
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Initiation (2)

After your previous fall, you make sure to keep an eye out for any possible tripping hazards, it also appears Blake has started to walk closer to you. Maybe she doesn't want you to fall again?

Either way, you soon reach the cave opening. Comparing the drawings on the wall to the picture on the card, you deduce that this must be where a deathstalker is.

Informing Blake that you'll go and draw out the Grimm, you hand her Blake(c) and head inside.

While the darkness would be a hindrance to a human, thankfully you were born as a Faunus. Your Nightvision allows you to clearly see where you're going.

And so, when you spot back of what should be the death stalker, you strike.

Unlike what you had expected, your sword bounces of the hard carapace covering the Grimm. That....was not good. Maybe if you put more force into the blow? But....you weren't sure what the optimal way of doing that was.

The Grimm spins, it's tail flying towards you.

You duck and jump back as far as you can. This is a bad idea, fighting in such a cramped space will no doubt cause you problems later on.

Turning around, you sprint towards the exit, the Death Stalker makes no attempt at hiding its intention to follow you.

As you exit the cave, you spot Blake in a combat stance, sword drawn.

"Is it coming?" She says calmly.

Yes, it is and-

is that a Nevermore?

You could see a person falling from it not too far from where you are.

It is at this time that the death Stalker decides to make its appearance. Scattering the rocks in its path, it barrels out of the cave.

Blake(c) jumps towards you and transforms.

Thinking up a quick plan of action, you decided that you'll attract all of its attention. Logically, you are the best option for a frontal fight with the Deathstalker. While Blake might have a....field of protection, once it runs out she's quite vulnerable.

You'll not risk Blake in this, she's only used her combat form once before. So, you'll have both Blakes act as distractions. They'll stay just out of the Grimm's range and draw it's attention while you face it head on. Hopefully, one of the three of you will create an opening the others can use.

You send this to Blake(c) through our link. For your partner, you tell her that you'll be engaging it in close combat. She is to stay out of its range and distract it with Blake.

Hesitating for a second, she nods and falls back with Blake.

Giving you no chance for anymore talking, the Deathstalker charges, its many legs skittering across the earth. Lifting your sword, you respond in kind.

Infusing extra strength into your muscles, you swing at the pincer aiming to split you in two.

As before, your sword smashes into the hard carapace. Unlike before, the shell cracks as your sword hits, the Deathstalker lets out an angry screech.

It seems you've completed your goal so far. The Deathstalker is primarily focused on you, and it's very angry.

Blake seems to be shooting at its back with her...gun? Hopefully, it helps.

Being so close, it tries to strike you from three different angles. It uses both it's claws and its tail to attack you.

Too slow

You nimbly weave in and out of its attacks. Even with the unexpected number of attacks, you easily sidestep and dodge. Seeing an opening, you use the weight of your sword to cause it to stumble. As expected, both Blakes capitalize on the opportunity.

You can say what happens next is very...surprising. Both Blakes attack at the same time.

Blake(c) tries to take a big chunk out of its head, sadly, even her teeth can't penetrate the armor.

No, what surprises you is your partner. Using the opening you gave her, she slides underneath the death stalker. As she slides underneath it, she proceeds to gouge out holes in its underbelly. Exiting on the other side, she aims for one of the Stalker's claws.

With precision you've never seen before, she cuts at the joints that connect the claw to the rest of the limb.

Blood flies, the Stalker screams, a stinger rushes at Blake. For a second you think the attack lands, instead, Blake disappears

and re-appears right next to the stinger.

With its stinger impaled in the ground, it has no time to react.

Once more, Blake strikes with the precision of a surgeon, slicing the stinger clean off the tail.

Letting out an agonizing and rage filled hiss, the Deathstalker rises. Thankfully, it is too distracted with its wounds to attack, allowing both Blakes to retreat once more.

The Stalker is heavily injured now, this is the perfect time to finish the fight. You won't do that, though, you'll continue with the plan.

After all, it's best not to take unnecessary risks. With that thought, you jump back into the fray.

It had already lost one claw, so you aimed for the other. Your sword sings once more, dirt and stone scatter as you drag it across the forest floor. Seeing your attack, it tries to desperately put up any form of defense.

It's useless, your sword slams into the claw and keeps going. Cleaving through bone and flesh, your sword cuts into its torso and takes a huge chunk out of it. Rather than a loud screech, it lets our a quiet gurgle. It's about to die, both you and it know this. With one final rebellious attack, it tries to bite your head off.

