
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Hello Vale

As you sit inside the plane, you can only stare in wonder as the clouds pass you by. The world looks so small from up here.

You make sure to take a picture.

Flying seems very enjoyable. Maybe you should try to find a way to fly? Though, all the wind would surely hurt your eyes. So many things to think about.

"So, it's been a day. You want to explain how you managed to kill that Zinogre?" It seems like your thoughts are always begin interrupted.

You stare back at the leader of team WRKT. With a calm voice, you state that you cut off two of its legs and then decapitated it.

He was there when you did this. So Why was he asking?

"Don't be a smart-ass. You know what I meant. Is it your semblance?" He says with an annoyed tone in his voice

Once again, you inform him that you have no idea what a semblance is.

The one to speak, this time, is his partner.

"A semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user." She says gracefully.

So semblances are similar to your domains then? Though your domains aren't unique, any Solus can learn them with enough practice .

Seeing an opportunity to use your previous ruse, you inform them that you had woken up in the woods with no memory of your previous life.

"That's so cliche! are you the main character of a movie or something?" The leader seems quite irritated

"Now now, that only makes getting him to a proper school all the much more important. Maybe he was a hunter, or who knows what before he lost his memory, that may be why he did so well. Either way, getting him to the proper people might help bring out his memories. If that doesn't work, at the very least it could give him a chance at a new life. He has a lot of potential from what we saw, he could help a lot of people."

You like this female. You didn't even have to make up something new, she did all the work for you.

"Fine.....you have a point." The leader says as he moves his hand through his hair.

With that small interruption finished, you go back to viewing the clouds.


Due to a large flock of "Nevermores", the flying vehicle had to take a detour, thus, you had all arrived at vale 6 hours later than expected.

The sun was setting and the sky was awash with a brilliant orange color.All of this painted an amazing sight. Quickly taking out your camera, you snap a picture.

The leader of team WRKT once more interrupts your activities. This time, he hands you a letter.

It's was a letter of recommendation to "Beacon" the local school for hunters. He brashly tells you that you should go there in the morning and give it to the headmaster, Ozpin.

His partner interrupts him once more and kindly lets you know that you don't have to enroll in the academy if you don't want to. They weren't going to force you, they were

only presenting you with what they thought was the best choice. At least that's what you could infer.

You tell them that you would think about it.

With that finished, the leader hands you 20 Lien. He then gives you directions to the nearest "Hotel" in which you can purchase a room to sleep for the night.

Once more, you thank them.

On your way to the hotel, you see many new and interesting things.

A "Dust" Shop called "Dusk Till Dawn" attracts your attention. If there are shops for "Dust" then maybe it really is something of importance.

Wanting to get the day over with, you continue on to the hotel.

You see other interesting sights. A building in which people gather to dance? if the music is anything to base that of off.

As the moon rises, you find the hotel.

Finding it would have been much harder had you not learned how to read. Even with the big "Hotel" sign, you think you would have completely missed this building.

Walking inside, you greet the lady standing by all the keys. 20 Lien later, you find yourself inside a room you don't know, in a place you don't know, with no one you know.

Yes....it would be quite hard for you to sleep tonight, you think.


You are one of the many, one of the lost, you are a child of dark.

You have no name, for what beast has ever named themselves?

Yet....the bright ones call you, "Zinogre"

You are young, but you will kill, ravage and consume all that oppose the many.

You will build a legion and you will carve a path of death and destruction towards all that stand against you.




You have sharpened your claws and fangs on those who have awakened their spark. Even with that power, they are so very weak.

In this forest, you are king.

None can oppose your might, all that try are crushed underfoot.

With prey in mind, you wait and gather your hoard. You will strike the nearby gathering of bright ones.

Their anguish and fear feed your growing hate, drawing you towards them. None shall survive your wrath.




You had thought the child of light a weakling.

Unable to dodge, you had stolen its leg and tail.

It should have been dead.

Yet...it recovered?

A Gift then? Most of the awakened had such gifts.

No matter, healing would only delay your wrath.

Still...it had managed to strike you, leaving behind a wound on your face.

You made sure to repay that ten fold.

Mangled and weak, it should have been dead.

You had chosen to wait, to see its death throes.

Yet.....it recovered once more.

you should have known.

Caught off guard, you lost your tail.

