
The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby)

The Light of Our Solus (previously known as Random Guy Quest) is a RWBY based quest hosted on SpaceBattles.com, though it features a large cast of original characters and plays around with the show's canon while adding in new plotlines. It stars Mordin Solus, a recently born Eldritch Abomination who has spent thousands of years sleeping beneath the planet, waiting to be born. Taking the form of a wolf/fox faunus, Mordin lives out his life among the people of Remnant, training to become a hunter for no other reason than it seemed interesting at the time. This story is written by my buddy lostghost over on spacebattles.com. I recieved his permission to post the story here. If you enjoy the story please check out the quest over on spacebattles!

Leekz01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

A Robbery and "Food"

Both you and the girl had been taken to the "Police" station for questioning about the robbery.

You were both split up quite early and didn't really have time to talk.

"Not even one day, and you've already managed to get into trouble. Do you have anything to say Mr.Solus?" Ozpin asks.

And Ozpin soon arrived, with a cup in hand.

You tell him that you were only preventing a robbery.

"Yes...but next time, do try holding back a bit." He says as she shows you the video of your quick and efficient "Incapacitation" of the robbers.

"Now, Mr. Solus. I have something for you." He says, handing you a small card

"This is your Identification card. I highly suggest not losing it, after all, it is what proves that you are a citizen of Vale."

Looking at the card everything seems in order.

Though, your age reads "15"

That's not right, you're only a couple of days old or much older depending on how one looks at it, but you make sure to keep that to yourself.

Moving on, your height reads 4'10''

That seems about right, probably.

"Now, I really must be going. Please DO try to keep out of events like this." He says

Getting up, you follow him out the door and back into town.

Finding your way back to the Hotel was surprisingly easy. As you enter, the kind lady greets you and wishes you a good night.

Arriving at your room, you think of what you'll do tomorrow.


You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight shining on your face. You flinch and rub your eyes. If you ever see that orange haired man again...well, you'll think of an equally painful punishment for him

by then, hopefully.

You had bought quite a few books from the festival and you haven't had a chance to read anything since then. So, you decided to go out and find a nice quiet place to read a book or two.

Remembering the park from yesterday, you grab the books you want and head over there.

You're tempted to take your sword, but you would probably attract quite a bit of attention doing so.

In the end, you take it with you.

On your way there, you take another look at your ID Card. 15 Years old and a height of 4'10''. While it doesn't really mean much to you, you're a bit sad you couldn't choose what you looked like at birth. You'd have added more tentacles, though, it would have been much harder to blend in with that. Well, at leats you now have a plausible excuse! You can just blame your "Semblance" if anything like that ever happens.

Finally arriving, you look around for a nice comfy spot to lay down on. After a bit of searching, you find the perfect spot. It's below a tall tree, its branches and leaves blotting out the sun, a small breeze blows by. Yes, it will do.


Reading for Dummies

You can confidently say that you've learned all that this book can teach you. As you sat and re-read the book three times, you could only find your reading speed increasing each time you read it. While you still struggle a bit in spelling, you think you've attained an

acceptable level...at least for mankind.If you want to improve more, you'll have to find a more advanced book to read. You are no longer a "Dummy", and you thank the book very much for imparting its knowledge upon you. Having a bit of time, you take out a pen and begin practicing your writing as well. With your increased reading ability, it should be much easier to fix your mistakes. Finishing your writing exercise, you note that it is much easier to read your writing, though, it is still quite messy.

[Reading for Dummies 100% Done!, Reading: (D++) --> (C), Writing: (E++) --> (D)]


Dust For Dummies and Other Inadequate Individuals

Surprisingly, the book came with a pamphlet.

The pamphlet had all sorts of very useful and interesting facts. Apparently dust is some kind of power source? Does your scroll run on dust? Though, the first sentence you read got on you nerves a bit....you have no idea why.

"So, you're interested in Dust, but it doesn't look like Dust is interested in you. Well, hopefully, you haven't tried using any before you read this pamphlet, you big dummy. Our hope is that you read this pamphlet with your undivided attention so that you don't accidentally kill anyone. "

The pamphlet had some very useful tips. Though....you can't help but wonder if dust tastes any good. No, that's a bad idea, if last night was anything to go by, the chance of blowing your own head off is quite high.

Either way, you had quite a few questions, so you began reading the book version.

The first half of the book is mostly filled with safety precautions and what NOT to do. Sadly, eating dust is on that list.

[Dust For Dummies and Other Inadequate Individuals 50% Done! You now know how to safely handle dust, though, you still have no idea how to use it.]

Your growling stomach interrupts your reading session. Well, you guess it Is time to grab something to eat. Getting up, you go off and start looking for somewhere to eat.


After walking for a short amount of time, you happened upon a rather peculiar scent. Following your nose, it eventually led you to a shop. "Brown's Bakery", it was a marvelous place! All sorts of unknown and delicious looking foods filled the shop. Each different food had a unique smell, it made your mouth water slightly. Quickly wiping away your saliva, you finally took a look at the people inside.

First, there was the old man at the counter. His name tag displaying that he was the "Brown" in the shop's name. Currently, it seemed he was talking with a customer. The person he was talking to was a Faunus. She had two large bunny ears and looked quite happy with whatever she had bought. Grabbing her food, she turned around and left, the smell of her purchase only increasing your hunger. Taking another quick look, you spotted a man in some rather light clothing wearing sunglasses, a young boy with his mom, a woman in a suit wearing a fedora,

a young man with a top hat, and many more people. Really, food attracts all sorts of people.

