
The Lost Amethyst

In the land of Marinda, where magic reigns and clans possess unique powers, "The Lost Amethyst" tells a captivating tale of conflict and intrigue. As tensions rise between the Viper clan, the Wolf-monkey clan, and the Great Dragon clan, a purple crystal stone called Amethyst becomes the source of envy and chaos. Amidst this turmoil, Jin Li, the revered leader of the Great Dragon clan, makes the difficult decision to send his newborn daughter Mae Li to Earth, along with the precious Amethyst stone, to protect her from harm. Mae Li's journey on Earth is fraught with hardship and isolation, as she struggles to fit in with the humans around her. In Marinda, Master Yuze's insatiable greed leads him to vow to obtain the powerful Amethyst at any cost. To carry out his plan, he commands an enslaved Wolf-monkey, Chen Zhao, to venture down to Earth in human form. Meanwhile, Liang Fang, the son of the Viper Queen, also seeks to prove his worth by obtaining the Amethyst on Earth. However, taking human form comes at a terrific price for each of them. Mae Li’s life was jinxed, and her grandmother gave up her sight to live on Earth. Chen Zhao’s health is severely compromised hence, he was indebtedly loyal to Master Yuze, being the only provider of his medicine. It wasn't any better for Liang Fang as he was unable to feel emotions. In the same degree, they embark on their quest, the question remains: how long can they sustain this guise and withstand the challenges that lie ahead? As Mae Li navigates the challenges of high school, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with Liang Fang and Chen Zhao, both of whom have their own agendas. However, Jade Qing, the queen bee of JM Memorial High School had eyes for the Viper Prince. What adversity awaits in this love cube? Liang Fang's charming demeanor hides a dark secret, and when he betrays Mae Li, she is forced to confront the danger that surrounds her. Will she be able to protect the Amethyst stone and herself from harm, and what consequences will her actions have for Marinda and the clans involved? "The Lost Amethyst" is a thrilling and magical novel that explores themes of power, betrayal, and love in a world where anything is possible.

Sonita_Osaisai · แฟนตาซี
160 Chs

CHAPTER 23: Pursuit Of Truth.

In the dimly lit alley, the cool night air cast eerie shadows on the surrounding walls. Chen felt a sense of unease, quickened his pace as he navigated through the narrow passage. His every step seemed to echo in the silence, heightening his awareness of the lurking danger. Unbeknownst to him, Liang, cloaked in darkness, was stealthily trailing just a few paces behind.

Liang moved with calculated precision, his footsteps muted by the soft padding of his shoes. He was a master of disguise, blending seamlessly into the backdrop of the night. His eyes, like those of a predator, remained locked on Chen, never straying from his target. With each step, he closed the gap, maintaining a careful distance to avoid arousing suspicion.

Chen's senses were on high alert, and he constantly glanced over his shoulders, an unsettling feeling gnawing at his core. The anticipation of danger loomed over him, tingling his spine and fueling his instinctive survival response. The flickering streetlights offered momentary glimpses of Liang's presence, a mere silhouette that seemed to merge with the shadows whenever Chen dared to turn around.

Liang, an expert in the art of concealment, possessed an uncanny ability to remain undetected. He adjusted his movements to match Chen's, seamlessly blending into the urban backdrop. He made himself invisible to casual observers, but Chen's intuition proved difficult to elude. Though unable to pinpoint the source of his unease, Chen's heart raced, his imagination conjuring the image of an unknown assailant lurking behind him.

The alley stretched on, its oppressive atmosphere thickening with every passing moment. Chen's breaths became shallow, his shoulders tense, and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. Liang, ever the silent shadow, persisted in his pursuit, exploiting every opportunity to close the distance between them. His movements were deliberate, a dance of stalking and evasion, keeping Chen perpetually on edge.

As they neared the end of the alley, Chen's paranoia intensified.

"Could it be that the boss found me?" His mind raced with questions of who this unknown follower could be and what their intentions might be.

Liang, aware of Chen's growing unease, reveled in the psychological turmoil he had sown. The power dynamic had shifted, with Chen becoming a mere pawn in Liang's dark game.

With a final surge of adrenaline, Chen burst out of the alley, gasping for breath in the open space beyond. He frantically scanned his surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of the relentless pursuer who had kept him under constant watch. But the shadows betrayed no sign of Liang's presence, leaving Chen to wonder if it had all been a product of his imagination or if the danger still loomed nearby.

Suddenly, as Chen turned to a corner, Liang materialized before him, stepping out from the concealment of the night. Chen's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and fear as he realized the one he suspected of following him was none other than Liang himself.

"Oh my gosh! It's just you, Liang" he held unto his chest, panting in relief.

Liang, with an intense gaze fixed upon Chen, stepped forward with a determined stride. His voice was low, laced with an undercurrent of urgency and authority, as he demanded answers. "What do you know about the Amethyst?" he questioned, his voice cutting through the tense silence. "Who exactly are you and who is your master?"

Chen's body tensed, his mind racing to find a way out of this precarious situation. He mustered his courage and replied cautiously, "I... I don't know what you're talking about. I have no information about any Amethyst or a master and to ask who I am? Hahaha, Jeez bro, I'm your classmate, Chen." Chen hit his arm lightly, acting all friendly.

Liang's eyes narrowed, skepticism etching across his face. "It was my mother that sent you. Isn't it?".

"What? Dude, what are you talking about? Who is your mother? I ain't got time for this alright? See you in class" Chen said, bidding his palm goodbye as he attempted to escape the scenario.

Liang perceived a strange aura. He couldn't help but picture the massive strength Chen exhibited on the birthday yacht which was beyond human measure. "Stop right there! You ain't human. Are you?" Liang commanded.

