
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Yang Banged!

Chess, a game that you're not very good at. None the less, you find yourself challenging Ozpin to a chess match.

"Oh? Interesting." This is what Ozpin says when you ask him for a rematch.

Sadly, he was busy and you had to come back once he had some free time. This worked to your advantage, though, you now had time to improve. Asking your teammates for help was not so successful. Ruby wasn't a very good player, still, she was better than you.

You did manage to beat her once or twice. Blake was strangely reluctant to play against you. Felicia on the other hand, she made sure to tease you at all times. You didn't even manage to beat her once. Still, some experience is better than none.

As the day of you and Ozpin's match finally came, you were prepared for a chance at victory, no matter how small it was.

Comparing your skill at chess now to before, you were leagues better at the game. Sitting down, you noticed that a mug was prepared for you.

Was this what Ozpin drank?

"Yes. I have noticed you always looking at my mug, help yourself" Ozpin says

Taking a sip, you realize why he's always drinking this. After all, it tastes better than anything you've ever drunk before. Almost as if snapping out of a trance, you notice that the mug is empty.

What? Where did it all go!?

"Why, you drank it all. I'm quite glad you enjoyed it. Now, shall we begin?" Ozpin says with a smile

You'll have to ask him about the magical drink later, for now, you play.




Well.....at least you didn't lose in two moves. This game had gone on for far longer than your last, but you were still easily crushed by the chess monster known as Ozpin.

"Now, now, don't look so down. I'm sure you'll improve if you keep playing." Ozpin says, his eyes looking straight at you.

Yes, you need more practice.

"Hmm....before you go, I have a question for you." He says

A question? What is it?

"Well, It's more of a riddle, but none the less, here It is." He says taking a sip from his mug.

"There is a train coming down a set of tracks and ahead, there are five people tied to the tracks that are unable to move. If not stopped, the train will continue and kill the five people." Ozpin says with a serious look

"However, you are standing on a bridge above the train tracks and you can see the train coming. There is a man standing next to you, who is so enormous and heavy that if he places himself in front of the oncoming train, it will hit and kill him but the train will stop. The man is not the self-sacrificing sort." Ozpin continues

"So, what do you do? Do you push the man and save the five? Or do you let them die?" He finishes.

Why is he asking you this, you wonder? Thinking about it, you realize that there is not enough information for you to come to a solid conclusion. Well, if you don't have the required information, then you'll just have

to make assumptions. Knowing that Ozpin doesn't like it when you hurt criminals, you infer that he wouldn't let these people die.

So, clearly, it would upset him if you didn't save someone. With that in mind, you tell Ozpin that you would use your

semblance to quickly reach the five tied up people and free them before the train can reach them.

"Oh? So that's your answer. Tell me, Mr.Solus, what is your semblance." He asks with an unreadable look

You don't know, what you do know is the possible effects of it. You can heal from most wounds very easily and take a large amount of punishment. It also makes you much faster than anyone you know, aside from Ruby.

"Interesting. Well, I do believe that marks the end of our little session." He says taking a sip from his mug

You're still quite sad you didn't manage to so much as take anything other than a pawn.

"Now now, Mr.Solus. The pawn is one of the game's most important pieces." Ozpin says with a small smile.

With that, you leave Ozpin's office.


You had reached the limit of what you could easily learn about fighting with a great sword on your own. Thankfully, you were in a school that taught children how to fight. Looking around for a teacher that specialized

in great swords was surprisingly harder than you thought. You did eventually find someone who had used great swords as their weapon.

Sadly, they had switched over to a style that used short one handed swords. Still, while they might not have been a master great sword wielder, they still had much more experience than you. Unfortunately, they were too busy to teach you this week, though, they promised that they would help you next time.

[Great Sword Instructor Found!]


You had not expected to make as much progress as you did once you began your time domain training this week. Really, your new discovery was something that you're quite proud of. Deciding to push the limits of your discovery, you began experimenting. After all, it wasn't every day that you made such a leap in your Major Domain.

