
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Bonus Scenes (set 1)


Sex Ed? What's that?


"Mordin what are you doing!?" Glyda asked mortified as she looked at the boy waiting outside her door.

Mordin looked at the teacher confused. "I'm reading a book. Is there a problem with that?"

Glynda looked furious. "There is nothing wrong with reading. However the book you are reading is completely inappropriate to be on school grounds! Especially for someone as young as you!" Glynda shouted.

Mordin looked at the book trying to understand what she was talking about. "But this book doesn't seem inpropriate."

Glynda looked like she was going to explode now. "Do you really expect me to believe that!? How can anyone pretend to be so clueless and-" She stopped in the middle of her rant as she realized who she was talking to. She then began bushing in embarresment before coughing into her hand. "Ahem, my apologies Mr. Solus, your... unique circumstances have escaped my mind for a second there."

Mordin shrugs. "No problem."

"With that misunderstanding cleared up would you kindly hand over that book." Glynda asked with an outstretched hand.

Mordin furrowed his eyebrows while looking at the book. "Why is this book inapropriate anyway?" Asked innocently.

Glynda looked around wondering what to say. "Err... Well Mr Solus that is-"

"Hello Ms. Goodwitch." Blake greeted as she reach her teammate and teacher. "I have been looking for you. Ruby wants us all to work on some team attacks so she wanted us all to meet up in a few minutes." She looked at Mordin then to Glynda. "Is Mordin in trouble?"

Glynda looked turned to Blake. "Not at all Ms. Bellodana. It's just that Mr Solus... has aquired a book that he shouldn't even be in possesion of let alone on school grounds."

Blake turned her head to take a look at the book and then froze as she read the title. 'A night of passion in desserts of Vacuo.' Glynda turned back to Mordin. "I forgot to ask earlier but where did you find that book Mr Solus?"

Blake looked backed and fourth with an immensely red face before Mordin answered. "Oh this? I was in our dorm room when-" Blaked looked like she was going to die of embarrasment any moment now when- "Ruby came in holding the book saying she found it outside our room."

Glynda sighed. "It looks like someone dropped when they were passing by. If that is the case I doubt we'll find the the owner." Blake sagged in relief.

"Anyway-" Mordin continued. "Ruby came in looking really red for some reason and said that she would give the book to the teacher later. After she left I decided that I would deliver the book to Ms Goodwitch myself so here I am."

"And you decided to read it while you waited outside my office?" Glynda asked uneasily.

"Yes I did." Mordin frowned. "Is there a reason I shouldn't have?" Mordin asks innocently.

Glynda unease grows more visible. "Mr Solus... Just how far did you get in that book?" asked Glynda causing Blake to suddenly grow pale.

"Not far just to the part where they keep talking about human anomaty for some reason" Blake and Glynda both looked uncomfortable causing Mordin furrowed his eyebrows. " Is there something I am missing?" Mordin asked curiously.

Glynda just gave him an exasperated look. "Mr. Solus are you honestly telling me that no one until now bothered to tell you about the Birds and the Bees?"

Mordin Looked even more confused. "What do birds and bees have to do with the human body."

"…" Both teacher and student just stare at the amazingly ignorant boy wondering if someone his age could really be that ignorant. After rembering his circumstances though Glynda just sighs. "I suppose it's not too suprising considering your unique circumstance your ignorance on that particular subject woudn't be so casually brought up."

Mordin just became more and more confused the longer the conversasion went on. "Ms. Goodwitch? Can you please tell me what you are talking about? I feel like I should really know about this for some reason."

Glynda looked to the boy and then to the clock in her office. "As much as I consider this subject highly important for a boy in your situation to know I am afraid I am quite too busy at the moment."

Mordin slumped at the teachers statement. "But I really want to know!" The boy practically shouted. "Actually now that I think about it I can just look it up on the web."

"No!!!" Was the simultanious response from both partner and teacher. Glynda cleared her throat after realizing her outburst. "I think it would be unwise for someone like you to learn about that subject without realizing certain… things."

