
9 doormat speaks

" And yeah ,as you ,mr.Rookes ,have clearly explained to me that ,you are there strictest principal ,who doesn't tolerate any type of bullying acts in silvermount high ,I would like you to see for yourself the visuals of the CCTV footage and then tell me about it." Lilith connected the CCTV footages to the laptop and again the events from the classroom and PE room played .Mr.smith and ms.pamela gasped.Even mr.Rookes had a sorry face.

Jesse ,Damien looked down with a guilty face.Madylin and her clowns chewed her lips coated with lipstick and exchanged worried glances at each other.

" If you would measure today's events with the same scale you used with me,I suggest you to lodge a police complaint about severe bullying and causing bodily harm to me,by ganging upon against a girl who didn't instigate anything against any of her bullies ,during school hours ,in her own classroom .As you have seen for yourself ,it's Madelyn who tripped me ,it's her who pressed her long artificial nails into my arms ,forming these bruises ,that haven't yet faded." Liilth showed them the red nailshaped marks in her arm.Pamela looked like she was going to cry.All the other parents didn't say a word,they stood there , without really understanding how the tables are turned at a matter of little time.Mr.rlRookes squirmed like a snail,stroking his goatee.Madylin looked down .

Lilith continued.,he inner beast unleashed." It was Damien who accused me of sleeping around with guys ,when he is the one caught by mr.Smith,at least , three times in a row ,last week ,from janitors closet ,each time with a different cake faced girl,with no clothes on.If you don't believe my words you are free to verify the data with mr.Smith"

As Lilith finished everyone turned to me.smith and he just nodded his head,Damien turned red with rage and embarrassment." Bitch,it was you ,who screamed ,Daniel in zoology class ."He yelled in fury.

Lilith turned her face to Damien." yes ,I have ,and I said it was a scary dream ,but you people were the one who claimed ,I was the one hooking up ,while you were really sleeping around with anything with vagina.And as everyone with eyes can see ,before you judge me with closed eyes ,look at my attire and these girls attire.I am not the one who come to school dressed up in a scanty dress that was bought at the time of my birth, looking like a cheap hooker ,and you accuse me of being a whore and a slut ,when in reality ,each of you look and behave like one."Lilith's temper flared in her words.

Mr and Mrs George ,Damien's parents were glaring at Damien ,promising thier wrath on him the second he escapes the confines of a public space .Mrs.George looked ashamed of her sons actions.Even mrs.Mathews looked a little flustered now.

But Lilith wasn't finished with any of them." Jesse ,why do you think you have any eligibility to accuse me ? You are one disgusting human being ,I unfortunately had the chance of knowing .I knew you were really bad ,the moment you decided , your best friend was not as ' cool ' or helpful for your social ladder climbing .And you were worst when you bullied me to prove you are better than me to others ,you laughed at me knowing , how it hurts me.You betrayed my trust.But I never thought ,you would stoop so low ,as using my first kiss ,which you stole from me ,as me trying to seduce you.And I would like to disclose to you,I ,Lilith Clinton ,hate you ,from the bottom of my heart ,Jesse jaimy Peter." Lilith spitted out looking straight into Jesse's eyes.He flinched from the hot blazing fury leaving Lilith's body in waves.mrs.Peter ,his mom ,stood near him,looking really disappointed in his sons actions,and looking at Lilith with sorry eyes.She have cared for Lilith when Jesse would take Lilith for playdates into thier house ,when they were really young.

But lilith still had things to clear.She turned to mr.Rookes ," you are the strict principal ,you highly claim off.You turned a blinde eye on a suffering student ,to please her bullies parents ,to earn fat cheques and hefty donations into your school fund.The visuals show that ,I was not the one who picked up a weopon first,I did it after Jesse and madylin and others picked up hockey sticks in thier hands and rounded me up to attack.In the class ,I used the pepper spray after suffering the entire humiliation from all these guys for an entire hour .You saw in the footage ,that I was the one who ran to escape my bullies to PE room ,and yet they followed me into there.As you already know bullying and acts of bodily harm are punishable criminal offence.And from these evidence ,I can claim my act ,as saving myself from attack.So,will you lodge a crime complaint now ? "

mr.Rookes looked like he would like to be swallowed up in the ground at the second .He sighed.His nose and years turning redder ,second by second.

Lilith continued." And yeah ,you were the one who suspended me from this school ,based on my irrational behaviour.Well..i dare you to dissmiss me .I really don't care at this point.You know well enough that ,I am the only student in your school or in around any school under our University , having a gp of 4.9 out of 5.If I try a little harder ,I could even get a 5 out of 5 ,and be the one who this school will boast about.I challenge you to ,teach any of these idiots ,with everything you have ,and make them score a gp I have.Can you do that..?"Lilith spat.

Mr.Rookes squirmed under lilith's gaze ." ms.Clinton....ummm....you know it will damage schools reputation if I lodge a criminal complaint in police.And it takes time to consider evidence Before suspending a student...you see-" Lilith cut off his speach before he speak further.

"ooh...Is that so,sir? where was your so called evidence before you decided to suspend me? Was there any thing to prove that ,I am the offender ,you claimed who did all those heinous Dee's ,that are not allowed in this institution, other than the fact that these wicked people told you so? That is if you even tried to look for evidence , which I really doubt in this case.You were busy gloating , in how you are going to be rewarded once you prosecute me infront of all these buissness tycoons for harming thier beloved sons and daughters and earning rewards in return for my humiliation." Lilith spat out.

mr.Rookes had the decency to look embarrassed.He let out a sigh.

mrs.Peter ,jesse's mom ,stepped forwarded, towards Lilith." dear,I am really sorry for what you had to go through because of my son and his friends .I promise you that you won't endure it ever again. You were like a daughter to me ,when you were Jesse's bestfriend,still that fact has not been changed for me.And after seeing what they have did to you ,I am sure you don't deserve any kind of punishment and if someone in here deserves punishment it's my son and his friends who acted like brats ." She patted lilith's coke coated hair and turned to mr.Rookes ." mr.Rookes ,in the light of the events and the witnesses of mr.smith and ms.pamela ,I ask you to withdraw the suspension for Ms.clinton,and punish all these children who were nothing less than cruel bullies , including my son ,and issue fines on them for the destruction of school property.I would also like to personally supervise that no more bullying takes place in your school ,from now."she sighed and gave a reassuring smile to Lilith.

Lilith gave her a week nod back.

Mr.Rookes gave mrs.Peter a nod and turned to Lilith." I am sorry for the ignorance and bullying you faced in my school,and I promise there would not be any more chapters of bullying ever again.I have seen the evidence and I am convinced that it was Jesse ,Damien ,madylin and her friend's who bullied Lilith and created havoc in PE room.Therefor all the five of you are issued for fifty dollars fine for the destruction of school properties and two weeks suspension for severe bullying."

Lilith nodded back to him and gave him a week smile.jesse looked ashamed and sad, Damien looked sorry,Madylin and her clowns looked dazed and Lilith felt a sensation of pride swirling inside her.It was a strange feeling.Standing up and biting back in thier asses.Yeah ,it's right .Payback is a bitch.The door mat can speak for herself ,with a little bit help of a particular someone.With golden brown streaked blonde hair and sparkling aquablue eyes..