My right hand is so amazing that it can make any inanimate objects come to life. Crazy, right? Do you think I’m god? Nah, I'm just a freshman in college with all his problems. However, my brother sucks. He's a selfish prick who wants to see the world burn. Looks like I have to use my power to stop him. That must be really sucks. By the way, my name is Evan. I'm an alien from a planet called Xionezsoqiuvenoririrexunaxiantiqinoverizovadusuruxivurunzezex. Being an alien is also sucks.
As far as his eyes could see, Evan saw only white or rather thick white mist. He remembered very well, it was the location where he met his power for the first time.
Continuing to grumble, Evan chose to sit down. There's no point walking in that place. Better to wait for that being to come.
"Hey, where are you!!??" Evan shouted with all his might. "Get over here!!!"
No answer. Evan snorted and put his cheek in his hand.
The young man continued to wait. Feeling uneasy, he kept changing his position. From sitting cross-legged, lying down, push-ups, even rolling to the right and left. However, the being of light had not yet appeared.
"Hey, you glowing mayonnaise!!! Don't waste my time!!!" Evan roared. He couldn't take it anymore. "Get out, or I'll kick your ass!!!"
The girl's soft voice made Evan choke hard. It was very familiar. And it felt like he hadn't heard it in a very long time.