In a way, this is a bit sad. You had thought it would have been a challenge to fight this Deathstalker...yet, from the very beginning

everything went your way. Perhaps it would have been harder to face this beast alone, but with your partner and friend it was


Speaking of your partner, she once more capitalizes on the Stalker's loss of focus. It was unnecessary, you think. The Grimm would no doubt succumb to its wounds in a few moments. Perhaps she wanted to make sure it was dead? Either way, she strikes at the Grimm's head.

She doesn't go for a flashy finishing move or anything. Just like her previous attacks, it's quick and efficient. She slams her sword into its head, it cuts through the cracks in the ruined armor and hits its brain. At least you think the Grimm have a brain.

Pulling her sword out, she jumps off the now slowly dissolving corps and lands beside you.

Quietly staring at you, she says, "Good work. I was a bit worried about it being just us three, but you played your part perfectly."

You tell her that she did great as well, she nods.

"Mreow?" Blake asks expectantly.

Yes, she did great too.

"Meow!" She says excitedly. Rubbing against your leg, she transforms back into her normal form and jumps back on top of your head.

"So...your cat can transform?" Blake asks

Thinking quickly, you tell her that It's Her Semblance

"I see...." She says sheathing her sword.

"Now that you've finished the minimum requirement to pass, shouldn't we head to the relics?" She asks.

Yes, that's a good idea.

To get a better look at where the ruins might be, you once more climb a tree. Looking around, you spot what appears to be a ruined arena, stadium, or thing. It's a bit to the north.

You ask Blake if she thinks that's the place you're supposed to go.

"We have no other lead, let's check it out." She says looking up at you.

Having found your next objective, you drop down and head towards the ruins.

Talking it out with Blake, you both decide on the horse or "Knight" Piece. Apparently, these are all pieces of a game called "Chess". Perhaps you'll play it some time.

Seeing you choose the Knight, Felicia suggests to Ruby that they take the second Knight piece. She tells Ruby how the pieces are most likely used to select the teams. With a small "Ohhhhh", Ruby agrees

and they collect the piece.

Having found a relic, everyone starts getting ready for the trip back to the cliffs. Before you all depart, though, you ask Felicia if she could hand over her card to you.

"Oh? So you're the one...." She says

The one?

"I'll tell you in a sec, but if you want my card, you'll have to answer some questions." She says, twirling the card in her hand

Questions? That sounds fair.

"Alright!" She says, with a small smile.

"First, What is your name?" She asks, holding back what appears to be a....giggle?

Mordin Solus

"Second, What is your quest?" She asks.

Quest? a long or arduous search for something.

Ah, your quest is to find.....something.

"Hmm, interesting. Moving on, what....is your favorite color?" She asks.

its gold

"Alright, final question.Without looking, what.....color are my socks?"

... You have no clue, but you won't just give up, those extra lessons do sound very useful.

Quickly, you as Blake to sneak by and look for you. You can feel Confusion followed by Understanding. To distract them, you take up a pose that should convey to them that you're very focused.

You make sure to move in multiple directions, concentrating all the while to sell your farce. Thankfully, you think it worked, if their baffled faces are anything to go by.

Blake sends back her answer. Turning to look at Felicia, you tell her that she wears green socks.

Blake and Ruby say nothing, instead, they turn to look at Felicia.

"Nope! You're wrong!" Felicia says, a wide grin on her face

What? How?

"Not telling. You couldn't do anything BUT guess huh. The correct answer was red. Anyways, here, I've just finished all my tasks." She says handing you the card.

Looking at the card, you notice that the illustration shows an animal, some type of fish? you don't know. The background depicts the infinite reaches of space, multiple stars are drawn around the animal.

Her three tasks were to ask someone of the opposite sex the questions she just asked you, to give her card to the one that asks for it, and to kill 1 beowolf. Pocketing the card, you ask Ruby what her tasks were. From what you can tell, these tasks keep getting odder and odder.

"Mine were stupid, still, I managed to get two of them." She says

Looking at her card, you see her illustration is some kind of very advanced weapon. Her tasks were to kill a Nevermore, recite PI to the 157th digit and hug a tree.

Pie has digits?What?

"I know! I asked the same thing!" Ruby says

You can see Blake slowly bringing her hand up to her face. Speaking of Blake, there's only one more task to go. Looking at her, you ask if you could tickle her foot.

