
The Lost Amethyst

In the land of Marinda, where magic reigns and clans possess unique powers, "The Lost Amethyst" tells a captivating tale of conflict and intrigue. As tensions rise between the Viper clan, the Wolf-monkey clan, and the Great Dragon clan, a purple crystal stone called Amethyst becomes the source of envy and chaos. Amidst this turmoil, Jin Li, the revered leader of the Great Dragon clan, makes the difficult decision to send his newborn daughter Mae Li to Earth, along with the precious Amethyst stone, to protect her from harm. Mae Li's journey on Earth is fraught with hardship and isolation, as she struggles to fit in with the humans around her. In Marinda, Master Yuze's insatiable greed leads him to vow to obtain the powerful Amethyst at any cost. To carry out his plan, he commands an enslaved Wolf-monkey, Chen Zhao, to venture down to Earth in human form. Meanwhile, Liang Fang, the son of the Viper Queen, also seeks to prove his worth by obtaining the Amethyst on Earth. However, taking human form comes at a terrific price for each of them. Mae Li’s life was jinxed, and her grandmother gave up her sight to live on Earth. Chen Zhao’s health is severely compromised hence, he was indebtedly loyal to Master Yuze, being the only provider of his medicine. It wasn't any better for Liang Fang as he was unable to feel emotions. In the same degree, they embark on their quest, the question remains: how long can they sustain this guise and withstand the challenges that lie ahead? As Mae Li navigates the challenges of high school, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with Liang Fang and Chen Zhao, both of whom have their own agendas. However, Jade Qing, the queen bee of JM Memorial High School had eyes for the Viper Prince. What adversity awaits in this love cube? Liang Fang's charming demeanor hides a dark secret, and when he betrays Mae Li, she is forced to confront the danger that surrounds her. Will she be able to protect the Amethyst stone and herself from harm, and what consequences will her actions have for Marinda and the clans involved? "The Lost Amethyst" is a thrilling and magical novel that explores themes of power, betrayal, and love in a world where anything is possible.

Sonita_Osaisai · แฟนตาซี
160 Chs

CHAPTER 49: Maze Of Emotions.

Mae reluctantly dragged herself up from the cozy couch, her irritation mounting with every step. With an aggravated huff, she swung open the door, expecting to find the delivery guy on the other side. However, her annoyance melted away when her emotions confronted the sight of Liang. Mae's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly masked her surprise, shutting the door abruptly as he raised his hand to wave.

She rested her back against the door, trying to control her heavy breath. As she glanced around the living room, her eyes caught the evidence of her binging on snacks where she sat sober, watching TV. She noticed the empty biscuit wraps tucked in the couch and a trail of snack crumbs scattered around the area. Mae's mind wrestled between two urges; the desire to quickly tidy up the place and the impulse to make Liang go away.