Chen paused and turned slowly to look at Liang. The tension between them escalated, both aware that this encounter held profound implications for their respective paths. It was a clash of secrets, where trust and loyalty hung in the balance.

As they stood there, locked in an intense gaze, the alleyway seemed to constrict further, intensifying the sense of isolation and danger. The shadows danced around them, casting eerie silhouettes on the walls, embodying the uncertain fate that awaited them.

The tension between Chen and Liang reached its breaking point, ignited by their deep confrontation. Emotions, long suppressed, surged to the surface, and the air crackled with animosity. Without further words, they both lunged at each other, their bodies colliding in a flurry of action.

Fueled by a mix of fear and determination, Chen unleashed a rapid succession of punches, his fists propelled by adrenaline. His strikes were driven by the desperation to defend himself and protect the secrets he held. Liang, however, proved to be an agile adversary, skillfully dodging and parrying Chen's attacks, his movements fluid and precise.

Liang retaliated with a swift kick aimed at Chen's midsection, forcing him to stagger back momentarily.

As Chen's frustration and determination reached its peak, he summoned all his energy and rushed forward with unbridled speed. His muscles tensed, propelling him towards Liang with an unstoppable force. In an instant, his fist connected with Liang's jaw and the impact reverberated through the narrow confines of the alley.

Liang staggered back, momentarily losing his balance. His hand instinctively reached out, grazing against the ground to steady himself. Blood trickled from his split lip, staining his skin, and his eyes narrowed in surprise and admiration. Chen's raw power had caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily dazed.

Using his forearm to wipe away the blood, Liang's expression transformed from initial shock to a more focused and intense gaze. He looked up at Chen, a glimmer of respect shining in his eyes. "The massive strength, the forceful speed...." he thought, a hint of a wry smile playing on his lips. "You are a Wolf-monkey, aren't you?"

Liang's observation was one of acknowledgment, recognizing the exceptional prowess Chen possessed. The combination of strength and agility, reminiscent of a wolf's predatory instincts and a monkey's nimbleness, was a testament to Chen's formidable abilities. It was a rare compliment, veiled in a moment of shared understanding between two adversaries.

With Liang's resilience and tenacity, he quickly regained his composure, his body poised for the continuation of their clash. The fight was far from over, and as the blood on his lips mingled with his resolve, Liang prepared to engage once more.

The fight intensified as the alley became a stage for their clash, their forms dancing in a primal struggle for dominance. Chen fought with raw instinct, fueled by a surge of survival instincts, while Liang exhibited a controlled aggression, driven by his determination to extract the truth.

Blows landed and grazed, inflicting pain and leaving marks on their bodies, but neither of them relented. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as the fight escalated, their bodies straining under the physical exertion. The alley echoed with the sounds of grunts, impacts, and the scrape of shoes against the pavement.

As they circled each other, their eyes locked in a battle of wills, their faces displayed determination and exhaustion. Despite Chen's weariness, he refused to surrender, his spirit unyielding. Liang, equally resolute, pressed on, his every move calculated and precise.

With a surge of adrenaline, Chen launched himself at Liang, a final desperate attempt to gain the upper hand. But Liang, anticipating the maneuver, deftly sidestepped, causing Chen to stumble and lose his balance. In that moment of vulnerability, Liang seized the opportunity, swiftly incapacitating Chen with a well-placed strike.

Chen crumpled to the ground, his body wracked with pain, the fight came to an abrupt halt. Liang stood over him, his breathing heavy, his gaze filled with a mix of triumph and curiosity. The confrontation had taken its toll, both physically and emotionally, leaving them battered and weary.

As Chen and Liang engaged in their intense battle, their focus locked on each other, they were oblivious to the presence of a young student who had been drawn to the commotion in the alleyway. Wide-eyed and curious, she cautiously approached, compelled by the spectacle unfolding before her.

With bated breath, the young student stood at the entrance of the alley, her gaze fixed upon the two combatants. Fear mingled with fascination as she witnessed the raw power and skill on display. The sight of Chen and Liang locked in a formidable struggle, their bodies moving with calculated precision, captivated her youthful imagination.

Just as the fight reached a crescendo, the clash of metal upon metal and the sound of grunts echoing through the alley, Chen and Liang both caught a glimpse of the young observer. Their eyes momentarily shifted, locking onto her, breaking their intense focus on each other.

Realizing they had been discovered, the girl's eyes widened in surprise, and a wave of fear washed over her. She swiftly turned on her heels, her footsteps echoing against the cold, unforgiving pavement as she fled the scene. The alley swallowed her presence, leaving Chen and Liang momentarily suspended in their conflict.

A flicker of concern passed across Chen's face as he watched the girl disappear, the weight of unintended exposure weighing heavily on him. Liang's focus temporarily diverted, and observed the girl's retreat with him being curious and cautious.

Their brief encounter with the young student was a reminder of the world beyond their secretive struggle, a world that unknowingly intersected with their hidden pursuit. With a shared understanding, Chen and Liang exchanged a wordless agreement, acknowledging the need to minimize collateral involvement and protect their innocence.

In the aftermath of the fight, the alleyway fell into an eerie stillness, broken only by the heavy breaths of the combatants. Chen, defeated but defiant, mustered the strength to meet Liang's gaze once more. The answers they sought still remained elusive, buried beneath layers of secrecy and conflict. But as they stood there, locked in a moment of mutual understanding, they realized that their destinies had become intertwined, and their paths would inevitably cross again in their pursuit of truth.

Hey there! Thanks for reading. Please swipe to read more... A lot is about to happen in the next few chapters #SuperExcited

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