You have learned to command the world to stop something you are holding. Even

with this amazing breakthrough, you still have limits on your new power. You can only

stop things that you can fully wrap your hand around. There was no time limit as long as you were holding the stopped object, but as soon as you let go, the object would return to the normal time stream.

Still, this allows for interesting experiments, such as holding a ball of water in your hand. Practicing this on your own wrist, you discovered that stopping all the blood in a small section of your arm was a bad idea. Thankfully, you were not at beacon when you tried your experiment. Now.....you find yourself in a familiar situation. What should you do with your old arm?

thinking on it a bit you chose to consume it. You hadn't eaten the flesh of a human or faunus due to the fact that it would probably not be received well by others. Thankfully, there was no one else around and even if there was, this was your arm. They couldn't complain since it was your arm.

You were also quite excited to finally try out making a fire. While making the fire took you longer than you expected, the arm tasted....not so bad. It was even better than some of the other thing's you've eaten, namely, the Grimm.

Well, at least no one else could eat your arm, you'd hate it if someone dug it up and did weird things with it.

While your body looked and could do anything that a real faunus could do, if it was closely inspected, they would find evidence of the fact that you did not have what was considered a "Normal" aura.


Once more, you and Ruby returned to working on your new weapon. Apparently, the material Ruby had asked for was finally here. To you, the small assortment of strips of just looked like any other metal, perhaps they did had different colors, but she kept insisting they were ,"Totally different."

She had even asked her family for a tiny sum of money to cover the cost of the "Extra special material" that she thought would work perfectly with your sword. Using small sample sizes was the best ways to find a compatible material, after all, it would be quite bad if the metal merged and exploded once it was covering the crystal frame. With everything ready, you both began documenting the reactions the sword had to the different types of metal.

What you found was interesting. The metal called steel easily merged with the crystal, but it degraded very quickly depending on how much aura you fed into the sword.

"Bronze" on the other hand caused the sword to become stringy like a noodle. Copper had just caused the sword to instantly explode and shower you both with what appeared to be a cloud of rust, it was quite surprising. After trying all of the other metals with varying degrees of success, you turned to Ruby's special metal. Looking at it, you recognized that it shared quite a similar appearance to the metal the sword was found with.

"Yeah, it's titanium. Quick! let's try and see if it fits!" She says as she hops up and down.

Applying the small strip of metal to the sword, you let your soul flow through the frame.

Unlike previous tests, the sword easily accepts the metal and begins releasing small emerald particles from the spot the strip was applied. Waving the sword around, you notice that it looks like the crystal frame has slightly grown where the strip was placed.

"Wow! that looks so cool, like green fireflies." Ruby announces.

Yes, it does look quite pleasing.

Having found the material to use for the sheath, Ruby turned to the weapon's design.

Apparently, your choice of a giant block of metal was something she had banned as one of the options, how rude. Running out of time, you didn't get very far in designing a look for the sword. Well, the hard was done, Ruby would handle the rest. All you had to do was talk to her and come up with a design. Perhaps you'd take the rest of the week to think on that.

====Blake(c)'s Pov====


No....that doesn't sound right. This is harder than you thought. Saying "Am I doing it right" is really quite hard. You had no idea where to begin once you decided to learn how to properly speak like a human. So, you decided to watch and mimic others. Through your link with Mordin, you were able to understand the intent and the message that everyone sent at you when they spoke.While you had fond a way to easily interpret the message perfectly without the link's help, speaking, on the other hand, was proving to be a challenge.

You could say simple things like "Cat", "Blake", and "Mordin". The problem arose when you tried to say more than one thing. Well, you still have lots of time to improve. Hopefully, your next session will help you get over this hurdle.

[Blake can now say Single Words!]


Everything hurt. Your tail hurt, your paws hurt, even your thoughts hurt. Still, you had managed to do it! Even if he wasn't using his time powers at full, you had still managed to scratch him! Any other time and you would be belittling and reprimanding yourself,

but not now. He hadn't gone easy on you, just like you asked. Still, you had managed to learn a lot from your constant defeats.

