not me."

Mirai handed an apple to Alaine, the latter then took the apple after thanking the former.

During when Alaine was going to take a bite of the apple, she had a glimpse of HwanGi and the apple in her hand dropped to the ground.

In an instance, Alaine shouted at the top of her lungs, throwing her shortsword toward the scythe. "HWANGI!! BEHIND YOU!!"

As she was shouting, she noticed blue light hovering around HwanGi's body as if it was like..

..her Hidden Skill, 'BodyJack'..

The HwanGi here grabbed the shortsword that Alaine had tossed, using that sword to block the attack of the scythe.

The tip of the shortsword unleashed a wave of 'Divine Flame' as this HwanGi directed the sword inside one of the portals, bursting white flame to the other side while his other hand released 'Wave Vortex' into the other portal.

Alaine witnessed this whole sight, noticing the blue light slowly disappearing in the exact same time when the portals vanished.

HwanGi, who had his consciousness back, wondered as to what he was doing holding a shortsword all of the sudden.

He asked Alaine who was still fazed. "How did your shortsword end up in my hand?"

"You.. you should pay more attention next time! You could have your head chop off!" Alaine scolded HwanGi after she exhaled a long sigh of relief.



After the outrageous occurrences, the angels who were flicked away by the Dragon, arrived back to the arena.

Everyone who was there, were neither injured or exhausted by the fight between the Dragon.

Needless to say, the angels were quite stunned about the damages that had been done to the battle stadium, however they were more bewildered by how me and my comrades were able to capture the Dragon.

As a result, it was why they needed more proof and went off, telling us that they'll reward us after a thorough inspection.

But before they left, they teleported every player back to the center area where they had gathered before coming to the battle stadium.

Upon arriving back and surviving the boss fight, everyone was relieved and happy to see the next day of their lives.

When we realized we went back, we swiftly thought of going to the same place.

HwanGi, Alaine, my comrades and I went back to the tavern, taking the young girl with us, since HwanGi insisted that this young girl looked as if she was related to someone he knew.

And he was right.

The young girl ran to her father. "Papa!"

"My daughter..!" This young girl was the tavern owner's daughter.

And instead of saying thanks to us, the tavern owner instead allowed us to have as much food as we like for free.

All of us sat down at one big table, eating and enjoying the rest of the night with delicious food and beverages prepared by the tavern owner.

Since we came back from a gruesome boss battle, it was nice to have fun and relax.

Alaine, who seemed a little drunk, suddenly stood up from her chair, holding up her glass of orange juice to give a toast. "Let's fight through all these stupid stages together!!"

It was strange how Alaine got drunk by just drinking orange juice, maybe she sneaked in a glass of beer.

Nevertheless, We all laughed at the sight of the drunken Alaine and drank our own beverages.

"Yes, let's do our best." I said, drinking a glass of wine.

As time passed, I watched as everyone slowly but surely fell asleep, it made sense that they were tired after the fight against the boss battle.

I got up from my seat with a chuckle after seeing how everyone was sleeping peacefully.

Although my comrades were the only one who hadn't fallen asleep.

"Captain. Where are you going?" Mirai whispered to me after she sprang up from her seat.

"To my room."

"Then what about these two?" Frostina indifferently stared at HwanGi and Alaine while having Behemoth in her arms.

"Rai, could you take them to their rooms?"

"Yes, Sensei." Raiden immediately went and carried the two before bringing them to their rooms.

"Then, have a good night." I spoke, walking up the stairs to get to my room.

Mirai smiled with her blushing red face while holding Frostina's hand. "Goodnight, Captain."


Upon arriving at my room, I instantly opened the door as I went and sat on my bed.

I mumbled, rubbing my temple while glancing over to the window. "One boss down. A lot more to go."

No matter what the challenges the stages bring at us, I'll definitely reach the end of the stages and secure the so-called amnesty paper that I had lost.

And once I get my hands on that, I'll come for those 'Creators' and their creations to murder them all.

"One way or another, I will come for them."

But most importantly, the person that I swore to kill, the Archangel that had killed me multiple times in my past lives.

I gritted my teeth with my fists clenched together. "Michael. Just you wait."


[This is the end of The Lost Amnesty's Vol. 1.]

-Thank you all for reading my first novel and spending your precious time on reading this.

The Lost Amnesty's Vol. 2 will begin after two to three months.

Please await for Vol. 2, thank you.
