
The Lone Healer

When the Unity Trials first began and Neve was granted a system along with the rest of humanity, she sincerely hoped she would be among the first to die. Death eluded her, though, so, until her time came, she reluctantly settled into the role of a healer. One day, she and a group of players ventured into the realm of the Final Challenge, a strange, otherworldly dungeon that would give humanity a ten-year resting period if they completed it. But, although death eluded her, it found all of her allies. Now, with no one to rely on and a burning desire for revenge, Neve must become stronger if she hopes to avenge them. How exactly can she do so, however, when she is only a healer? A survival GL adventure story!

Already_In_Use · LGBT+
232 Chs

Obstacles, Part Five

"Um... Neve, be honest with me. Are you a thrill-seeker?"


"I must ask because, between that one descent you took in the previous city and now this, I... I am beginning to be concerned that you have some tendencies you have not shared with me." 

Standing in front of Neve and her summon was a tall building that resembled the bell tower Lia had stabbed Neve inside of before. Only, this building had little bricks sticking out on its sides. 

Bricks that, if Neve was interpreting this correctly, were meant to be used to climb up to the top. 

"I-I'm not saying there *is* a key up there, I'm just saying there could be one." 

"I can't help but doubt that but, then again, this System of yours has proven itself to be quite cruel many times." She took her eyes off the tower and asked, "I don't suppose that I would be able to grab this object you seek, can I?"