
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Week 5 (Part 3)[End]

Thinking on it, you decide to ask the voice a few questions first.

Who is she?

"Now, that is an interesting question, huh?" The voice says

Is it? It's a simple question.

"Indeed, as for the answer, I'm a person that works for a certain group."

Why did her group attack this place?

"Didn't I already say? Tony here was a bad boy, so we've decided to punish him. We'll probably just take him to one of our.....homes."

You can hear Odol grinding his teeth, he's quite angry.

How is he alive, from what you can tell he's a vegetable sitting right in front of you.

"Now that is a good question. In simple terms, this is all a recording~" The voice says.

"What! Then how the hell have you been answering our questions!!" Julieta shouts.

"Sorry to say, but that's a secret. Though, the answer to your question is yes. If you as nicely he'll let you hug his tentacles" The voice says with amusement.

Sputtering, Julieta says, "What the shit! Can everyone just drop it! Also, go die in a fire!" She yells at the voice.

"People are quite sight, anyways, you'll be asking Tony some questions next, right?" The voice says as tony's chair is spun around a couple of times.

"Who the hell are you talking too!! Just let me go!! I'll give you all our new inventions and never go against you again!! So please, let me go!!" Tony pleads

"Shhh, shhh, only talk to answer the questions I give you, otherwise." the voice says pointing a hand towards the person holding a gun behind Tony.

A slow nod from Tony gives you some time to think up some questions.

Looking at the screen, you ask why they kidnapped you. The voice quickly recites the question to Tony.

After a few seconds of confusion, he looks at the screen and answers your question.

"Y-Your potential was very high. Even if I got a warning right before I picked you up, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up! So many people could be saved if we just-" Whatever he was about to say is cut off as the person behind him wraps their hand around Tony's mouth. A quick shushing motion and re-adjustment of their pistol silences him.

"Sorry, but we still want to keep that part under wraps, so go ahead and ask the next question."

While a bit disappointed, there's nothing you can do about it yet. For your next question. Why did he chain you up in the basement?

You really don't like having your freedom taken away.

After being told your question, he once more looks at the camera and says, "You're a Beacon student, why wouldn't I do that? Not to mention you're somehow crazy resistant to most drugs. The one I shot you up with was enough to take out 100 men, that's insane." He says nervously.

Well, guess you'll have to be less trusting of strangers with free food from now on.

As for your last question, what's in the blood vial? You say as you take it out.

As the voice repeats your question, his face suddenly pales.

"No! Please! It was just the one!" He pleads

"Now, now, answer the question. If you say anything else or lie....well...." Once more the person motions to the gun

With a desperate look, he stares at the camera and answers.

"I-I-It's a new medicine. One of a kind, but..i-it has side effects. Please...I only made one!" He shouts

"Well, thank's for bringing that to my attention little faunus, but we should really be going. Guess we won't be bringing you along anymore, not after what we've just found out." The voice says as she motion towards the person holding the gun.

"Anyways, bye bye!." With that, the screen turns black and the TV turns off.

That...was not very informative.

"Fuck. Got so much shit to do now." Odol sighs.

Yeah, you also have to do things.

Taking out your scroll, you notice that you're about two hours late from your usual walk. A few messages from Ruby,Blake, and Felicia litter your notification screen.

It seems they were quite worried about you, you should probably call them in a second.

"You should probably split, Mordin, unless you want to help us move some bodies and other things?" Odol says


Before you leave, you make sure to offer your help to Odol. Not wanting to spend much more of your time here, you hurry along and quickly help carrying the injured and any dead bodies. Eventually, when everyone is gathered at the lobby, Odol calls someone. Soon enough, a truck pulls up and you help load the bodies and injured into the truck.

As you help, you didn't really find anything, in fact, you accidentally tripped and hit your face on a wall. In any case, Odol was very thankful for your help and says he'd owe you a favor.

You make sure to let him know you'll be mentioning what happened here to your team, but you'd leave him and everything related to him out of it. With a smile, he tells you that's fine.


With that out of the way, you begin your walk home. On the way you make sure to call Ruby first, she is your team leader, after all.

"Mordin! Wherehaveyyoubeen!? Everyone was so worried! Well, mostly me and Blake. Felicia said you would be fine and not to bother you on your walks. But how can I not worry about you! You do crazy things all the time, and i'd really feel sad if anything happened to you! and-" Ruby continues to talk about how you should never do that again and how she was getting ready to take the team out to look for you.

Eventually, you arrive at your dorm room and are promptly tackled by Ruby and Blake. Felicia stands on the side and takes a picture with her scroll. Blake stands close by with a relieved look.

When you had decided to tell your team what happened, you didn't expect everyone to be so...worried?

Ruby had simply stayed quiet and told you not to take food from strangers, she suggested being more careful on one of your walks.

Just like Ruby, Felicia sternly chides you for going directly against her advice. She had warned you about stuff like this.

Blake simply says you should probably get someone to walk with you.

By far the most extreme reaction is Blake. She simply transform and sits on you. Clearly, she doesn't want you to go anywhere. In fact, she proceeds to not leave your side for the following week. Every time you go for a walk, she hisses at anyone that so much at looks at you. You hope she calms down soon.


