
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

The one who follows the last

Your name is ?o?? and you are excited. How long have you waited for a chance like this? No matter how many times you had asked, you never received an answer. Yet, you had asked once more like you always do. And this time, the voice answered! It didn't give you vague riddles or mathematical answers like the many times your semblance has failed before.

It was a simple message, so you walked to a map and followed the instructions. After calculating the coordinates, you called

for a Bullhead and your personal guard.

As you flew, you tried to predict what could possibly be waiting for you. Your path was a very powerful semblance, but it had many.....weaknesses. Most of the time it gave you answers in extremely vague riddles, a different language, or some other difficult to solve problem.

Thankfully, you had ???i? to help you, her semblance was a real life saver and while it didn't fix every problem yours had, it definitely made long-term planning much easier.

The soft tremble of the Bullhead landing brought you out of your thoughts. Making sure not to be the first one out, you quietly signaled your officers to exit and set up a perimeter. It wouldn't be very good to be ambushed by the Grimm at night.

Once that was done, you stepped out, clad in your protective armor. A helmet with extremely durable and clear glass covered your head, showing to all that it was you and no one else.

The last thing you wanted was someone stealing a uniform and impersonating you or one of your men.

"Professor, the area is clear, sir!" The young man on your right said, making sure to salute you.

"Yes, yes, good job" You replied

Asking your path for the next step, you waited.

"Walk 647 Steps North, 147 Steps East, 27 Steps NN East, Down" The Gentle voice of your mother whispered back

You clench your fists. How you wish you could make it change the voice, what you would give for that power.

Sadly, no matter how many times you asked, it would always respond with, "I won't leave you, dear"

Quelling those thoughts, you begin your walk, your men following your lead.

With the moon shining behind you, you arrive at your destination.

A tree stands before you, nothing marking it as different from any of the other trees in the area.

Activating your flashlight, you scan the ground.

Yes, the dirt in this area seems a bit looser. Taking out a small extendable shovel, you begin to dig.

Holding what you no doubt came here for, all you can think of is, why would your path lead you to....this.

It answers the question easily, "Red Urn, Expert Mint"

It seems you've started to cross the threshold, no matter, you have what you came for.

Placing the object in one of your prepared containers, you proceeded to walk back to the Bullhead.

Strapping yourself in your seat, you wait for the Bullhead to take off.

As your pilot flies you back to base, all you could think about was...how could a rotting severed hand help you?


Getting out of bed, you grabbed Blake and all your possessions. Making sure to thank Ember for all your help, you wave goodbye and head off to Beacon.

Making your way to the airship port, you boarded one of the three airships that would be heading for Beacon. It was almost empty, apparently you had gotten here quite early. With nothing else to do, you took a seat near the back and waited for everyone else to arrive.

Soon, people began to trickle in, until finally, the ship was packed with students. Standing up, you tried to see if you could spot Ruby. She was headed for Beacon and talking to someone would be preferable to standing in the corner and being squished.

Sadly, you were much shorter than everyone else, and thus, couldn't see past them. At one point, a student had asked you if you boarded the wrong ship. You had informed him that you were headed to Beacon.

The student then took one look at your sword and Blake, then turned around and returned

to what he was doing. Perhaps he wanted his own cat?

Looking out the window, you could see Beacon approaching. Each airship seemed to be heading for a different dock, you could already see some disembarking students.

You wondered how many of the passengers were first years.

Calmly walking out when your ship docked, you scanned the crowd. No, you didn't recognize anyone here. You had been at Beacon once before and seen the general layout on the way to Ozpin's office.

Though, you still had no idea where you were supposed to go. Deciding on the simplest course of action, you walked up to a random person and asked them where the

new students were supposed to meet.

The Faunus kindly informed you that meeting would be held in the auditorium and then she proceeded to give you directions. Thanking her, you began your walk towards the auditorium.

As you make your way to the auditorium, a tall young man comes up to you. Blocking your path, his eyes travel your form and end up on your sword.

You make sure to observe his features as well.

"What the hell, why is Beacon letting in animals like you. You look 13, you midget." He says with a sneer on his face.

Why is he calling you an animal? Aren't humans also animals? Mankind itself is just a very advanced animal.

"What! You calling me an animal you freak!?" He says angrily

Well, yes. Did he not hear your previous explanation?

"You..." he clenches his fist

It is at this point that Blake jumps up from your tail onto your head.

She stares at the boy, and the boy stares back.

"Tch..." He says, relaxing his posture

"Listen here, I suggest you pack your bags and head back home. Beacon doesn't need your corpse stinking up its halls. A kid like you is only asking for a quick death, so take your animal and leave." He says

With that, he turns around and walks away.

That...was odd. Did he come to give you a warning?Beacon sure seems like a nice place, people are already trying to help you....you think? Perhaps he also wanted to stop competition?


Stepping into the auditorium, you see a very large crowd of students already inside. Sadly, it seems like the spots at the front are already take, and due to your size, you can't see very well.

Quickly coming up with an idea, you head to the far back. Gently placing your "Magnet" on the ground, you take out your sword and place it upright in the middle of your magnet, tip down.

Grabbing Blake with your tail, you jump up and sit at the point where your swords handle meets the blade. It has a nice thick and flat edge, so it allows you to sit semi-comfortably. You use your tail to balance the sword, and you put Blake on your head once more.

Most of the people around you give you weird looks, though, one girl with orange hair seems to be very excited about what you did. She even asks her friend if she could try that with her hammer.