He always swung just a bit to the right, so the next time he struck, you made your move and cut a tiny line across his cheek. He had been surprised and the small smile that

slid across his face made your day, after all, he rarely smiles.

Still, you shouldn't have stopped paying attention. His following blow completely ended your transformation and knocked you out. You still have a long way to go.

[Not So inexperienced Combatant --> Combattant in Training]

====Mordin Pov===

With the week coming to an end, something caught you by surprise...


Having already found the specific type of metal for your sword, there was nothing else to do but experiment on the crystal frame with Ruby and think of designs for your sword. Sadly, the staff at the workshop was quite set on not letting you try out your "Crazy Experiments" inside.

So, You and ruby headed off to a secluded part of beacon to try things out. As you head off, you feel as if you were being...watched? Taking a look around, you don't see anyone suspicious following you. Though, you do see Yang trying to hide behind a tree. Giving her a wave, you return to following Ruby.

As you arrive, Ruby asks you what you'll be trying out today.

Well, you've both already tried a lot of things, perhaps you should look up something on "The Internet"?

"Oh! that sounds like a good idea. The internet's bound to have lots of cool experiments we can try out!" Ruby says with a cheerful smile.

Your response is cut off before you can even think of it as a hand grips your shoulder. Were you a normal Faunus, you would no doubt be trying to remove the hand that was crushing your shoulder. Instead, you turn your head and see Yang. Her hair is aflame and her eyes bore into yours. Did she take offense to your wave? Did you accidentally do the insulting "One Finger Wave" that Brick taught you? No, you don't remember doing that.

"Yang? What are you doing here?" Ruby asks

"...What were you two about to do?" She asks with a very calm look, though, the glowing eyes would no doubt intimidate most people.

"Huh? we were just experimenting" Ruby says with a confused look.

Yes, you were just going to experiment on your sword.

"Yeah-" Ruby begins to say, but you never get to hear the end of her sentence.

Quicker than you can react, Yang picks you up by your shirt and throws you as hard as she can.

As the wind sails past you, you realize that being thrown is quite exciting. You can hear Ruby shout your name, but that is quickly covered up by the howling wind.

Finally landing after flying for some time, you look around. It seems you've found yourself in the emerald forest.

The sound of a crashing tree draws your attention. Looking around, you spot Yang with her weapons drawn.

Hmmm, does she want to spar? You can't think of any other reason why she took

you to such a secluded location. You do need to improve your unarmed combat skill.

You Give her a proper thank you her for her help.

In return, she simply takes up a fighting stance and prompts you to do the same.

She's very thoughtful, perhaps you should find a way to repay her?

Seeing Yang giving it her all, you decided to do the same.

And The World Slowed To A Crawl

With a mighty lunge, Yang makes the first move.


She's much faster than you anticipated, that's all you can think of as her fist connects with your stomach. As expected, your body lets you know that something hurts. Thankfully, you've long since gotten accustomed to the sensation known as pain. It's just like any other useless sensation, though, it's probably very useful for the ones that actually need it.

As you were lifted off your feet by the force of the blow, you reactively spit blood all over her face. Even with all your defenses, she still managed to rupture some of your body's

internal organs and break most of your rib cage. You're certain she wouldn't have put so much force into the blow if she knew you didn't have an aura. After all, from

what you've seen, aura is quite a powerful force field.

Flying backward, you notice what appears to be a very shocked look on Yang's face, she seems to keep looking at her blood stained hands.

Your vision is quickly blurred as your back crashes and then proceeds to uproot multiple trees. Aside from the tree's breaking, you notice that most of your back is also severely damaged. Well.....this is almost as bad as that time Zinogre beat you.

You can't help but smile

Thankfully, you didn't pass out like last time. Taking a look at yourself, you notice a couple of your bones sticking out of your chest. That

look quite bad, Yang really packs quite a punch.

This does seem like it will be quite a challenge! Taking a couple of second to fully heal up, you reminisce on how your

healing abilities have strengthened since Zinogre. You doubt you could have dealt with more than one wound of such a level back then. Now, you can easily heal from a couple of them without much trouble.

