
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs


Not having seen Rain that much, aside from that one time, you grab your camera and take a nice picture of the dark sky. Returning to your room, you gently put everything you don't want to get wet in the drawers and make your way downstairs.

As you make your way outside, the hotel clerk stops you. She tells you that she won't allow you to leave the hotel as long as you're carrying your sword. No matter how much you protest, she wouldn't risk you getting hit by lightning. With no other choice, you left your sword behind.

Stepping out into the streets, the rain begins to wash over you. You can feel each individual droplet of water hitting your skin.

It's so refreshing!

With a tiny smile, you begin your walk.

It's not long before you spot some children jumping and playing in the rain. They seem to be a few years younger than what you're supposed to be, though, some of them are taller than you. Following their example, you begin to jump from puddle to puddle splashing water after every jump.

After seeing your amazing jumps, the children invite you to play with them. Not having a reason to refuse, you gladly accept. And so, you spend most of the day running in the rain and playing all sorts of games with the children. Your favourite game was "Hide And Seek", you could easily jump to the top of a building and they could never find you.

As they children's mothers come to collect them, you waved goodbye and headed off towards the hotel. It was starting to get a bit cold and you didn't want to cause your body problems by lowering its internal temperature too much.

Taking a shortcut through an alleyway, your eyes are drawn to a colourful umbrella near one of the walls. Walking towards it, you see a small sign by the umbrella. It says, "Please Take One". Grabbing the umbrella, you lift it up and notice a name engraved on the handle.

"Neopolitan", the name rolls off your tongue. It's an odd name, and also the longest you've heard so far. Really, Mankind is so interesting, they have such large imaginations.

Looking into the box, you find a small cat, or at least you think so, this would be the first time you've seen one. As you poke its small face, it extends its tongue and gives your finger a tiny lick.

Looking around, you see that it is the only cat in the box.

Ah....so it was abandoned. Perhaps there were others in the box with it before, but now, it sits alone.

Just Like You

You'll take it back with you, even if everyone else has abandoned it, you won't.

As you pick it up, it stares back with an innocent look.

Holding the cat in one arm, you look at the umbrella. Why would someone just leave it and not take the cat? Perhaps they wanted to shelter it from the rain?

You don't understand.....

Either way, you'll be taking the umbrella back with you as well. After all, "Neopolitan" left the umbrella for the cat, and since you're taking the cat with you, the umbrella is now yours until you meet its true owner.


Walking into the hotel, you close the umbrella and greet the clerk. Noticing your passenger, she stops you. After a short talk about how you found the cat in a box, she gives you some canned tuna, apparently, her daughter loves cats.

She even informs you that she's willing to answer any questions you have about taking care of a cat. Bidding her farewell, you walk up to your room.

As you enter, a small meow draws your attention. Looking at the cat, you see it licking your hand.

Perhaps it's hungry?

Setting it down on your bed, you take out one of the cans and poke a hole in it with one of your fingers. As you rip the top off, the little cat sniffs the air and makes its way to you.

While it eats, you think of a name for it. You never had the joy of having someone else name you, so you'll make sure to give this cat a good name.

Thinking on it, is this cat male or female?

Waiting for it to finish eating, you lift it up and take a quick look at its reproductive organs. It whines as you hold it up.

As night comes, you curl up under the sheets, your new friend right beside you. It likes to nibble on Taily, so you make sure to wrap Taily

around it. And so, you fade off into unconsciousness.


As you wake up, you are sad to see that it is still Raining. While it was fun yesterday, you had wanted to train today. Thankfully, the rain stops soon, though, you had lost a lot of time waiting for it to stop.

feeling on your cheek, you look around to find the source.

You look at Blake and she looks back. Her Azure eyes convey her message perfectly.

Wait......is this what Brick did when you first met him? Well, that's a bit disappointing.

You had really hoped people could speak telepathically. Either way, she's hungry so you'll grab her some food.

Opening up a new can of tuna, you lift up Blake with your tail and set her down next to the can. She begins to happily eat the food.

Thinking back on it, you're not really sure why you chose to name her "Blake". You think it was because she had black fur, but, the

name just fit.

Not Knowing much about taking care of another living being, you get off your bed and head for the door. You'll take up the hotel clerk's offer to teach you about cats.

A small "Meow" draws your attention.

It appears Blake did not take kindly to you leaving her on the bed, so she decided to jump after you.

Even though she would probably be fine from such a short drop, you quickly grab her with your tail and put her down. She makes sure to bite and lick Taily as thanks.


Once she realized you'd come back to ask about cats, the lady smiled and asked you to pull up a chair. She started out with the most obvious topics. Food and water are a must, so she recommended you buy a little bowl for both and a portable food and water dispenser for when you take her out for a walk.

Cats don't like having their tails pulled, she made sure to drill that in our head. An hour or so later, you had learned the basics of taking care of Blake. The nice Lady even gave you a list of essential things to buy. Though, why would cats hate baths? You find them really relaxing!

