
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs


Waking up, you make sure to check if Blake is still with you. Thankfully, she's still sleeping with Taily. Looking around, you notice that there is only one other person sleeping. A blond in some sort of blue....clothing?

Looking closely at the clothing, it seems to be all one piece. Getting up, you follow the instructions on your scroll to your personal storage container, or "Locker".

Standing in front of Locker number "777"

You input your password and deposit all the equipment you won't be needing for initiation, you then make your way to the auditorium.

Arriving at the auditorium, you find that most everyone else has already left. Ozpin stands at a table, cup in hand. Wait...is that the same cup?

"Mr.Solus, I'm glad you made it." he says.

Giving him a kind greeting, you ask what the cards on the table are for.

"They are for initiation of course." He says, taking a sip from his cup.

"You are to choose one and then make your way to the cliffs. Once everyone has made a choice, the initiation will start. One warning, do no open them until you have found your partner." He says

Walking to the cliff, you take look at your card. "F" had said to choose this one in their letter. You had no idea why it was important, but "F" had let you meet Ruby, so you'd follow their advice for now. Making sure that you didn't forget anything, you searched your pockets. Blake whines as your hands disturb her cozy bed, otherwise know as Taily.

Nope, you left everything back at locker 777. You rather liked that number, it felt strangely pleasing to your eyes.

"Ah, late again Mr.Solus" A voice says, bringing you out of your thoughts.

Wait....how did Ozpin get here before you?

Looking at his face, you see him smile.

"Now that you're all here, I will explain your task." He says.

Some of the other students let out muffled groans. Ruby gives a small and shy wave, you wave back.

"As I've already told you all, your partner will be the first person you make eye contact with after we launch you into the forest." He says, drinking from his mug.

Partners? Forest?

"Yes Mr.Solus, this is something you would have known had you not been late" The blond woman to Ozpin's right says.

"Thank you, Glynda. Now, as I was saying. Once you have found your partner and only then, can you look at the contents of your card." He says, showing everyone how to open the card in your possession.

"You will then make your way to the northern end of the forest. An abandoned temple will wait for you at the end of the path. Each team will retrieve a relic and then return to the top of the cliff."

He continues on, detailing the danger you'll be facing along the way. It appears the guy from yesterday was being nice.

As everyone prepares to be launched, you think about who you want as your partner. It wouldn't be that difficult to calculate the trajectory of the person you want and then

guide yourself there.

As the other students started being launched, you made sure to securely grab Blake and prepare yourself for your landing. While the blond boy did raise a good question about the landing strategy, maybe the landing was also part of initiation?

As he was sent flying, screaming all the way, you tucked your arms in and made yourself as aerodynamic as possible. With the sound of a gear turning, you and Blake were launched into the sky.

Focusing solely on the passing landscape below, you waited for the perfect chance to land. A passing tree provided the perfect

chance. You grabbed one of its branches with Taily and used the momentum of your fall to send yourself towards another tree. Repeating this, you eventually slowed down enough to gently drop onto the forest floor.

Remembering the direction the girl was launched, you quickly make your way towards her. Thankfully, your landing spot was not too far from where you predicted she might land.

On your way there, you decided to ask Blake if she could use the new and improved sense of smell granted to her by the Beast Domain to find the girl. She licked your cheek and began sniffing the air.

Finding a scent, she pointed her tail north. Sitting on your head, you could easily see where her tail was pointing. As you walked, yo thought back on the reason you wanted to meet this girl.

Blake kept looking at her.

While Blake did often look at random people, she usually didn't spend more than a few seconds looking at any one person, aside from you.

So you became curious, what was different about her?

After following Blake's Directions for around fifteen minutes, you ended up in a clearing. Looking around, you could not spot the girl.

With a soft "Meow", Blake jumped off your head and walked towards a tree. She then begins scratching the tree's bark.

Calling her name, you ask what she found.

She Gives a soft and excited "Meow"

With that, you walk up to the tree to see what she found.

Once you reach the tree, you look up and see.....nothing.

Suddenly, you feel a cold edge at your throat.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Are you....." a cold voice says from behind you.

Blake lets out a loud hiss and prepares to transform. You send her gentle "stop" through your connection.

You inform the girl that you have no idea what she is talking about, you don't know her name.

"Don't lie, I know you said "Blake"" You can hear a small amount desperation in her voice, is she hoping that you're really lying?

You tell her that "Blake" is the name of your friend, and then you point towards Blake.

"Wha.....no..that can't...." She says, clearly surprised by what you've told her.

A small "Meow" from your friend shatters the tense situation. The girl puts away her weapons and lets you go.

Turning around, you stare into her eyes and what you see it fear, concern, and shame.

"I....i'm sorry. I didn't mean too. " She says, clearly ashamed of her actions

You tell her that it's ok, after all, you came looking for her. You apologize for possibly scaring her.

"You're sorry? I....ok. Let's just ignore this and pretend it never happened." she says

You agree readily.

"....I guess this makes us..... partners?" She says questioningly

Yes, it does.

With that decided, you introduce yourself as 'Mordin Solus" and then introduce her to Blake.

"Um....hi?" She gives a small wave to Blake.

Blake stares back, then she quickly climbs onto your head and gives a smug "Meow"

"...right....." Your partner says, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Well, I'm Blake Belladonna, it is.....nice to meet you." She says quietly

Once more, Blake gives a loud "Meow"

Looking at Blake, you suggest examining your cards. Ozpin had told you all

to look at them once you had found a partner.