With the metal fang in your back, your binding over the sky's voice was severely weakened.

The fang would channel the voice into itself, leaving you with only a trickle of power.

Try as you might, you only managed to bend it out of shape. It stuck to you, a monument to your mistake.

The child will return, so you will wait.




It had come as you had been readying yourself.

You wouldn't allow it to see the damaged it has caused you, so you shifted your body, blocking its fang from sight.

For its transgression, you will feast upon the child's light as recompense.

Though, you will not underestimate the child this time.

It is dangerous, much more than before.

You will wait for its attacks, learn its moves and then, you will strike.

Revealing its fang, it charges.

You try to dodge, but....why is it so Fast?





How had you been crushed so easily?

Well, you won't scatter so easily! You'll take it, and everything here back to the void!

It appears before you

You stare into its tiny eyes.


You understand now.

From the very beginning, this was no child of light.

The Wolrd Starts Spinning

It was something else...



[The World Fades To Black]





The bright rays of the sun do a great job of rousing you from your slumber. You quickly turn your head, you still remember the pain that it caused.

Once again, only a lingering feeling of what you dreamt remains. Had you dreamt of Zinogre? Either way, you had much to do today.

First of all, would you go and visit this "Ozpin"?


Buying the map from thew nice lady, you headed off towards "Ozpin". Sadly, you had no idea where Beacon was, so you went back and asked the nice lady to point it out on the map. She did one better and wrote other useful information on it as well.

[Map of Vale Gained! Lost 5 Lien!]

The nice lady also mentioned that it would be unwise to walk out in broad daylight with your weapons. She offered to keep them safe for you, having no reason to decline, you followed her to the building's storage room and placed both your weapons gently on the ground. Your old sword's new properties made sure that they wouldn't be separated so easily.

Finally, you were ready. With no other interruptions, you followed the route she told you about and eventually, you reached the airship port.

The port was bustling with activity, you could see people going about their business. Both men in suits and young people walked by you, seeing so many people in one place really was something.

You spotted the "Gate" the lady mentioned quite a ways away. The big red "Beacon" easy to see even from this distance. Making your way through the veritable sea of people, you approached your gate. Not used to navigating through so many people, you knocked into quite a few men and women. A man in a blue suit, a young girl with short dark-brown hair wearing a beret, a woman in a suit with wavy black hair wearing a fedora, and a young man with messy clothing and green hair, these were some of the people you accidentally bumped into. Thankfully, they seemed used to it, so they didn't make much of it.

Finally reaching your gate, you took a seat in one of the benches and began to wait for the airship to arrive. It didn't take long, it seemed that there were multiple airships circling the busiest of routes. Following the other passengers, you paid the small fare and took a seat near the windows.

[1 Lien Lost!]

As the airship took off, you made sure to take out your camera and snap a couple of pictures. The flight was short and pleasant, you even managed to snap a couple of nice pictures of the lake and waterfall.

Disbarking of the airship, you took in the towering sight of the school itself. The architecture looked quite nice, mankind

could make quite beautiful things indeed.

Not wasting any more time, you started walking towards anyone that seemed to be in a position of authority. Having not found anyone that fit that description, you

asked a random student that was passing by.

"Ah, Ozzie's office is that way. Here, I'll take you there." She said as she grabbed your hand and started walking.

How lucky of you, managing to find someone so willing to guide you there.

The trip to Ozpin's office was mostly filled with the girl's chatter. She wouldn't even let you get a word in.

"Here we are! Have fun!" She said

With that, the brunet left, presumably off to guide other people.

Knocking on the door, you wait for a response.

"Come in" a voice responds.

Walking in, you look around the room. Coggs of all kind decorate the room, the clock face behind the table displaying a nice view of the outside. You can see the courtyard from here.

Restraining yourself from taking out your camera, you introduce yourself.

"Ozpin" sits before you. Small spectacles adorning his face and a cane sitting at his side. You notice he's holding a cup. You wonder what he's drinking.

"Ah, yes, Mr.Solus. I've been expecting you" He says.

Was he? How did he know you were coming, it's only been a day after all.

"The team that came with you contacted me. But, let's not worry about that. You have a letter for me?" He sips from his cup.

Taking out your letter, you hand it to him. He puts his cup down and opens up the letter.