Looking around, you realized why there were so many people here. Apparently, there was a "Sale" on some delicious smelling "Cookies". They were selling 4 boxes for only 10 Lien.

You had no idea if that was a good deal, but everyone seemed to be buying them, so you went and bought yourself 4 boxes. Thankfully, it seemed like you were lucky, as they were sold out just as you got your boxes. Walking out of the shop, a red blur runs past you. Well, that was odd. Thinking back on it, hadn't that young girl from yesterday been able to turn into a red blur as well? Wondering if it was the girl from yesterday, you take a seat on a nearby bench and eat some cookies as you wait.

Not long after you sit, a loud and anguishing sounding "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" can be heard coming from the bakery. Shorty after the shout, a downtrodden and sad looking girl walks out. Yes, it indeed was the girl from yesterday. Well, you should probably leave-

"Hey, you!" She suddenly says as she speeds towards you.

Stopping right in front of you, she gives you a very desperate looking face.

"Can...can you spare a poor girl some cookies?" She says, her eyes almost seem to grow three times their normal size.

Does she want your cookies?

"Yes...please!" She says, rapidly nodding hear head.

Well, you could part with one box. You hand her one and the smile she returns is filled with joy

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" She says

It wasn't a problem.

Opening the box, she starts to gorge herself on cookies.

"Sho..yor...tha...guy...fro..terday" She says as you're about to take your leave.

You really can't understand much of what she's saying, on a count of the fact that her mouth is stuffed with cookies. Is this what you look like when you eat, you wonder.

After Informing her that you are the guy from yesterday, you warn her not to talk with her mouth full. Hazel had warned you about the dangers of choking, it's only fair that

you pass on that useful information.

She quickly swallows everything in her mouth at once. For a second, you think she's about to choke, but she gets it all down rather smoothly.

"Oh, right. Talking and stuff, it's hard doing it with a full mouth...." She says awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.

Yes, it is.

"So.....thank you for the cookies. Also, nice to meet you, i'm Ruby." She says

Following proper educate, you tell her that it is nice to meet her as well and that your name is Mordin.

"Um..yeah. So, are you alright? I didn't get to see if anything happened to you, we got split up real quick. Does your face still hurt? What's that on your back? Is it a weapon!?" She says, bombarding you with questions.

You simply tell her that you are fine, your face is ok and that yes, it is your weapon.

"Cool! What is it? Is it a rocket launcher? A Minigun? A gun that shoots dust chainsaws? or...is it a giant bat that transforms into a shotgun?!"

Taking your sword from your back, you unwrap it and show her that it is a great sword.

"Nice! What does it transform into? Some kind of whip sword? Also, did anyone tell you that it's HUGE!. It's like almost twice your height!" she says in a very excited voice.

She really seems interested in your weapon, doesn't she have her own?

"Ehehehe, sorry. I get carried away sometimes. I just...really like weapons." She says awkwardly

That is fine, you really like food. It's normal for people to like things, at least you think so.

"Yeah! So what if Yang doesn't like weapons as much as I, everyone likes something!" She says loudly

You just sit quietly, you notice that she's already finished her box of cookies. She's fast!

A loud beeping interrupts her speech. She takes out what appears to be her scroll and swipes her finger across the screen.

"Ah, I have to go." She says

Before you can get a word n, she asks you a question.

"Say, do you go to signal?"


"Yeah, it's a combat school. You seem to be around 15, and you have a weapon. So, I was wondering if you go there."

She thinks you might go to Signal?

"Well....you kind of didn't do to well in that fight. But! you did beat up some of the goons, so you must be a good guy! It's only natural that you're going to signal right?"

No, you tell her that you're going to be going to Beacon.

"What! no way! So am I! Wait, did Professor Ozpin scout you too?" She asks

You tell her that that's what more or less what happened.

You don't want to give too much information about yourself out to a stranger.

"That's great! We can be friends! I'm so glad I'm not the only person my age that's going to beacon" She says with a smile

Once more, she's interrupted by her scroll. Quickly looking at it, she tells you that, "Ok, I have to go for reals now."

With that, you say goodbye and wait for her to leave......she doesn't.

She just keeps looking at one of your other boxes of cookies. Does she want another?

You had decided to give Ruby one more box of cookies. After all, it seemed like she really wanted them. The smile she gave you was the second best you've ever seen. Hazel's was much better, but Ruby had a nice one of her own. Quickly thinking on it, you asked if you could take her picture.

"My picture? Why?" She said, giving you an odd look.

You told her that you like taking pictures and that her happy face seems good enough for your collection.

She giggles.

"You know...you're weird, but that's fine. People sometimes call me that too, but it won't stop me from liking weapons. So it's fine, I'll let you take a picture." She says with a melancholy look

Taking out your camera, you snap a quick picture.

With that done, you wish each other a good night and go in different directions.

[Lost 10 Lien! Met Ruby!]


With that finished, you head back to the hotel. You receive strange looks as you walk back. Is it the difference between your height and the sword?

Either way, as you move up the stairs, a piece of paper hits you in the face. Grabbing it off your face, you take a look at what it was.

"When The Time Comes, Take The Golden Flower, Mr. Solus - F"

Another message from this "F"? You wonder who they are.

Walking back up to your room, you open up your boxes of cookies and start to eat.

After eating the rest of the cookies, you go to bed.