Interlude Ozpin


Mordin Solus, by far one of the most interesting students to walk through the halls of your school. He has no history, no paper trail, no memory, and no one knows him.

The only reason you had allowed him into your school was because of Team WRCK's recommendation. The chances of both them and Mordin being compromised was much lower than just Mordin. Either way, it would best to keep him close by where you could monitor him.

His advancement from the first day he attended classes to now was....staggering. While not the quickest learner, he managed to learn a vast amount of things in a very short time. Was it not for his "amnesia", you'd label it as another one of his semblance's abilities. Perhaps he already knew everything he's demonstrated? It would make much more sense than the alternative, but, that only raises more questions about his origins.

Could he be one of "Queen's" Pieces? If so, then you've already failed and should immediately restrain him. Yet, something about that theory doesn't fit. The chances that all the events that lead to his enrollment into Beacon were planned are too low to seem plausible. Who he is was no doubt the biggest question on your mind.

Thankfully, he's managed to get along fine with his team and most of the school. While his semblance is....bizarre, you've seen many other unusual semblances throughout the years. What was interesting, though, was his cat. You can count the amount of talking animals on one hand, and you've been doing your best to keep this situation under wraps. No doubt many people would be interested in the possibility of a sapient cat. That is what the cat known as "Blake" is. There was no doubt, a semblance that translates a cat's thoughts and one that increases a cat's intelligence high enough that they could hold a conversation are two very different things. Some of your staff was already asking permission to run some tests on her, perhaps you should talk to Mr.Solus soon?

Grabbing a cup of your delicious drink, you bring it to your lips and savor every second. The field trip was coming up soon, perhaps you should bring it up then, or maybe sooner?

In any case, you'd be keeping a very close eye on Mr.Solus among other things.


Interlude Felicia


Your name is Felicia Crescent, or at least it is now. Sitting on your nice and soft bed, you reach for your little notebook.

Unlike Blake, you don't hide your important things in your pillowcase, instead, you hide it in the ceiling by the fan. Currently, everyone is asleep, so it is the best time to write in your journal.

Opening it up, you flip to the last page you wrote. After examining it to make sure no one aside from you has read it, you begin writing your new entry.

You start off by writing about the recent event with Mordin. You had known he would have been kidnapped, and while you also knew he'd be fine, a small tiny part of you wanted to help.

You find that odd, after all, you were certain Mordin would easily handle anything that came his way. Still, even if you knew not to interrupt, you had almost taken out your phone and called just to check up on him.

Really, you hadn't seen what was so special about him the first time you met. He looked more like a lost little boy rather than someone who could easily cause so much destruction.

Even if he seemed so innocent and kind, you knew better. The way he sometimes looks at people can be quite scary, it's almost as if he's looking into your very soul. Aside from that, he also has quite a lot of funny quirks, though, you rather like those. His tail is still the softest thing you've ever felt, if only there was a legal way of having that all to yourself. The looks his cat gives you at times isn't very encouraging either. It's as if she knew what you were planning and was telling you to back away. Stupid territorial cats. Either way, Mordin is still a mystery, but you've started to slowly crawl up the mountain that is known as, "Understanding". Overall, Mordin seems like the child of a sleeping dragon pretending to be human, very interesting, you think.

Moving on to Blake, she's always quite fun to tease. In fact, just a few days ago you commented on her reading habits. You suggest that reading with a friend is more fun, and that she could talk about her favorite parts with her reading partner. She simply looked at you and asked if you were asking to read with her. You told her that she already had a reading partner in Mordin and that she should probably show him some of her other books, like "Ninjas Of Love".

The face she made was quite amusing, she had no idea anyone knew about that. You told her you wouldn't tell anyone, but she should totally give Mordin a look at her book, after all, it is nice to talk to someone about something you like. Mordin probably wouldn't care anyways, he's the perfect person to share her hobby with!

Sadly, she got up and left shortly after that. You really don't know why she's hiding her heritage. It's not like anyone on the team would discriminate against her. Maybe it has to do with her past? While you don't know much about it, you can tell she's used to fighting. Perhaps she was a mercenary? Either way, Blake is quite fun to tease.

Lastly, there's your team leader. Ruby Rose is an idealistic girl that wants everyone to be happy. While there's nothing really wrong about that, you still think it would do her some good to lessen that trustful attitude of hers.

While Mordin is very strong and can deal with most of this, Ruby isn't nearly as strong. You have no doubts that if Ruby were the one kidnapped, she would still be locked up int that basement. Perhaps this experience will help her think twice about trusting people that seem very nice.

Teasing her is also very nice, all you have to do is bring up the fact that she sometimes looks at Mordin when he's looking the other way. The way she fiercely denied it was very funny to see.

She also blushes like crazy whenever you bring up the weapon expo. Her cries of , "no one else wanted to go!" only makes your grin bigger.

Overall, you think you've got a very interesting team. Now, you have to make sure Mordin doesn't stray from his path, he is the best hope of accomplishing your goal, after all.

Finally, if anyone is reading this, congratulations! I'm not sure how you managed to decipher my personality made language, but good job nonetheless. Sadly, I'll have to kill you now, but don't worry, I'll make it quick~