
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Yang's Party

As you sleep, you dream of a man, you dream of a Golden King. As his city burns, he makes his way to the beast that has caused such


"Tch. Damn four ears." He says, looking at the figure towering over him.

The figure, completely shrouded by darkness, only waits.

"So.....they send on of their fancy weapons to burn my city. Well, no more!" The king says drawing his sword.

What follows is an exchange of blows that you can barely perceive, each blow causing more destruction than the last.

Eventually, after causing the beast to retreat, The King finds it once more.

It holds a hostage, a little boy, no older than 10. The gray-haired boy's thin brown eyes show only fear.

"You...you dare! Mongrel! Unhand my subject!" The King yells in outrage

The beast only laughs.

"So be it. Boy! do you want to live? Even after death?" The King asks.

".y.y.es..pleas..e ..sav..e me.." The Boy says in between sobs.

With a smirk, the king raises his hand. A small bottle appears out of the air as if it had always been there. Raising his other hand, the king draws a throwing knife. It's twisted and jagged appearance does nothing to hide its menacing look.

The beast stiffens.

"Close your eyes and grit your teeth, boy! the king shouts

As he throws the dagger, space bends, time breaks and reality shifts.

In an instant, the Beast is no more. Half its body is gone, its eyes are hollow. You see what appears to be a soul be consumed by

the dagger near its cooling corps.

The next thing you notice is the boy. Or.....what's left of him, only his head remains.

The king slowly walks up to the body of the boy. Opening up the bottle, he proceeds to empty its contents into the boys mouth.

As the dream fades, you see the boy slowly healing....



You had wanted to improve upon your "Aura" disguise. After all, it would only be a matter of time before someone figured out that something was odd about your aura reserves. With that in mind, after one of your classes you headed for a nice quiet part of the courtyard.

You had seen the protagonist in the movie, "Spacebattles" take up the stance you are currently performing. You sit on the ground, your legs crossed, and your eyes closed. Slowly nut surely, you wiggle more and more

of your soul out of your core. Eventually, you manage to increase your "Aura's" reserves. While still smaller than almost everyone else, you now have a small amount of control over it.

With your new found control, you can remove or add small amounts of your soul to your total "Aura" reserves, thus, simulating the loss or regeneration of a person's aura. It should fool most normal people.

["Aura" reserves now appear to be a bit bellow average, Can now somewhat fake losing or regenerating "Aura"]

Reviewing your previous fight with the Deathstalker, you realize that Blake(c) is quite fragile. While taking heavy damage in her beast form won't kill her, it will revert her back to her base form. Unlike you, her normal form is very susceptible to most forms of death.

So, you try to fix this problem by teaching her

the Body Domain. Informing your teammates that you're going to walk Blake(c), you head out. It doesn't take very long before you find a nice secluded spot on the roof of Beacon.

Teaching someone a Domain is akin to compressing one's own knowledge and

transferring it to the student as a memory. Thankfully, everything goes well, and Blake seems to have received most of your

knowledge. She still needs to figure everything out by herself, but for now, she should be much less likely to die.

[Blake Gains the "Body" Domain! Blake Now Has A Small Healing Factor! Blake Gains "Enduring Flesh!"]

Finally since you completed each of your initiation tasks, to gain the privilege to ask any Beacon staff for personal training and you already had one person in mind.

"Oh? You want Me to teach you something?" Ozpins say, taking a drink from his mug.

Yes, preferably something useful.

"Hmmmm. Let me tell you something, Mr. Solus. You are not the only winner of our little task to ask this of me" He says

You're not?

"No. In fact, almost everyone who won came to me. None the less, you did complete your tasks. In return, i will teach you something." He says pulling something out of his desk.

"I will be teaching you chess." He says


"Yes, it a game i'm rather fond of. Perhaps you might be a challenge." He says, a small cat-like smile on his face.

With that, he explains the basics of the game to you.

To put it lightly, Ozpin destroys you.

You try again and again, but you fail every time. You start getting frustrated, and Ozpin takes advantage of this. Thus, you lose the final game in only two moves.

"Well....it seems like your time is about up. It was rather.....fun playing with you. If you're ever up for another lesson, all you have to do is ask." He says with a tiny smirk.

With that, you exit his office and head back to your dorm room.

Did you really even learn anything?

[Mordin Learned how to play Chess! New Activity "Play Chess With Ozpin" unlocked!]