Sadly for her, he says no. As more people come in, you look around the auditorium. Spotting Ruby, you make eye contact and wave. She waves back and the blond next to her turns and begins talking to Ruby.

After a short and quick conversation ruby seems to yell something back, only causing the blond to begin laughing. Conversations soon stop as Ozpin takes the stage.

You find the following speech to be...very interesting. While you agree with mostly everything he said, you're not so sure about spending the rest of your life protecting others. After all, you'll be living for a long time.

With the speech finished, everyone begins to exit the auditorium and head towards the area set aside for sleeping. You catch a glimpse of ruby running there, she must really want to sleep, you think.

With the day almost over, you come to a startling conclusion. The initiation tomorrow will no doubt have live combat, looking at Blake, you think of what to do with her.

You lift her up with one hand and then head outside decision made as you follow your instincts as a solus.

You'll need a nice spot for this....there, the rooftop will do nicely. Making sure no one is around, you climb up the walls. A combination of jumping and sticking to the walls with tiny tentacles gets you to the top easily enough.

As the shattered moon illuminates the roof, you gently place Blake down in front of you. She looks at you and tilts her little head,

a soft "meow?" escapes her tiny mouth. With a reassuring pat on her head, you begin preparing.

You take a very detailed look at the information stored in your head, you look for everything that has to do with awakening. Quickly memorizing everything, you begin.

First, you must give a part of your "true" self to the recipient. Sadly, you don't have a fully formed Solus body, so instead, you give Blake a part of your soul.

You bring your finger and press it up against her face. An almost infinitely small portion of your soul leaves you, it flies away from your core, flowing through your hand and then your finger.

As it enters Blake, you feel a minuscule void opens up in your very being. Quickly as it came, it is replaced with something else, something familiar. Yes....this feeling is....Blake.

You smile. Blake licks your finger.

With the first part done, you move on to the second step, namely, widening the small connection you just made. Normally, the two participants would share one of their most

important memories. Regrettably, Blake is only a cat, so it takes you quite a while to get your point across.

Thankfully, your new connection helped out quite a bit. For Blake, you send your happiest moment. Really, the day you were born was a close first for the happiest time of your life, after all, it was your first experience. Even if the sun hurt, you truly were happy

at that point in time.

You are quite surprised with what Blake sends you. You had expected something related to food, instead, you see her sitting in a box. Rain falls all around, the only thing

preventing her from getting wet is an umbrella positioned just above her tiny home. Suddenly, someone lifts up the umbrella and looks down at her.

Ah.....it's you.

She gives a small cry and is then lifted up in one hand. You see a small almost unnoticeable twitch at the corner of your lips. Is this your smile? You're not very good at them.

The memory ends.

With that step done, you can now feel exactly where Blake is. Even if you were on the other side of the world, you know that you would be able to find exactly where she is. Blake looks bewildered, no doubt confused by her new sense. After all, she can feel exactly where you are too.

And so, you move on to the third and final step. According to the information inside your head, this is the most dangerous step and requires the most precision.

So, Focusing entirely on Blake and the process, you take much, much larger part of your soul and pass it to Blake along your new connection.

and you feel-




The feeling soon dissipates and instead, you are filled with Concern

Looking around, you see Blake has scurried over to your side and has been trying to get your attention. Scratching her head, you tell her that you are fine. The feeling is gone, and you feel Happy instead. Yes, everything seemed to have gone splendidly.

Taking a good look at Blake, you are extremely surprised. The information has shown you that the one awakened would eventually develop the ability to learn minor domains, but, you can tell that Blake has somehow managed to learn not one, but two domains.

The domain of beasts. This was the first domain you could feel within Blake's mind.

Calling up the information pertaining to that domain, you find that it is quite a broad domain.

Then again, most domains encompass a large range of effects. From what you could gather, Blake would be able to command any animal with a weak soul.

While most animals fell under this category,

you weren't so sure about the animals of Remnant. While those without an awakened aura would not be able to resist, you weren't so sure about the ones with an awakened aura.

Aside from that, Blake could increase her size and transform into a large and dangerous looking cat. Though, you thought she looked just as cute in her new form. With training, you knew she would be able to transform into other, stronger forms, and perhaps something else?

There were still other things you didn't know much about concerning the evolution of domains, after all, you only had so much information stored in your mind.

[Blake: Combat Form" Gained! Command Lesser Beasts Gained!]

While you had a decent amount of information on the beast domain, the domain of learning had much less. From the small amount information you could find, it became clear that the learning domain was more of a

passive domain.

While it did have some active abilities, most of the domain was focused on improving the

user.In the long term, this domain would allow Blake to gather power and skills, eventually boosting her to great heights. Looking at Blake, you noticed an intelligence in her eyes that was absent before.

Testing out a theory, you quickly asked her to do more and more difficult tasks. Eventually, you reached a point where you asked her to

perform something a cat should not be able to understand.

Yet...she understood your words perfectly and

easily performed the task you asked of her. Blake really is quite a smart little cat.

[Blake: Restrictions on available skills removed, Restriction on Human skills removed, Sapience Gained, Trait "Intelligent Mind" Gained.]

[Blake: Traits "Awakened" and "One Who Follows The First and Last" Gained!, 2 Minor Domains Gained!]

With That taken care of, you finally go to the sleeping area. As you step in, you notice that most everyone is already asleep. Grabbing one of the free beds available, you find a nice spot near the window and lay down with Blake. Soon, sleep comes and you drift off into unconsciousness.