
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

~Chapter 1 Blaze's POV~

~The First Chapter Blaze's POV~

I felt my bones take their place as I shifted. The process of shifting only took a few moments to complete. When you're a pup you can only shift on full moons, but as you get older you can shift more often. At night I always run through the forest to clear my head. The wind ruffled my fur as I ran. The moonlight shone dimly through the canopy of trees. The roots of the trees were gnarled as they popped out of the ground at random.

I am Blaze the alpha of The Moonstone Pack, I am twenty-five years old. I have been the alpha of my pack for five years now since my predecessor passed away. I sit down to calm my rushing thoughts of the day. The pack elders are pressuring me to find a Luna. Plus it didn't help that some other pack's scent was on our side of the border.

I take a deep breath to scent the forest. It smelled like pine trees with a tang. The more I smelled the tang I realized it was blood. This blood was fresher I could tell by the difference in scent. Hah I sighed there goes what little of a break I have in a day.

As I walked down the paths the scent of blood got stronger until. I stood in front of a hollow that had walls of brambles and thorns woven into place. The hideout was not in anyone's borders; it was in an unclaimed area of forest. I didn't have to report it to the pack elders plus it was probably someone's secret spot so it would be rude of me to have the pack tear it down. While I was staring at the walls of brambles I noticed a tiny spot where someone could crawl through. I crawled through the tiny space being cautious of my surroundings.

There were only a few small spots where the moonlight shone through. I saw a hazy figure on the ground. I looked closer at the figure, I yelped and hopped back a little at what I saw I-it was a person.

~The End of Chapter 1~