
The Visit

Uncle Sehun pushed the wheelchair so you can see your Uncles. Your Uncle Chanyeol saw you first and said "Oh, look at you, stuck in a wheelchair, such a poor thing my nephew is in.", you looked down sadly but he said "Don't be sad, Uncles will make you happy and I went to see your cute smile again.", You looked at him with your cutest smile and he told Sehun "Let me push the wheelchair. I want to spend time with my nephew." Sehun went to call the others to see you. Your Uncle Chanyeol said "Since you can't walk, you can stay here for a bit and your cousins can handle the kids, Wanna stay here??" You nodded excitedly while He called your Uncle Chen and Kai to get your clothes and your other stuff you need and put it into a luggage, they both agreed and hung up to get what you needed. He said "Let's eat, let your uncle Chanyeol cook while Uncle D.O stays with you. He called your Uncle D.O to sit next to you. He went to you and said "Poor you, At least you can stay with us and your Dad for a few days." with his smile. Your Uncle Suho saw you and said "Oh, well who do I see, is it a injured boy or my nephew?" jokingly and went to hug you he said "Let me put you on the couch." in a caring tone. He put you on the couch and played some of their new music videos. You looked like you were dancing to "Power" ever since it was so catchy.When Uncle D.O and Suho saw you dancing, they were smiling and Suho whispered to D.O "Let's give him the album." He nodded and instantly went to the storage room. Your Uncle Suho went to you and said "Close your eyes, Uncle has a surprise for you." You closed your eyes, your uncles were getting every album they made since they had many left. Each of your Uncles got a album that had their photocard. Uncle Chen and Kai just arrived but Suho gave them the albums that had their photo in and said "We have a surprise for our nephew, every EXO album and we give Xuimin's last" they both nodded and went to put the albums in the center of the table and arranged it by first to last. They all signed the album that had their picture in. Your father signed his before leaving for Busan. Your Uncle Suho said "Open your eyes now." Your eyes widened when you saw every EXO album and you asked all of your uncles "For me?!!", they all nodded, you were instantly crying tears of joy, they hugged you tight and Uncle D.O said "Since you feel depressed, we wanted to give these to you so you can feel happy and feel full of happiness, you started to radiate a black light that changed into a rainbow colored light and you heard the voice of you saying "You have achieved to reach your peak of happiness, no more you will feel sadness.", You opened your eyes and said "Thank You so much Uncles" and you ran to them but this time you could stand again. You were shocked and said "How is this possible?!!" and you remembered what your Dad said "Happiness is the best cure to pain." when you were about to kill yourself when you were in a dream. You said "Uncles, can we make an drama while Uncle Suho is watching, they all agreed and said "Deal!!" as Suho was already waiting for the drama to start. It was a sad drama, you and your uncles were a family and your mother and father were already dead. You were the youngest as your uncles were your brothers. You said "Hyung, help!!!" while you pretended that a criminal was about to shoot you. Your brothers were there to hide you. You and your brothers hid behind the couch but you felt something enter your chest, you were shot, you fainted as your brothers were saying "Please don't leave us!!", but you held Kai's hands and said "Goodbye b-b-roth-her" and closed your eyes. Kai said "Please no, please be alive, please" and you said "The End", you saw your Uncle Suho was crying and you went to him and said "Uncle, don't cry." He said "He didn't deserve it.", but he complimented your acting as well as your Uncles, Your Uncle Chanyeol said "Your a good actor, you can be a actor you know.", but you said "Appa wants me to join EXO and become visual since I am the girl's dream boy in school.", They were shocked and said "How is that possible, you look like your Dad with your mother's fair skin and red eyes." You gave them an exactly look, You said "Uncles, should we eat dinner or do we want to starve?" Your Uncle made some noodles and chicken nuggets. All of you ate with gusto, you went up first to take a bath, brush your teeth, and wore your pj's. You made sure to check if you have your Stuff toy. You found your books and stuff toy inside the luggage, you got your charger. You charged your phone, Nintendo switch, and headphones. You said "Uncle, can I dance, sing, and rap with you tomorrow to prove I can be part of EXO, they all exclaimed "Deal!!", Your Uncles and you went to bed but all of them were shirtless so you made sure that you threw your dirty thoughts away or will you?!!!

Now, a cliff hanger, I slowly grew to like this novel so this might have many chapters. I hope you guys enjoy the novel, Goodbye.