As he reads, you try to figure out what is in the cup. From the looks of it, it might be coffee. Hazel loved it as well.

"Interesting. It's not every day we have someone so young fight against a Zinogre and win." He says

"From what this letter says, it seems like you have a fair bit of potential." Once more, the cup is in his hand. When did he pick it up? You only took your eyes off it for a second.

"I've already looked into your background, and what I found was......nothing. If you DO want to enroll in my school, that problem will have to be fixed." He says

"I will say this now, the words of others will only get you so far. In the end, it's up to you to take the first step " Putting down his cup once more, he looks at you

"So with that, I am willing to solve your identity problem. All I ask in return is one favor that will be called for at a later date. That, and that you be the best student you can be." He says as he drinks from his cup.

His eyes shine with an intelligence you haven't seen in anyone else yet.

Thinking about Ozpin's offer for a second, you couldn't find anything suspicious.

Having no complaints, you informed Ozpin that his offer was acceptable and that you agreed to his terms.

"I'm glad you could see the benefits of my offer. I truly hope you can come to call Beacon your new home." He says

He then opens up a drawer from under his desk and pulls something out.

"Here, this is your Scroll." He says as he hands you a small rectangular device.


"Yes, it's a communication device, among other things. It will allow you to talk to anyone that owns another such device. Think of it as a....gift." He explains as he takes out a small book

Ah, this must be what Hazel was talking about.

"Here's the manual. I suggest you read it." He says as he hands you the small book.

"Now, is there anything you would like to ask of me? I am a busy man, so I will have to limit you to only one question."

You ask him how he managed to pick up his cup so fast. You were paying a fair amount of attention to it, yet, he still managed to grab it without you seeing.

"Oh?" He says while raising an eyebrow

Putting down his cup, he simply says

"I moved my hand like so" He slowly moves his hand and grips the cup.

"Then I simply raised it back, like so." He lifts his hand back to its previous position and takes a sip from the cup.

Yes! But how did he do it so fast?

"Oh, that's simple. I'm just very quick" He says as he gives you a small smile. It reminds you of Brick and his smug face.

He won't answer, will he?

"Now now, that's two questions Mr. Solus." He says as he adjusts his glasses.


"Initiation starts in a week, Mr. Solus. I expect you to be here with all the other students. If you need any help, I've already added my contact information to your scroll." He says, pointing at your scroll

The end of your stay approaching, you quickly think of something. Hopefully, this can get SOME reaction out of him. As your finger rushes towards his face-

You can make it, he didn't expect you to try this at all!

Yet....his cup somehow finds its way into your finger's path. How?

Stopping all of your momentum with the cup, Ozpin looks at you.

"My, my, was there something on my cup? Perhaps you want one of your own?"

No, you were just trying to poke his forehead.

He stops and looks at you.

"Well, it's always good to be truthful. Now, is that all?" He says with a questioning look.

Yes, you don't have anything else to speak to him about.

"In that case, see you next week. Do stay out of trouble you hear." He says, motioning to the door.

With a defeated sigh, you leave his office.

You'll get him next time.

[Gained 1 Scroll! Gained "Scroll Manual"]


After finishing your business with Ozpin, you headed back towards the hotel.

The flight was quiet and empty.

On your way back, you find a perfect view of the sunset. Standing on top of a nearby bench, you aim your camera and take a picture. Getting off the bench, you notice something stuck underneath it. Reaching down, you grab what was taped to the bottom of the bench.

What you find is a letter.

It is addressed to "Mr. Solus".

Opening it up, you find a slip of paper with four words, a time and a Letter.

"From Dusk Till Dawn - 10:00 PM - F."

Odd, why would someone leave a letter for you here? Maybe it's for another Solus? After all, you have no idea how common your last name is.

Either way, The odds of finding a letter addressed to you, in a place you just so happened to stop at, is quite suspicious.

At the very least, you should check out this "From Dusk Till Dawn" Place. Thinking back on it, you think you passed it on your way to the hotel yesterday. Asking a passerby for the time, he informs you that it is 8:37 PM.

You'd probably won't make it to the location on time if you stopped by the hotel. With that thought, you head off to find this store. You think it sold dust?

It took you a while, but you had finally found the place. Opening the door, what greeted you was a large assortment of colorful....dust? Many shelves displayed dust of different types, all of them in different containers. At the front counter, an old man stood.