//Blake(c) Pov//

Useless, that's how you felt. You couldn't even help out in fighting the Stinging one. You won't stay like this, you'll get stronger and be of use to him. First, you'll start training with you Beast domain, it's the only way you can actually fight, so it's logically the first thing you should do.

After much practice, you find the time limit on your form. It's much too short, you think.

With renewed motivation, you focus on improving that limit. Along the way, you also manage to decrease the time in between transformations.

[Restriction after being forced to revert to base form decresed from 1 hour to 45 Minutes]

Your new intelligence is your greatest strength. While your previous days of ignorance were...enjoyable, you're much happier now. Being able to communicate with him is by far what you like most about your new found intelligence, so, you'll try to improve. Maybe one day you could use proper words to speak your mind.

For now, you train your mind and practice difficult problems. Your stomach rumbles, no.....you won't be distracted by food! You must focus. As your training comes to a close, you look back on it and are....satisfied. There is still much more to learn.

[Quick Learner(LV1) Gains a new component!]


\Yang's Party\

You only had a few pairs of the clothes you usually wear, thankfully, this wasn't a "Formal" party, so you were safe. Looking around the school auditorium, you spot Professor Goodwitch.

Is she the one that's supposed to be "Supervising" the party? Why you would need supervision is a mystery. Walking up to her, you greet and thank her for her work.

She gives you a small nod and continues...supervising?

Looking around, you spot the rest of your team, Team CWAL, Team JNPR, and another team. While you don't know anyone on the mysterious team, you're sure you saw them at initiation.

Walking up to the rest of RSBC (rose bush), you greet them and talk for a bit.

After socializing with your team for a bit, you look around and see some people you

haven't met yet. On your way there, you spot Sky and....Dove? Making sure to wave at them, you notice them quickly exiting the room. Perhaps they needed to use the bathroom? Either way, you continue on towards the

group of people near the back.

As you approach, they turn and greet you.

"Oh? aren't you one of the two crazy prodigies that got into beacon? Or are you just a tad short?" The boy before you says.

Prodigy? you don't know what that word means.

"It means a person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities." The girl to the right of the boy says.

She then quickly returns to messing around on her scroll.

Oh? then you guess you are a prodigy.

"That's how you do it! you've got to have confidence in yourself or you'll never get anywhere!" The crimson haired girl to your left announces

Do You?

"Yes! You do! Name's Neve, put er there!" Neve says, extending her hand.

A handshake, you do love these. Extending your own hand, you proceeded to give her a handshake of an acceptable level.

"Tch...Neve, you shouldn't be so trusting" A new face interrupts.

And so.....the team begins to argue. You can tell it's not a serious thing, perhaps they know each other? Eventually, you manage to ask for their names. The first boy is named Chester, he's the leader of their team. The first girl is named Iris, and she's the team tech expert. Following her, the other girl is named Neve and she's a martial artist. Finally, the grumpy boy is called Milo. Together, they form team CINM or Cinnamon.


After talking to team CINM for a bit, you headed off towards some of the beverages. You were feeling quite parched, so a drink would do you some good. On your way there, Yang came up and very vocally challenged you to an arm wrestling competition. Having no idea what that was, you clearly accepted. After all, this would probably be a new and fun experience.

As the crowd gathers, you tell her that you accept her challenge. The crowd starts murmuring.

"Heh, I knew you'd do it. You'd have been a scary cat not to axeccept." She says.

The crowd goes silent.

They must really not like it when people pronounce words wrong.

"COME ON! that was gold!" Yang yells.


"Your Puns suck!!!" Someone in the crowd yells.

Quick as lightning, Yang's head spins towards the voice. Alas, it is impossible to tell who said that.

You can see Yang's shoulders shaking.

"My....Puns....Are..AMAZING!!" She yells as she's engulfed in flames.

Taking another look, you see that she is not really on fire. It just appears that way. Is this her semblance?

"You! Arm wrestle, now!" She commands. Is she angry? You think so.

Well, you still wanted to find out what arm wrestling was all about, so you complied.

Professor Goodwitch moved up next to your designated area. She was here to make sure no one got hurt.

"Go Yang...and....Mordin! Oh!!.....who do i cheer for??...Felica, what do i do!" Ruby says

"Hehehe, cheer for who you want to win." Felicia replied

"So childish...." Weiss murmured, shaking her head.

And so, the crowd continued to talk.

