
The Hunter became the Hunted

2 days passed since that night, and now the burly man with the strange headgear was holding a pretty woman from her neck, beside them, there was the beheaded body of the fiance or husband.


?: Oh, come now. It's your own fault for walking around at this time of night. Didn't your parents warn you about the scary monsters that come out after dark?

The woman started to cry from the incoming death upon her.


The burly man grinned and said.

?: Really? You would be willing to do anything I asked?


Then the burly man raised his head, and said in a low voice.

?: And what if I told you I want to see your head separated from your body? Would you be willing then?

Lady: ...Huh…?

And it was in that moment that the lady realized that her body was falling in the ground, while her head was still on the man's head, meanwhile on the other hand, the burly man had a blade sticking out from the back of his hand that looked like a Katara. 

The burly man let fall down the head and his grin got wider, reaching his ears.

?: Mmmmm… Happy, happy. I just can't stop doing this.


Every member of the Night Raid was on the hideout, more precisely, on the meeting room, and they were listening to Najenda's words.

Najenda: The target this time… Is the rumored serial killer that is plaguing the capital. Late at night he suddenly appears, and chops off the victim's head. It's unknown how many dozens of people he has killed so far.

Lubbock: There's no mistake, it has to be Zank the Beheader.

Billy: Who's that?

Mine: You don't know? You really are a country bumpkin, huh?

Sheele raised her hand and spoke.

Sheele: Pardon me, but I don't know either.

Mine sweatdropped and said.

Mine: I think you've just forgotten, Sheele.

Billy: So, what kind of man is he?

Mine: Zank the Beheader. He was originally the executioner of the Empire's greatest prison. Because of the Prime Minister… There were many people to be executed. Day after day, week after week, again and again…

It is unknown how many people he killed until now, he even took the heads of the victims that were on their knees, pleading for their lives. And it seems that after years of this job, these executions became a nasty habit of his.

Billy: Anyone would go crazy doing that shit every day…

Mine: So, executing prisoners started to not be enough for him, so he became a serial killer.

Bulat: He disappeared right around the time that a detainment force was sent out to find him… Who would think he'd be in the capital?

Billy: Well then, let's go to kill him.

Bulat: Hold your horses, Billy.

Billy: ...Big Brother?

Bulat reached Billy and patted his head.

Bulat: Zank stole the warden's Teigu before leaving, and from then on, he became a serial killer. If you ran into him without your partner… You'd be in a big trouble.

Billy's eyes twitched as Bulat was getting a bit too close to him.

Billy: 'I think I am already in another kind of trouble now…'

And after explaining the informations they got about Zank to Billy, they separated in 3 couples, Najenda and Lubbock stood in the hideout in case something bad happens, while Leone and Bulat, Sheele and Mine, Billy and Akame were checking the capital in three different sections, one team for each.

Since Billy had some problems with directions, it was Akame that guided him, and she was the one who had the map.

Akame: ...Yeah, our search area is down this way.

Billy: Well, at least thanks to Zank, we can have a peaceful night. Since everyone else is inside their houses.

Billy heard some imperial soldiers running along the road in front of them, so him and Akame hid behind a wall.

Akame: Tch, even these guys have show up… We need to be careful.

When the imperial soldiers left the area, Billy and Akame came out from their hiding place and continued to walk forward.

Billy: ...Can I ask you something before we start searching?

Akame: Don't worry, I brought snacks.

Billy: Good. 

They kept walking, and for passing time, Akame, with curiosity, asked.

Akame: Hey Billy, what is your sword? It should be a Teigu, right?

Billy: Hmm… I would call it a special sword, but it isn't a teigu, even if it is more powerful.

Akame: More powerful?

Billy: Yeah, it has 2 seals, if I release the first one, it is already strong, but once the second is removed then I am sure that there is no one that could beat me. But I will say nothing else, I will hold this as a surprise.

Akame: I see, if Boss trusts you so much then I'll stop asking.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps were getting near once again, it was another group of imperial soldiers, Billy and Akame looked around but they didn't find any hiding place, if they jumped over the roof, they will surely make noises.

So, before the imperial guards would see them, and without any warning, Billy pushed a surprised Akame against a wall and whispered.

Billy: Act.

And then, Billy kissed Akame while his ears were concentrated on the footsteps, Akame was too surprised from what just happened, but when she heard Billy's fast heartbeat, she acted as he said and held Billy's back while the imperial soldiers arrived.

They stopped and looked at Billy's back, before one clicked his tongue.

Soldier 1: Tch, teenagers these days…

Soldier 2: Hey, you two, be careful because there is a serial killer around, so it's best if you turn home as soon as possible.

Billy turned his head around and said.

Billy: Thanks, we'll do so.

The soldier that suggested that nodded, and said to the others.

Soldier 2: Let's continue our search.

Soldiers: Yes!

They they continued to run around the streets, leaving Akame and Billy alone again, Billy let Akame go and took deep breaths.

Billy: Sorry, we would get discovered otherwise…

Akame: ...I understand…

Then they continued their searching, trying to forget what just happened between the two of them. However, they didn't noticed that someone that was around a kilometer away was gazing at them. It was the burly man, Zank, and was standing over a tower.

Zank: Hnnnn… In addition to serial killers, now professional killers show up. My, what a dangerous city this is, hehe… So happy, so happy. Okay then… WHich neck should i go after first?

After checking the three groups' positions and people, his gaze rested on Billy.

Zank: I got it! I should start with… The most delicious one.

Billy and Akame sat in a bench, Billy was drinking some juice while Akame was eating a chocolate bar. 

Billy: Are you sure he is here?

Akame: He should, I know the area, unlike you.

Billy: Oh shut up, I just need to memorize the place from a map, I just lose myself in new areas. 'What am I, Zoro from One Piece? I don't appear on the throne room of the Capital by opening the door of the bathroom…'

Billy's body flinched and left his half full juice on the bench, before standing up.

Billy: I'll go take a piss…

Billy reached an alleyway and unzipped his pants, letting out his wiener and relaxing himself as hot yellow liquid came out.

Billy: Phewww… I really needed to relax…

Then he started to whistle a random tune as the liquid stress called piss was discharged from his body. After shaking his dick a bit to let out the drops of piss remaining, he pulled it back and zipped his pants.

When he was about to turn back to Akame, there was a footstep at the other side of the way, and Billy turned around, and his eyes widened in shock.

There was a 20 years old girl with blonde hair that reached her back and was tied in a ponytail, she had a slightly curvaceous body and was wearing a white silk dress with a short skirt. But he would never forget those pair of red eyes looking at him, and that mischievous smile on her face.

Billy: ...Alice…?

so... it is weird saying it, but i got so much caught on one of my projects I forgot to update.

also, there won't be an update on sternritter calendar soon, after all, making the list of what Jean would steal is pretty hard... And I also have other things to take care of, making my free time minimum.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts