

"There's nothing to explain, Father." Celia butted in hastily. "We understand your views and as you say, we'll have to compromise where we can."

"Tell him, Your Grace." Lucas murmured under his breath. "Tell your father the truth."

Celia pointedly ignored him.

"What truth?" Her father was immediately alert.

"Nothing. He doesn't mean anything by it." she hissed, giving Lucas her harshest glare before trying to smile at her father to reassure him.

"Your Grace, please-"

"Stop butting in where your voice isn't sought!" Celia snarled. She knew exactly what he was trying to do and she absolutely refused to comply.

"Your father loves you. He can help if you just tell him what's expected from you!"

She felt panic welling up. Her father had already seen her bawling like a babe over her miscarriage. She refused to have him find out she'd also failed to win even a little respect from the husband he'd chosen for her.