As the blond boy, Jaune? Walked forward, you and yang held each other's hands. Her eyes had changed color, you noticed.

"Erm...Ready? Ok...here it goes. One....two....three!!" Jaune announced as he jumped back.

At the same time, someone yelled , "YOUR PUNS STILL SUCK!"

The makeshift table used to hold the contest exploded. Most of the students yelp and back away as the shrapnel flies by. You focus on the contest, your eyes never leaving Yang's.

Her eyes narrow and she tries to put more force into her arm. You won't have it. You force her hand down, it was surprisingly easier than you expected. Just as her hand is about to touch the ground, someone

from the crowd yells something.....again.



Your hand starts to get warm. Yang's eyes flash and she screams.

"WHAT!!!!!!"  Yep, she's angry.

Still, it's too late. She's at an extremely awkward position and can't use her strength to her full advantage. You can tell she's physical stronger than you, but that doesn't matter at this point. With one final push,you

slam her hand into the ground.

Once more, the previously bustling crowd is silenced. Even Yang can only stare in silence.

"Oh my god! That was so cool!" Someone says, you think it's Neve?

"I.....I lost?" Yang says. Looking at her now, she's reverted from whatever state she was in before.

Afret a few seconds, she smiles once more and she says, "Hehe, not bad. I guess you're pretty strong, for a midget."

Ripping her hand out of the ground, she gets up and starts walking away.

As you look around, all you see is the stunned faces of your fellow students. None more so than the girl in white, Weiss.

Huh.....your kinda hungry.


After helping tidy everything up, you head back towards the food. Everyone is still

giving you odd looks, but you're hungry, and so, you ignore them. Finding some pankakes,

you start eating. You continue on to eat half of the food on the table. Once you finish, you notice that one of the plates on the table had a name on it.

"Nora" it read.

"You.....you monster!" a voice yells at you from behind you.

Turning around, you see the N of team JNPR.

Ah.....was this her food? You're terribly sorry for eating it, you were just very hungry.

Small tears rising at the corner of her eyes, she yells at you.

"Sorry! why don't you say that to my stomach! I had Renny make the super special pancakes just for it! " She says

Super special?

"Yes! I made Renny put all the super secret ingredients in it and he even did the dance!" She yells

Dance? What? They tasted like any other pancakes.

"What! Blasphemy! I won't have it! I challenge you to an eating competition!" she announces

Deal. You're still a bit hungry, after all.

Though, having two competitions in one day is new for you.

Once more, the crowd gathers.

"Are you serious?"

"What are they doing now?"

They people in the crowd say

"Nora.....what happened?" A boy says walking up to Nora.

You notice that he has a pink little strip of hair. Oh, i'ts Ren.

"Oh it's horrible Renny! He ate the special pancakes you left for me!" Nora whines

"....The one's you already ate?" He says in a tired voice

"Yes! Those ones...oh....wait." Nora says, a sheepish look on her face.

"Umm....i won't let you run away! even if you didn't eat my special pancakes." she yells at you.

With that, The competition begins.

How...How?! How did you lose? This question rattles your mind.

"Hah! Take that mister! I win! Though, you're really good. I almost lost near the end." Nora says.

You make sure to congratulate her. After all, she's clearly someone that deserves your respect.

"Heh!" She says with a smile.

"Hey! Let's be friends! You can be my rival and we could eat stuff." She says helping you up.

A rival? Yes, that's what she is, but she could also be a friend.

You agree.

"Yay! I got a new friend, Renny"

With that, you go off to a corner. Thinking about your defeat and how you could have played it differently.

[Eating: (C++) --> (B--)]


As the party draws to a close, you ask your team if they would like you to take a team photo.

"That's a great idea!" Ruby says

"That does sound.....interesting." Felicia says with a small smile.

Blake simply gives a nod.

A soft "Mew" confirms Blake(c)'s acceptance.

Having gotten everyone's permission, you go off and find someone to take a picture.

At first, you find Dove and ask him if he could do it. Sadly, he seems to have eaten something bad, what with the shaking and all.

Thankfully, you find Jaune and he agrees to take a picture for you.

A quick snap later and your team is looking at the photo.

It's quite nice. Ruby stands in the middle, Felicia on her right and you stand to the left of Ruby. Blake is standing just to the left of you and Blake(c) is comfortably sitting on your head.

A nice picture to add to your collection, you'll have to make sure to give copies to the rest of your team.

[Team Photo Added]