Standing up, you rush back towards Yang. You can't wait for your turn!

What you find instead is a very noncombat ready Yang.

Looking at you, she widens her eyes and asks you- "How...How are you OK!?"

Oh, it's your.....semblance?

"I....I see. You had me scared there for a bit, he..he.." She says with a relieved look

Are you both going to continue the fight now? You haven't even gotten your chance yet.

"....Look....I....I overreacted a bit, and....I thought I'd...I'd....." She stops

She thought she'd?

"Killed you! Like, who wouldn't! You covered me head to toe in your Blood! If I wasn't so worried, I would have broken all your bones for running my hair! UGHAAA" She yells, punching a nearby tree.

As the tree goes flying like you once did, you wonder what to do know.

She's clearly still very angry, though she seems to have fallen from her "Burning Mode" as you call it.

Seems you find yourself in a very peculiar situation. Yang is still very distressed and you don't really know what to do. You've never had to deal with a situation such as this, but you know you have to do something. That's what allies do, right? And what else would you call your team leaders sister?

Still, you don't have any idea where to begin. The thought of just going up and hugging her does cross your mind, but you're not certain

if that would be a good idea until you've stopped her from punching random trees and other things.

With that in mind, you slowly walk towards her and reassure her that you are perfectly fine. She was worried she killed you, right?

"Worried? Of course I was worried! Like.....your aura should have at the very minimum absorbed that first blow! How have you survived this long with such a weak aura!" She shouts.

Well, you've mostly just dodged things and healed from any injuries.

"Are you insane! Rahhhh!" She yells, destroying a nearby boulder.

No, you don't think so. Though, she should calm down. You're fine and healthy and she didn't hurt you much.

"You.....oh god, if anyone finds out about this....I might be expelled...that's...." She says with a very worried look.

Why would she be expelled? It's not like she killed you.

Flinching, she asks you something.

"Can...can you please not tell anyone? I....I'll do anything you want, within reason. But...please.....I can't leave Ruby here alone..."

Sure, you weren't going to tell anyone anyways. After all, this was a training accident, right?

"Training accident? you..." She says lowering her head.

Seeing this as the perfect chance for that hug, you slowly walk next to her and wrap your hands around her frame.

Her body flinches and then she stands absolutely still. A couple seconds later, she wraps her hands around you. It seems she hug's a lot harder than you, after all, she's squeezing you quite hard, though, not hard enough to cause you pain.

"You.....i...i....im..so...sorry" She says burying her face is into your hair.

As your ears twitch, you tell her she has nothing to be sorry about, you were simply too weak to take her blow head on. You underestimated her speed and paid for it.

"I...It's all my fault.....just because some idiot....told me something...doesn't mean it's true." She says into your hair.

You've run out of things to say, so you just stand still and let her.....keep talking into your hair.

Eventually, she breaks off the hug, turns around and.....wipes her face with her hand? You suppose there is a lot of blood.

"Hehe...right, sorry about that. I'm calm now, thank's for the.....hug. Though, don't ever tell anyone we did this or I'll...no, never mind, do whatever you want." She says with a frown

Good, now that she's calmed down, you ask her why she threw you out here. While the trip was fun, it seems she didn't actually want to spar.

"Ah...that's....someone told me you and my sister were.....well.....doing something I really shouldn't have believed so easily. I guess I just got so angry I stopped thinking rationally." She says scratching the back of her head.

What did she think you were doing?

"Er...well, the person showed me a recording of one of your conversations. It was heavily implied that they saw you doing....it" She says. It's clear whatever "It" is was is a very uncomfortable topic to her.


"Erm.....here, you can listen to the recording." She says as she quickly takes out her scroll and plays a recording.

Listing to it, you recall that this was a conversation you had with Ruby about your sword not fitting into its sheath. You had both decided to return to your room and use some tools to make sure it could fit all the way in.

"Your...sword? Was....was that what you two were experimenting on?" She asks with a face of dawning realization

Well, yes. What else would you two be doing?