In return, she gives you a blank stare and an annoyed "Why?" You tell her that a free lesson from any of the teachers is well worth a little physical contact, right? With stifled laughter, Felicia says, "H..he's...he's Right....you know..pfft"

"What's so wrong about tickling your foot? I mean, why couldn't I have gotten that instead!....Stupid Pie." Ruby whines

"Y-yeah, take one for the team....pfft." Felicia says.

"I...You...fine, whatever" Blake says with a very lost and frustrated look.

Having two team member with a free lesson ought to be very useful, you think. A quick tickle latter, you're all headed back to the cliffs.

As expected, Ozpin is waiting for you all. He directs you all to the changing rooms and informs you to gather at the auditorium.

Time passes and people gather.

Paying attention, you note that following teams.

Team Juniper

Jaune Arc

Nora Valkyrie

Pyrrha Nikos

Lie Ren

Team CWAL (quail)

Cardin Winchester

Alicia Vesterosa

Weiss Schnee

Yang Xiao Long

As the names of you, Blake , Ruby, and Felicia are called, Ozpin had chosen Ruby to be the leader of your team. It didn't really matter to you, and no one else complained.

A loud "WOOO YOU GO RUBY!!!" could be heard from the crowd of students.

Congratulating Ruby, you shake her hand. As you were the last team, everyone starts leaving for their dorm rooms. Your team walks down the stairs and into an open space.

Suddenly, a blond girl runs up and hugs Ruby.

"I'm so proud of you, Ruby!" She says

"Yangggggg, no in front of my team." Replies Ruby

Apparently this is Ruby's sister. Her name is Yang, and she has a very strong grip. Her hair is the best part, though. You really wanted to touch it, but you stopped yourself, that wouldn't be nice, right?

Yang quickly introduces her team to yours. The girl in white or "Weiss" keeps glaring at you and Ruby. Perhaps she wanted to be on your team?

"Cardin",the friendly guy that gave you the warning yesterday is also on her team. You give him a quick thank you.

"Alicia", the other girl on Yang's team waves, you wave back.


With team selection finished and having met Ruby's sister, you and your team head to your dorm room. Dead on their feet, they all find the closest bed and slide in.

Looking around, you notice that all your team members have some kind of luggage. Having no such thing, you quietly place all of your miscellaneous things in a nearby drawer.

You don't really have much, and you're going to be leaving your bigger items in your locker. After all, you'd rather someone not break in

and steal your treasures,though, you have no idea why anyone would do that. Still, better to be safe than sorry.

Looking at Blake, you spot her sniffing around the room. She turns to you and says a quiet "Meow". She accompanied this by pointing her tail at her mouth. Is she hungry? Good thing you still have a can or two of that tuna. Opening it up, you lay it on the ground. The shuffling of sheets draws your attention.

"Hmmm.....wah?" Blake mumbles

Did you wake her up? you make sure to apologize.

She doesn't seem to notice you, instead, she stares at the tuna. Is she hungry too?

"Mmmmmm" She says

With that, she crawls back under her sheets and drifts off to sleep once more.


People are odd.

"Meow!" Blake whines in a quiet voice.

The bathroom? Alright.

You quietly open and then close the door. Walking around the school, the cool night air washes over your skin. It really is nice, Being alive has so far lived up to and exceeded all your expectations. You stop and look back. Blake appears to be standing in front of the bathroom.

It's the female's side, you know this by the little drawing on the door. It had taken you a while to figure out which figure meant

what gender. Why couldn't they have just used the words "Male" and "Female"?

Either way, did Blake want to use the bathrooms instead?

"Meow!" she cried

Ok, you'll teach her how to use the bathroom. Taking a quick look around, you make sure no one is watching. You slightly open the door and tell Blake to go in and check for any occupants.

Returning with good news, you head on in.

Really, why was it such a big problem for a male to be in the female side of the bathrooms?

Finding a stall, you go in. The first thing you notice is that everything is much cleaner and organized compared to the male side.

There's even a weird dispenser on the wall. Fiddling with it, a small little tube pops out. What could it be for, you wonder.

You're getting distracted. Turning back to a patiently waiting Blake, you begin telling her how the toilet works. When Hazel had taught you how to use one, you hadn't felt anything. Looking back on it now, a burning feeling rises to your cheeks. You really don't want anyone finding out about that. Is this feeling odd? You hope not.

And so, as Blake flushes the toilet, her business now done, you both head back to bed.