Mordin raised an eyebrow at that. "Why?"

Glynda thought about what to say to the boy for the next minute before responding. "Let's just say that it would be far better to learn about this subject from someone else then what you could potentially find on the web unsupervised." Mordin was about to say something before being interupted. "Trust me on this Mr Solus." Mordin sulked this. "I do think you should be educated on the subject as soon as possible so I will arrange for a teacher to teach you tommorow. Or better yet maybe your partner could teach you about it as soon as possible."

"Wait what?" Blake blanced at the topic as Mordin looked to her expectantly. "Ms Goodwitch, I believe that a teacher would be far more appropriate than another student." Blake said hoping to get out of it.

"Is this a problem Ms Bellodana?" Glynda asked the girl. "You are his partner afterall and it would probably be best that Mr Solus learn about this subject as soon as possible from someone close to him then from other… sources." Glynda can see on Blakes face that the subject made her uncomfortable causing her to sigh. "Ms. Bellodana, this subject is a completely normal part of a persons life with no exceptions. There is no need to feel embarrased about this."

"Easy for someone like you to say." Blake shrank as Glynda glared at her.

"Teenagers." Glynda said shaking her head. "Anyway I have to attend a meeting with the rest of the teaching staff in a few minutes that won't let out till much later. I was just dropping by my office to get some things before heading so you'll have to wait till morning to get properly educated on this matter. Good day to you both." Glynda then entered her office leaving the two teens alone.

"So Blake." Mordin turned to his partner. "Mind telling me more of what you two were talking ab-?"

"You know we have our own meeting to attend so best not be late." Blake cut off while walking towards their dorm.

Mordin thought about it for a moment. "Well okay." Blake let out a sigh of relief. "So while we walk there maybe you can tell me more of what you and Ms. Goodwitch were talking about.

Blake took a quick glance at her partner. "You know you can just wait until tomorrow to get answers for … this subject."

"Yeah but I really want to know what you guys were talking about!" Mordin asked impatiently.

Blake sighed. "Mordin I am pretty sure this can wait until a teacher can properly inform you of this."

"Yeah but I wanna know now." Mordin asked exaspareted. "It's like this is really important for me to know but for some reason you don't want to tell me. And it's is making me really curious."

"Mordin, this isn't an easy thing to just casually discuss. Sex Ed is-"

"Sex Ed?" Mordin asked curiously.

Blake blushed. "Sex Ed is… a class that is either caught by either parents or teachers and is very important for anyone to know."

"If it's so important that I need to know about it why does it seem like you don't want to talk about it?" Mordin asked.

"Because I don't want to talk about it!" Blake nearly shouted.


"Because I don't! Not with someone like you!" Blake shouted causing Mordin to flinch back. Blake sighed. "Look this kind of thing isn't something you just talk about like it was any other topic and is actually really embarassing to talk about for some people."

Mordin gave her a confused look. "But Ms. Goodwitch said that you shouldn't feel embarreses about this subject."

Blake her hands to the sky. "She is a teacher Mordin and Goodwitch on top of that!. Of course she could easily say that."

Mordin waited a few moments to see if Blake would say anynthing else before speaking. "…So you aren't going to tell me."

Blake gaveMordin a glance before turning away. "Nope." Was all she said.

"Please?" Mordin pleaded. Blake just ignored him. "Please?" Still no response. "Please?" Still no response.

After getting no response for two minutes Mordin began poking her to get her attention as they neared their dorm. "Blake?" Mordin poked. "Blake?" Mordin poked again for the next five minutes. "Blake? Blake? Hey Blake!"

Blake slowly turned to her partner. "What?" She said quietly.

"You going to tell me about the birds and the bees?" Mordin asked for the fithtieth time as he has for the last five minute.

