
What’s In It For You?

"I see." Celia replied. "So if I'd just shut my mouth and my mind in wifely obedience, perhaps you would've wanted to be my friend."

Sabine sighed and her expression warmed just a little. "I didn't set out to treat you as an enemy, my lady. I have to admit, there were even times when I started becoming quite fond of you. We could've managed very well together, but you were always so defiant! You always seemed dead set on pushing the boundaries of what's considered proper for a lady. You even dragged me along that night to see if we fould find a healer who could make you a fertility potion!"

"What? What! You dare stand there and judge me for that? For wanting to bear a child, when for almost two years I've had to listen to you carry on that motherhood is a woman's most sacred duty?"