In response, Yang simply begins to laugh.

Did.....did you say a joke?

"No...no...I'm just realizing what an idiot I've been. I'm...truly sorry." She says finishing her laughter

Alright, so, what should you two do now? Does she want to actually spar? Though your both covered in blood, that would be hard to explain to the teachers.

"Oh shit." She says

What does excrement have to do with anything?

"Erm...ok! There's a river nearby, I think....we can.....wash our clothes there." She says with a desperate look on her face.

That's a good plan, you think.

Just as you're about to leave, your scroll starts ringing. Checking on it, you find that Ruby is calling.

Answering the call, she asks you if you're alright. She had needed to run back to her locker to grab her weapon.

You tell her that you're fine and you're hanging out with Yang

"So....you don't need my help?" She asks

No, you were both just about to go wash up after your sort of not-spar.

"What.....ok, as long as you're alright. Watch out for any Grimm!" She says with a very confused voice

Ending the call, you see a very worried face on Yang.

"Um...thank you. We should hurry up and get cleaned up." She says very awkwardly.

The following trip towards the river is filled with a few Grimm, though you two make quick work of them. The actual cleaning goes by decently fast, you both take turns cleaning off your clothes.

Yang made sure to warn you that if you were to peak, she'd "Yang" you from a tree.

Hmm, should you lend yang your book on reading? This is the second time she's said something incorrectly.

As she bathes, you ask her if she'd be alright sparing with you sometime. After all, you really do need the help learning how to fight

without a weapon.

She agrees and tells you that she's noticed that you "suck" at it. Well, it is the truth.

Eventually, you get your turn, though, your shirt is still torn up. Thankfully, you have a couple of them in your room.

As you both finally make your way back to Beacon in semi-soaked clothing, you spot Ozpin awaiting you by the cliffs.

"My, my, you've both been up to no good. Now, if you two would please follow me to my office." He says with a very serious look.

Yang gives a very resigned "Yes, sir" and you simply nod.

Entering his office, you notice that Professor Goodwitch is also here.

"Now, we'll be giving you both a chance to explain yourselves. So, would you kindly go first, Ms. Xiao Long?" Ozpin says as he sits down.

What follows is Yang explaining everything she told you and showing Ozpin the recording of the conversation.

"And, do you recall who this person was?" Ozpin asks Yang

"Yes, it was...was...erm....I..I can't remember. But you have to believe me!" Yang yells desperately.

"Calm down Ms. Xiao Long. While there will be consequences, you will not be expelled." Ozpin says reassuringly

"Ozipin!" Ms. Goodwitch shouts

"Glynda, it was an accident. And while that doesn't justify it, no one was permanently hurt and I'm quite certain Ms. Xia Long won't ever do something like that again, right?" Ozpin says

"No, I won't!" Yang says desperately.

What follows is a small argument between Ozpin and Goodwitch. Eventually, Ozpin settles on a punishment for Yang. She is not to leave Beacon without an escort, be that friend or a teacher.

She is never to participate in unsanctioned battles again, she is to help the Beacon janitorial and cooking staff for the following month. Finally, you will personally be adding one more reasonable punishment to her list.

While Goodwitch still thinks the punishment is too light, you can clearly see a look of relief wash over Yang's features.

Moving on, Ozpin informs you of your own punishments. After all, you had failed to inform Yang of your rather low aura reserves and participated in the fight anyways.

Your punishments would also include helping out the staff alongside Yang and a small fee.

You were both told not to inform anyone of the real reason why you're being punished. If asked, it is because of an "Unsanctioned sparring session outside of Beacon Grounds."

You were then asked to think up of an appropriate punishment for Yang.

you decided on having Yang explain things that you don't know or understand. There

had been a lot of things you'd asked others, but they always found a way to trick you and not answer. Well, now you'd have someone that had to answer your questions. Yang seemed happy with your choice, though the smile on Ozpin's face was quite....odd. Oh well, thankfully the weekend was almost here.

[You lost 250 Lien!]