In the display case before him were crystals of different shapes, sizes, and colors. You don't know why, but they seemed....familiar?

"How can I help you today?" His old and raspy voice said

You told him that you were just looking and meeting someone here. You made sure to ask him for the time.

"Ah, I see. It's 10:05 at the moment, thank you for visiting" He says with a small smile

With that, you walk around the shop, looking for anyone that might be waiting for you.

You hadn't spotted anyone suspicious, and most of the customers had already started to leave.

Time passes, and still no one comes. Checking the clock, it's 10:28 PM. Maybe it was a test from Ozpin?

Now, only you, the shopkeep, and the young girl in red are left. She seems to be reading some kind of weapon catalog.

Well, you might as well try to read the manual for your scroll until someone shows up.

Taking it out, you flip to the first page and are promptly interrupted as someone knocks it out of your hand and onto the floor.

"Hands up, kid." He says as he points a red blade at your face.

Well, that was.....frustrating.

Is this a robbery? Are you really being robbed? No, logically, it's the store that's being robbed.

Well, that won't do.

Thankfully, Hazel told you exactly what to do if someone ever tried to rob you.

First, a distraction is needed.

You compliment the man's rather dashing facial hair.

"You mean it?" He asks

You nod

"I'm glad someone finally noticed! Why I-" He begins to say

Giving him no chance to finish, you begin step two, disarmament.

Remembering that disarmament means removing their weapons, not their arms, you quickly grip his sword.

He stops talking and looks at you.

You squeeze.

The sound of warping metal causes the man to quickly let go and back away.

"Erm.....little hel-" He tries to say, but you don't let him finish

Now, step three, Incapacitation.

You grab his head and smash it into the floor, leaving behind small cracks. After quickly making sure he's still alive, you grab his leg and throw him at one of the other, identically dressed men.

With a rather funny scream, they both go soaring out of the shop, leaving only broken glass behind.

Shortly after they land, a red blur speeds past you and tackles one of the remaining men outside.

Making your way out, you spot the red blur. It's the girl from before, and she's facing a rather well-dressed man with a bowler hat.

"And here's the second member of the goodie two shoes club. You must all be so happy, having a meeting and all." He says as he waves his cane around.

"Now, I'm sure you all have much to discuss, so I'll be taking my leave. Have fun" He says as he closes his eyes and points his cane at the ground.

What follows is a loud noise and a bright flash of light.

A soft yelp comes from your left. It must be that girl.

More importantly, your eyes burn. It reminds you of that time you looked directly at the sun, only this time, it's much, much worse. You won'y let him get away! How dare he make you fell such pain again!

While you might not be able to see, you can still hear him running away from you.

sadly, your hearing does not prevent you from crashing into a wall.

As you try to get your bearings, you hear a chuckle from above.

"Nice try you little animal, but you're going to have to do better than that." He says in a smug voice

Following his voice, you jump straight up.

/And The world Slows/

Landing softly on the roof, and the effects of whatever he did already beginning to fade, you take a second to look around. The girl seems to have also climbed onto the roof, though, she's still struggling with the effects of the flash.

Suddenly, an airship rises from behind the orange haired man. He must be trying to escape! You won't let him!

Sadly, he dodges your punch at the last second and kicks you in the face.

"Hah! couldn't have seen a more telegraphed punch if my grandma tried it!" He shouts as he gets on the airship.

The girl quickly runs to your side

"Are you ok!" She says as she looks at your face.

You begin to assure her that you are fine, but the sound of a crystal rebounding off the floor attracts your attention.

".....nuts." The girl says as she looks at the crystal. She quickly readies herself for whatever is about to happen.

Whatever the crystal is, you won't stay to find out. As you try to grab the girl and jump away, a golden haired woman appears before both of you and erects some form of barrier, stopping the explosion that follows.

Having no form of attack now that the ship is out of your range, you sit back and watch the ensuing fight. It really is quite remarkable, these must be the "Semblances" that you've heard so much about. Summoning lighting IS

quite impressive, but you've seen something do it much better.

Once you notice the fire wielding woman try and explode everything below your feet, you make sure to calmly get out of the way.

As you see the airship flying away, all you can think about is how much you don't like bright lights.