
The Lord Of Darkness

Kyle is born into a high status family, he is a spoiled kid with a golden spoon, but contrarely to the usual tropes, Kyle will prove that is right, he will try to live up to his arrogance, and live up to his debauchery with great dedication and terrifying determination. Sombody once said " the world is filled with heroes and wannabes, so let me be just meyself "

Marouane_Talaa · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Your everyday family

Kyle POV

Today is my twelfth birthday, and the day I become an adult in my clan's customs, although I find it quite inaccurate because I never behaved as a child, I think young masters like me are just born adult and mature just from the start, but we still have to go along with these customs, such a drag.

Anyway it has been like two hours since I have been crying in my room, trying to express my reasonable unsatisfaction in a slightly embarrassing way, but i just could not stop the tears from falling down my cheeks like the rivers in the cobra mountains, when my father denied me my right to be crowned as the first young master and successor of the clan, he talked about some nonsense fairness and stuff like that, but since when was there fairness in a clan known for their dark and Domenic nature.

It is not like he got the position of the master in a fair way, he knows that better than me, so why is he like this to me is there something I am missing, I am really confused, as even my most powerful weapon 'crying' that has been working for as long as I remember did not work today, I must be missing something,

or wait! ... could it be that ... father is considering other candidates?? ... it can't be my young brother ... he is ... hopeless after all ... or not? ... and there is also that bastard of a cousin ughhhh .... 'Resume crying'.

Pov end

In another room, a man was sitting on his chair exhaustedly while a woman was behind him massaging his temples. the man had the bearings of a lord that his exhaustion could not hide, the woman behind him was equally exceptional, and contrary to her soft act of massaging her husband she had the aura of a thorny rose, although she was beautiful, she had a dangerous feeling about her.

"Albert, you should not have shut him down like that, although Kyle is a little bit spoiled he is your eldest son and the next in the line of succession to the clan, or is it true that you have something else in mind"

Albert frowned at her words and contemplated for a while as if he was thinking about something before saying :"Frig, you know that there is no rule saying he should my successor , and that every one of the clan has an equal chance, if he was at least a capable person I would have supported him with my all, but looking at him for the past 12 years I am greatly disappointed. All he thinks about is bossing people around, torturing his servants, and doing trouble everywhere he went, how can people of the clan such a person ".

Frigg stopped massaging her husband by the time he finished speaking she spoke while trying to hold in her rage " but he is training rigorously and has even reached the high stage of the mortal realm before even awakening his affinity and you're saying that he is playing around, he is just kid god dammit Albert"

Albert was not buying her act and stood his ground " if we are talking about strength isn't his cousin Kevin always a step ahead of him, even more, while Kevin is training to take better care of his family this kid of mine is training to be able to play the young master role better, what can he do with a mindset like that how far can he even get on his own ? if only you have not spoiled him so much..."

he continued "In fact it is not just about him, our clan have been known for a long time for his evil nature, just because we possess a darkness affinity, you know very well that the affinity of a person cannot change his character to that extent, I just think that we have strayed too much from the path and believed that we are inherently evil until we reached the state we are in right now, and my intention is to change that. "

Frigg was having none of it "says the incarnation of evil himself, do you think that it your sons fault being like what they are, if it was not for you, your second son has a natural demon nature for god sake I cannot imagine what can of evil act have you done for the heavens to give you a son with such a decease. Aman like you has no way to redemption just continue being what you are and save us from this circus you're trying to make"

Albert responded in a firm tone "People can always be redeemed, but they have to truly want to be different. and that's what I am intending to do"

"Heh! I know what is this about is it about that monk friend of yours, you think I did not know about it? I just did not think he has already messed with your head enough to be saying shit like this. but now I understand what is going on, you are trying to give more power to the pacifist party of the clan. I just don't know what you're thinking, don't you know that your two sons will be the first target of those people once they reach a position of power especially Nate he is dangerous even by our standard Iet alone those people "

Albert showed a shocked expression for the first time before collecting himself quickly " sure enough you already knew, and I am planning to send them study in the northern region in a Buddhist sect recommended by my friend it will help with Nate's condition, according to him there is a cultivation method that revolves around using one's Domenic nature as a fuel to more karma, this will help him take control of his Domenic heart"

"I understand the case of Nate, and that may be even better for him but what is Kyle going to do there?"

"Let him go there and face some hardship, he may become more of a real than the kid he is"

.... Frigg was speechless, the man in front of her has certainly become possessed, that would be the only possible explanation.

In the meantime, near Kyle room, a boy around 2 years younger than Kyle was sneaking at the doorstep, looking at his brother with curious eyes.

'I wonder how it feels like to cry, I am unable to cry, no, I am rather unable to feel anything, maybe brother can teach how to do it.

Brother can express all kind of emotions, he is surely amazing, but so does everyone else, so I don't think he is special after all, that other day when I was gauging my servant's eyes the sounds of his crying were far more beautiful than this, this sounds more pathetic and pretentious, it is not genuine pain, maybe if I ... do something ... ok let's see'

Nate with a quick movement threw several round looking object the size of his little hands into the room while trying to make the least amount of noise possible.

Kyle was starting to get tired of crying, and was planning to stop, but suddenly while he was thinking of his next strategy he felt a sense of mortal danger looming around him, he stepped back in a rush and activated his protective amulet, he was sure that the level of danger was enough to take his life.

Boooom .. Boom Booom...

several sounds of explosion sounded in succession, the sounds made Nate grin from ear to ear and look expectantly at the result.

after a while a disheveled looking boy came out of the dust looking helpless and angry

"you fucking psycho !!!! why don't you leave me alone for a minute? are all those servants not enough for you ?"

Nate gave at Kyle a annoyed look "tchh ... Father started telling them not to let me play with them, now they are no fun, only you are still in the mortal realm in this residence, what can I do if I don't play with you, but even you became less funny lately "

Kyle could only give a helpless look "I can't deal with you... I don't care if something is wrong with your head or whatever, just stay away from me"

"You can't say that, you have such a good brother as me, yet you're still complaining, don't you remember how many plans have we hatched together, and I remember you had fun just as much as I did, we are such a perfect duo"

"that was .. back then ... Now I can't work with you anymore you're just getting crazier everyday"

"Yet you come to me every time you have some evil plan that benefits you just so you can blame it all on your crazy brother"

seeing his brother startled reaction "I may be a little abnormal but an idiot I am not heh... you know better than that"

finding this conversation going nowhere Kyle said "right now I have enough on my mind already I am not going to entertain you any further "

"hehehe … maybe I can give you some help .."

"hmm ! what do you mean ?"

This chapter only introduced the few characters in the family,

in the next chapters the scope of view for the reader will widen gradually..

Hope you like it.

Marouane_Talaacreators' thoughts