
Be Oh So Quiet

The two of them stared at each other in round eyed horror, neither one daring to breathe.

"Celia!" Tobin's voice rang out again. It was closer this time.

Sweet lord, now what?

Celia thought she might pass out from the overwhelming fear.

"Hide!" she whispered desperately at Lucas. "I'll try to distract him and get him down to dinner as fast as I can!"

With a quick nod, Lucas silently stepped towards the back of the dressing room, where the natural light was at its dimmest. Celia watched as he slipped behind a tall stack of empty trunks that almost concealed him.

Almost but not quite.

With her heart in her mouth, she turned on her heel and rushed out of the dressing room.

Tobin was standing in the middle of their bedchamber, looking nonplussed. "What the hell were you doing in there?"

Celia tried to speak as calmly as she could. "I needed to change my dress for dinner. I'd managed to spill wine on my previous gown."