Blake turned to look at him, just looking at him without saying anything. Immediattely afterwords Ruby opens the door to their dorm. "Glad you two could make it. Felicia said she should be here In a few minutes. Anyway we should-" Ruby notices that Blake is just standing there looking at Mordin. "Blake?" She waves a hand in front of Blakes face. "Blake? Remnant to Blak-" Blake appears to dispear the moment Ruby tries to put her hand on her shoulder. "What?" Ruby asked suprised.

Mordin just looks at the spot where Blake was just standing on a few moments ago. "…I probably should have realised something was up when she was just looking at me without moving like that. But a clone, really? Is this topic so really so hard for people to talk about?"

"What are you talking about?" Ruby asked as she turned away from the spot the clone just banished from. "Why did Blake decide to sneak away?"

Mording turned to Ruby. "It was something that I wanted to learn about that seemed really important but for some reason Blake didn't want to talk about it."

Ruby sighed. "I should really talk to Blake about working on her communication skills. But that isn't important right now since it looks like there is a teammates in front of me who could use some help."Ruby puffed out her chest. "Well since I am team leader it is my duty to help out my fellow teammates. So what do you want to know about that is so important?"

Mordin smiled. "well you see.."


A Visit To The Nurse


"Now once again please open your mouth Mr. Solus." One of the school nurses ordered to which Mordin replied.

"This is unbelievable Mr. Solus." Said Glynda with one of palms on her face. "Are there any symptoms that have shown up yet that we should be worried about?" Glynda asked the nurse.

After examaning Mordin's mouth for the twelth time the nurse responds. "As I told you many times for the last few hours I cannot for the life of me find anything wrong with this boy."

Mordin closes his mouth once the nurse signals she is done examining him and then turns to Glynda. "So since nothing is wrong with me can I finally go now?" Mordin asks Glynda.

Glynda gives Mordin a cold stare. "Not until we are absolutely sure that nothing is wrong with you."

The nurse sighs. "For Pete's sake Ms. Goodwitch I have done nearly every test except for the most invasive and expensive ones available to us. There appears to be nothing wrong with this boy."

Glynda gives a stern look to the nurse. "While I know you are the proffesional here this kind of thing seems like it would have serious health risk. Really Mr. Solus why in the world did you think that eating Grimm was in any way a good idea?" Glynda said in a exasparated tone.

Mordin merely shrugged. "I was curious to how those particular Grimm tasted and also very hungry." Glynda and the nurse facepalm at that. "What? Was I not supposed to?" Mordin asks ignorantly.

Glynda sighs. "Mr. Solus I know that you currently have very limited knowledge about the world but we assumed that eating Grimm was obviously something that one should never attempt."

"Of course that hasn't stopped idiots from trying it for reasons this old broad just cannot comprehend." The nurse responded.

"I told you I was curious... and hungry." Mordin defended.

The nurse merely shook her head. "You know you are very lucky that you haven't shown any of the other symptoms that the other idiots sometimes suffer from for trying this."

Mordin turned to Glynda. "Am I in trouble Ms. Goodwitch?"

Glynda turned to Mordin before sighing. "As much this is suprising despite how we punish reckless behavior eating Grimm wasn't included in the criteria since this incident is extremely rare since it seemed obvious to most people that eating Grimm was a terrible idea thus no one felt the need to make it official. There are of course the usual imbe-" She stops and reconsider her words.

"...imbecile and then there the ignorant students who for some reason or another do not know any better but thankfully they happen to be quite rare." Glynda looks to the nurses notes on Grimm meat ingestion. "So Mr Solus how many of Port's caged Grimm did you end up eating?" Glynda asked.

"I think around half a dozen." Mordin quickly answered. "Though in total I would say I have eaten either around or above a dozen Grimm total." Mordin said casually.



"What?" Mordin asks.

Glynda and the nurse both look at each other before the nurse goes back to her notes. "It's strange, there are usually at least some noticeable syptoms but there do not appear to be anything showing up with this boy. You would think there would be at least something visibly wrong with him."

