
The Lonely Monarch

Dust, into the wind it blows. Time has been the enemy of all. I've watched as it turned cities into ruin, monsters into decaying corpses But I am here... I am always here...For I am The Lonely Monarch...

hyperjack · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 2: Pathetic


A mixture of grunts, groans and gasps could be heard as Daniel would be struggling to lift a 20 Kg barbell in his father's gym room as his face goes red while holding it up with all his might.

One day ago

After that traumatizing event where he was met with death in the form of a monstrous cat

With it's long scythe like blade all Daniel could think about was how terrified he was while hiding behind the dumpster praying he wouldn't be found before it walked off not caring for him in the slightest.

After his horrific meeting, to his shivering state as soon as he made his way home he soon later made the conclusion that he is weak. It used to be humans who were at the top, humans who conquered the world with the use of technology. But now the human race is gone...all but one, as Daniel thought back to when the beast had detected him yet did nothing and even left, he thought about how terrifying yet humiliating it was to not be worth even a simple meal to it. He realised his own insignificance just like how he was w

Before all this started, when he was berated by his sister and her friends especially that bitch Seath Parker who liked to beat him the most, to the bullies at his own school. Of course not all was bad, when he came home his parents comforted him the best he could but he believed it was because they pitied him…

Could that be it? Could that be why that monster thought He was worth killing?


As questions formed into his mind he did not notice that he was no longer quivering in fear rather out of anger for his own inability to defend himself as he knew nothing about fighting apart from when he was bullied.

With white knuckle clenched fists he presses then into the ground and begins to press on them, standing up as he does with clenching teeth and a red face and eyes of hatred for that monster, no for the people who put his life through hell he swore to himself in his heart with a solemn tone.

'No longer will I be weak, no longer shall I just stay still and allow myself to be beaten at the hands of my foes! Ten years, I have ten  years to push myself to my limits and grow stronger so that I might survive in this hellish world alone for a decade by myself. When humanity returns , when my so called 'family' returns they will see that I have grown in my isolation, they will see!! THAT I HAVE THRIVED ON THIS PLANET ALONE AND I WILL LET THEM SEE… That I am pathetic No.More'

With this vow ingrained in his heart he stood there for a couple minutes before he walked towards his father's gym room where most of his family exercise and a common spot for his sister to abuse him as he stepped inside and looked around.

While his parents weren't extremely rich they had made and saved enough money in their lives to afford a large 5 bedroom house with it's own gym room, a two door garage and a garden out the back so he had a lot of space for himself. As he stood inside the gym room filled with a couple of silver coloured tread mills, two bench presses,a row of dumbbells and other equipment he then thought back to the day the voice spoke about a system of sorts and tried to call it out.


As he yelled out, a large blue transparent panel was shone right before his eyes as he looked at it with excitement before his eyes practically oozed with disappointment at what was shone.

Full Name: Daniel Grey

Age: 17

Height: 5'9

Weight: 90Kgs

Hair colour: Brownish

Eye colour: Green

Skin tone: Pale Skin

Birthday: 2003 January 15th

Strengths: Taking a beating, 

Weaknesses: Low stamina, Low combat ability, Extremely low magic ability, intelligence is below average

Stats( The status for an average person is 10)

Strength: 6  Agility: 4  Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 6  Stamina: 6  Vitality: 7

Mana: 2 

Overall evaluation: A total waste amount society, very low talent compared to the average person and low talent for magic manipulation.

As Daniel read his own status he was overcome by disappoint at his stats and also quite offended at the one strength he has.

'The fucks taking a beating good for?!' As he raged on in his head at how his Overall Evaluation was completely horrible he couldn't help but be overcome by a sense of depression at how useless he is before a serious and solemn look came over his eyes as he thought.

'No this is ok, I'll just slowly build up my stats for 10 years, although I'm no genius almost anything can be overcome with time.'

After he brief moment of self loathing for his stats he began to write a regime of what he should focus on to increase his stats, what he should do to survive. And also how he should use his time.