"Alright." She says and nods.

Taking out your card, you repeat what you saw Ozpin do. First, you press the top left corner of the card, flipping open the face of the card, you see the glass screen on the inside. You then pressed your thumb up again the little circle, after 3 seconds the screen changes

to a note. It shows the following-

"To whoever is holding this card, I am pleased to see they you have found a partner. Each of these cards hold 3 tasks that you have the

option of completing. In order to pass the initiation, you must perform a minimum of one of these tasks. Should you not finish a single task, but managed to retrieve a relic, then you will be eligible for a one on one exam with a teacher. Should you pass, you will be allowed to continue your education."

Should you complete all 3 tasks, you will receive a one on one lesson with a teacher of your choice.

The tasks listed below were gathered from teachers and students of every year.

- Ozpin

Your three tasks are-

1.Collect the "Green Snake" Card From the following student. Included with your card is a tracking app that will lead you to this student's scroll.

2.Kill One Death Stalker or Nevermore

3.Tickle Your Partner's Foot.

Well, that last one should be easy. Sadly, you have no idea what a "Death Stalker" is. A Grimm that stalks death? That sound quite strong.

Looking at Blake, you ask her what her card says.

"I have to either hold a cat, solve "P Versus NP" , or walk on my hands until initiation is over." She says with a deadpan look.

Well thankfully, you have a cat!

Blake looks at you, then at Blake.

"meow!" Blake says in a very smug voice.

You explain to Blake that she wants her to say please.

The smallest of twitches can be seen on Blake's bow.

"...Fine, please let me hold you" She says, unamused.

With that, Blake jumps from your head into her hands, only to jump back a second latter.

Having finished the minimum requirement for Blake to pass, you show her your tasks.

"Who wrote these? I doubt any one of us could handle a Death Stalker or Nevermore by ourselves. And that last one....." She says, looking at you

"... Since you helped me and because of my earlier mistake, i'll...allow it, only if you haven't finished any of the other two task by the time we find the relics." She says, a hint of red on her cheeks.

Great, you don't have to worry then. after all, even if you don't finish the other two, Blake will let you tickle her foot.

You decide that you'll find a Death Stalker or a Nevermore and then kill one. Making sure to tell Blake what you planned, you looked at you card once more. Now that you looked closer, you found a small folder that held a picture of each Grimm.

Hmm.....the Nevermore seems like it would give you trouble, you have no ranged abilities what so ever.

While hesitant at first, after explaining that you probably wouldn't have to tickle her feet if you killed one she was fully on board your plan.

Still, you had no idea where to find any of the two Grimm, so you climbed a tree to get a better view of the surroundings.

You could see what appeared to be the opening of a cave not too far from where you are, maybe there could be a death stalker there?

Walking towards the cave, your foot snags on a branch. How? Maybe you were distracted, who knows why, but trip you did. As you swing your hands forward to catch yourself, the ground gives way and you fall.

A loud "Mordin!" can be heard as you fall. The shuffling of feet and dirt inform you that Blake had tried to grab you. Sadly, she too was distracted when you fell, and so....you fall....and fall...and fall.

You wildly produce tentacles from your hands and try to stab your sword into any nearby walls to slow your decent. The walls being too far for that, you try to fall closer in their direction. Just as you think you're out of options, Blake transforms and picks you up in her mouth.

Using your sword as a springboard, she jumps forwards and hits a wall that was just out of your reach. With her claws digging into the wall, you both slide down until you reach the bottom.

The loud ringtone of your phone is the only sound in this dark cavern. Answering your phone-

"Hello! are you ok!?" Blake says in a calm but concerned voice

You tell her that you're fine, you managed to land safely.

"...Alright. Can you make it back up here?" She says, letting out a breath of relief.

Yes, it shouldn't be that hard. Though, you want to quickly explore something you see in the distance.



"Just...hurry up." She says in an annoyed voice.

Heading towards the building in the distance, you grab your sword. It had embedded itself into the ground a short distance away.

Come....You find what appears to be an old.....cathedral. The giant double doors that lead inside are smashed open, large claw marks can be seen littering the walls.

Something truly massive must have caused them, after all, you can see some near the roof.

You find countless skeletons and more claw marks. What attracts your attention is an altar. A rusted and cracked sword rests at its center, skeletons can be seen surrounding the altar. It almost looks like they are reaching for the sword. Were they trying to protect the others?

You should probably hurry up, Blake is waiting for you. Walking forwards, you reach for the sword. You wonder, why is this sword so special? It looks like it would shatter if you were to hit anything with it.

It interests you, so you'll take it. Grabbing a hold of the handle, you lift it from the skeletal fingers of its previous owner. You'll find a better use for it. Perhaps you can fix it? You have no idea how, but maybe a teacher would know?

You feel a small tingle at the back of your head and then you sneeze. This place is really dusty, either way, it's time to leave. Walking back to the drop, you hold Blake firmly and

scale the wall back up to the surface.

As you step out, the hole collapses and is filled with dirt once more. Good thing you left when you did. You catch a glimpse of what you think is Blake reading a book. Turning towards her, you see her standing with her back against a tree.

"Alright, let's.....continue with the initiation." She says quickly.

You don't question her, reading is a fun hobby after all.

With that, you continue on.

[Gained Rusted Sword Of Moonlight!, Found "The Forgotten Cathedral" Dungeon!]