Glynda put a hand to her chin. "This may be a guess but it could be possible that Mr Solus may have been spared from the usual harmful affects of Grimm flesh ingestion thanks to the healing aspect to his semblance."

"Hmm, it would make sense that a healing semblance may negate the the negative side effects." The nurse said.

" So do you believe that Mr. Solus is going to be fine?" Glynda asked.

"I haven't seen anything that would me say otherwise." The nurse answered.

Glynda nodded to the nurse before turning to Mordin. "You may go now Mr. Solus."

Mordin nodded before leaving.

When Mordin was out of earshot the nurse turned to Glynda. "Interesting kid there, shame I doubt he is going to last long." The nurse said causing Glynda to glare at her. "Oh you know I don't mean any offense but it's just..."

Glynda sighed before rubbing her temples. "I know, I know. Trust me when I say that he can be quite the handful."

The nurse snorts. "I bet, an amnesiac who couldn't even remember how to use the bathroom yet alone who he was?" The nurse shakes her head. "Hard to believe that a boy like him wound up at Beacon."

Glynda put down the files she was examing on the table. "Well despite his current lack of knowledge and common sesne he has shown an immense amount of potential. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so small have so such strength and speed and so young on top of that, not too mention his semblance."

"But still, to not remember anything at all but still clearly show so much potential." The nurse said. "I wonder how he could have ended up like that. As far as I can tell that boy doesn't appear to have any head injuries. Which I have to say I find extremely suprising, no offense to the squirt."

Glynda shrugged. "I don't think he is the type to be easily offended and he does have a unique circumstance. Hopefully the theory of Mr Solus potentially being a hunter in-training holds water. If it were the case then being at a hunter school might jog his memories."

"Well I hope that kid remembers everthing, must be scary to go through that." The nurse said sadly.

"I think hoping is the best thing we could do for Mordin at the moment. Hopefully it isn't long before he remembers something that would help us locate any living relatives. Until then we are just going to have to look out for him." Glynda said.

"Well good luck to you, I get the feeling that kid is going to be a handful during his stay here." Said the nurse.

"Despite Mr. Solus' condition and this recent incident I assure you he is a well behaved student who-" At that moment hGlynda's scroll rings. After reading the message she sighs and makes to leave in a hurry.

The nurse frowns at that. "What's wrong?" She asks.

Glynda stops at the door to turn back at the nurse. "Mr. Solus' cat just mauled a student who was harrasing another student who happend to be a faunus. There does not appear to be any serious injuries but I need to be there to have a talk with Mr. Solus about that."

"...Well good luck with the kid. I get the feeling you are going to need it." The nurse said smiling as Glynda leaves towards Mordins most recent incident.


A "Light" Duel


Mordin found himself wandering the campus, simply exploring. Blake had left earlier, explaining that she was going out to look for someone, and the other Blake had decided to stay in the dorm and read. Ruby was working with her sister, and Felicia was... somewhere.

Mordin was thinking of going back to the Emerald Forest to see if he could find different grimm to eat when he heard a clicking sound behind him.

Turning he spotted a rabbit faunus with a camera pointed at him.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to cause any trouble, I just wanted a picture."

Mordin blinked, and an idea formed. As the unnamed faunus girl was starting to get nervous, Mordin pulled out his own camera and took a picture of her.

The girl was surprised, and a little miffed, and attempted to get out of the way of the picture, while taking another picture of Mordin.

Mordin in return dodged said photo while snapping another picture of the rabbit faunus.

As the two continued "dodging" in increasingly acrobatic ways, the duel suddenly came to a stop for one simple reason: They had run out of film.

"Well, I'm not sure what that was, but it was nice to meet you. Velvet Scarlatina." Velvet named herself before holding out her free hand.

Mordin returned the gesture, "Mordin Solus."

Velvet smiled, "Perhaps we should do this again sometime?"

Mordin nodded, "It was... fun."

Velvet's smile widened as they separated to get their respective film developed. Most of the shots were worthless, but each initial photo was rather good, and a nice reminder of their "duel."