As his thoughts surged on about his various options he decided to do some research on how he can better understand his situation. Luckily things such as technology and the internet were still around as he couldn't figure out what he would do without things like television, heating and other things. As he began his inquiry for proper training instructions he wrote down on a book with pen things like what he should focus on for now like weight training and the proper diet he needs to build his strength for the next few years. He also looked at what sort of combat systems he should follow to defend himself with. Luckily his father's gym room was equipped with weighted clothing so that he could not just focus on specific muscles but rather his body as a whole. For martial arts which focused on defense he decided to go with taekwondo but also decided on boxing as well for offensive martial arts, one relies on his legs while the other his fists, of course he looked into weapons as well because what sort of manic fights with his fists only. He decided on going with a spear for his weapons training.

He knew it would be difficult to implement all of this into his everyday life but then he thought back in how he wouldn't survive without this knowledge.

The way he arranged this was as such -

8AM to 10AM Running Around his whole neighborhood which is around 3 Kilometers for the duration of 2 hours which would be a strained task by itself, then afterwards from 10AM to 11AM he settled on exercises such as 100 push ups and 100 situps followed by 50 squats. Afterwards he takes 11AM to 11:30AM to take in the required nutrients such as irons, fibers, vitamins and ect.

After lunch from 11:30AM to 1:30PM he divide this time into 30 minutes of 10 to 15 and 20 Kg dumbell weights 30 for each arm 10 minutes each.

Then 30 minutes bench pressing from no weights and bar alone(20 Kg weight bar) then 10 minutes after adding on another 10kg bar and for every 10 minutes add another 5 on each side. Then use the cycle for 30 minutes with an added 40kg weight and lastly wear weighted gear and do another set of push ups, sit ups and lastly squats. After gym workout he then moves onto a 1 and half hour rest until 3PM Before he begins his TK and boxing training which last until 5 which includes wearing 10kg weighted shoes and practice a range from low, to medium and then high kicks. The same number of weights is placed around his wrists tightly and he practices his jabs, round house punches and uppercuts while using weighted gear. He also practices side to side jumps to improve his ability to move. Once he has finished his martial arts training he then takes another half hour to intake a certain amount of food. Lastly from 5:30PM to 7PM he practiced thrusts, sideways slashes with a 20Kg spear he found in his sisters room.

He continues this cycle through the whole week except for Wednesday. During that time he must get up and 6AM to run towards the stores and obtain more foods to support this training with.

Of course the sudden lifestyle change had impacted him negatively at the beginning. At first he found it incredibly hard to keep up with the different times and even with over them. He was worn out from the jog at the beginning and the exercises left his limbs in huge amounts of pain. He was forced to stop short for some of his gym training and his martial arts training would only be left half complete as he would collapse barely a quarter of the way through.

Not only the body training but also his palate change has also been hard to do seriously as it left him vomiting most of it up halfway while doing exercises.

This continued for a couple months before his body had only just begun to get used to this abrupt lifestyle change and only subtle differences in appearance were noticed. Different from his former pale, soft and plum body it had changed to a tanned and slightly trained body with the beginning stages of a 6 pack being formed. Due to no hair dresser, his hair had grown longer to the point he had to keep it tied up with a piece of string he found in his sister's room his face now became more thinned as most of the baby's fat was gone by now. His four limbs which used to ache in pain are now used to the constant strain he puts them through. As his training continues his mentality also changes to a point where instead of 'I'm giving up' to 'keep on going!' So that when he comes to a breaking point he doesn't give in easily and pushes through.

Another difference was the addition of the scars on his palms due to his spear training. For Daniel the act of training his spear uses his emotions as fuel, mainly rage for the years of abuse and pity aimed at him causing him sometimes to ignore the pain of his hands being blistered and cut due to the spear and his hands being soft.

Normally he should have let his hands healed but because of the humiliation he suffers he continues past the damage and swings, thrusts and swipes with his long spear constantly as though tomorrow could be the day he dies so he might as well give it his all as his hands twist and push out, the spear going forward along with his sweat, blood and tears.

Yo author here just wanna let you know to give us a review on how well you think this chapter went and maybe some feed back. See you next chapter!!!

hyperjackcreators' thoughts