The List:

-Kitty Litter 10 Lien

-Food and Water 10 Lien

-Normal and Portable Food/Water Containers 35 Lien

-Vaccinations 200 Lien

-Treats 15 Lien

-A Bed 25 Lien

-Scratching Post 50 Lien

-Toys 5-20 Lien

-An Assortment Of Brushes 70 Lien

-Collar With Your Information 20 Lien

-Other ??? Lien

Take care of your cute cat, you hear! 

Total:455 Lien

[Now Know How To Take Care Of Blake! Got A List Of Stuff!]


As you walk outside, you notice that the ground is very muddy and will be difficult to walk in. If you did choose to train today, you would only be able to focus on one thing. Really, you wasted a lot of your time waiting.

With the steep cost required to take care of Blake, you went out into town looking for a source of income. The closest thing to a "Job" that you've ever had was when you traded lumber for Lien. Still, you would find a job

today, perhaps you'd try places you've been to first?

Surprisingly, you had managed to find three good employment opportunities. The first was a position in the bakery you met Ruby at. They had wanted to have you on staff because you "Attracted A lot Of Attention".

Once you explained that you'd be going to Beacon, they were even more enthusiastic to hire you, due to the fact that you could act as a deterrent against robbers.

The Second job would have you act as a gatekeeper or "Bouncer" for a nearby club. Apparently, it had been assaulted recently. They had laughed at you once you

answered their "help wanted sign", but when asked to prove your "Worth", you simply handed your sword to one of the other bouncers. Suffice to say, they had a lot

of trouble lifting it without your aid. The Owner, "Junior", offered you the job after your performance.

The third Job was a clerk at a convenience store in the airship port. Compared to the other offers, it was the least desirable, but it was the closest to Beacon. It was a store themed around a book? Something about magic? The uniforms looked....weird, to say the least. Though, you did like the hat!

In the end after some thought, you decided working at Brown's Bakery seemed like the best option. Mr. Brown had presented you with a large verity of foods which you would be allowed to eat during your breaks. Unfortunately, you had to leave enough food for the other employees, still free food was free food.

The discount on anything in the store was also very nice. When you brought up the topic of Blake, he smiled and said that she would only improve your "Image" further. Though, he informed you that Blake was not allowed near the food and had to wear a special uniform. You would start working next week.

After returning to the employer you wanted, you decided to show the park to Blake. She proceeded to walk around and scratch the tree you usually read at. She really enjoyed herself.

As night began to fall, you picked up Blake with Taily and headed back to the hotel.

Wishing the nice clerk, who you now know is called "Ember" a goodnight, you head up to your room. While tomorrow you head off to Beacon, you decided to do some indoor training and a bit of reading before bed.


With the discovery that your scroll measures "Aura", you make the conclusion that the instructors will no doubt be looking at each student's aura levels. Not having an actual aura yourself, you began to find a way to solve the issue.

At first, you could only cover your hand, but after much training, you managed to get a very thin layer of your soul to surround you. It could only fool the scroll at the moment, you're sure if someone were to actually measure your "Aura" it would appear as if you had a very small amount.

None the less, it is what you set out to do and succeed you did. Though, you feel as if there is more to the manipulation of your soul, you just don't have the control required to do anything with it. Practice will no doubt help with this issue.

[Actually have something that passes for an "AURA"!, "Awakened(Faux)" Trait Gained!]


Vale, Atlas,Mistral, and Vacuo, these are the four kingdoms that make up the civilised world. As you read the book, you make sure to keep your map of the world by your bedside table.

Atlas is to the north and thus the coldest. Vale is in the centre and you're happy to be here. Vacuo is to the west and according to the book, it's quite hot and has a desert. Finally, Mistral is to the east and is filled with swamps.

All of these kingdoms are ruled by a "Council" of elected officials. You don't know much about governing an entire country of people, but you think they're doing an ok job so far. As usual, you finish the book around the half way mark and reach for your next one.

[The Four Kingdoms And You 50% Done! You Now Know The Names Of All The Kingdoms And How They are Governed!]

Laying in your bed with your new friend, you open up your half-finished copy of "Basic Outdoor Survival Guide".

While the last bit of the book focused on the dangers of the wilds and making a fire, the final half focuses on the basics of building a shelter and attracting the attention of rescue parties. While making a tent does sound

interesting, you rather not go get lost in the forest to try the latter. Though, making a big fire does sound fun...maybe you'll do that at an appropriate time.

[Basic Outdoor Survival Guide 100% Done! Know How To Build A Basic Tent And Signal Fire!]

As you get ready for bed once again, you scratch the back of your friend's ear. He purrs and snuggles closer. You think you'll relax tomorrow. You have to be at beacon the day after, so you'll enjoy yourself. You'll even bring

your little friend with you. Quickly Taking out your camera, you take a picture of your new friend. Now you have a picture

of all your friends.

You give a small smile, almost unnoticeable Smile.