
The Date

You woke up holding Daehwi's and Jihoon's hands.You checked your phone if today was a school day or not.It was a Saturday.You woke Jihoon up and threw a bottle of water to Jisung to wake him up.They woke up and saw you awake.Jisung woke up Ong and said "Finally, you're awake.You have been in a coma for a day.We all missed you." as he hugged you.Your Dad and Uncles were still asleep.You woke up Daniel and said "Can you wake up my appa and eomma?", he nodded and woke them up.Your Dad saw you and hugged you.He said "How are you, my boy?", you said "I'm okay." and gave a smile.Your Uncle Chanyeol woke up and saw you awake.He hugged you and said "I though you will never wake up.", you got released after you ate breakfast.You said "Appa, can my cousins take care of the kids at home while I study for school.", he nodded and said "I want you to do well since tomorrow is your exam and after that you can be a trainee.", You remembered that you skipped other grades to reach the last year.You said "Daehwi, wake up." as you ruffled his hair.Your Uncle Baekhyun said "Can you come to the fan meeting tomorrow?", you nodded and said "I can bring Daehwi with me when one of your staff members pick us up. ", You called Uncle Heechul.He said "Xuichen, what made you call?", you said "I watched Lo Siento yesterday and You looked so handsome.", he said "Thank You!!", you said "Uncle, can you join us tomorrow at the fanmeeting, Daehwi and I are going, do you mind being our chaperone and can you bring Uncle Kyung hoon?", he said "Sure, He would like that.", he hung up as you put back your phone in your pocket, you arrived home safely.You ran up to study, Jisung,Jihoon,Daniel,Ong, and Daehwi followed you to your room.They saw you studying for 34 subjects.Your Dad said "Chanyeol can you stay here for a while since we just have to buy food?", he nodded and said "I'll go help Xuichen to study.", he went in as they drove away,He went to your room to see you reading.He sat next to you and said "Xuichen, are you stressed?", you looked at him and said "No.", you kept studying as your Uncle motivated you.You had a lot of energy since you have a lot of stamina.You studied and studied to make sure you pass.You studied so much, you slept on the mat after studying,Your Dad came back home, he said "Chanyeol, where is Xuichen?", Chanyeol said "At his room", he came to your room to see you sleeping, he smiled and said "He really is adorable as he sleeps.", he lifted you up and put you on your bed,he kissed your forehead and said "Good night, son",Chanyeol and Suho checked on you and said "Uncles will sleep next to you.", you heard what he said in your dream, you smiled.After they ate,Daehwi went to look at you sleeping, he held your hand and said "Hyung, I Love You.", with a kiss on your lips.Your Uncles and Dad and extended your bed and made it fit 3 more adults.You woke up due the noise,Xuimin said "Good Evening, Xuichen.", you landed a kiss on his cheek.You said "What are you doing?", Suho said "We are gonna sleep next to you." with a smile.When they laid down,You stayed between Suho and Xuimin.You layed on your Dad's chest as Suho hugged you.You had a nightmare, you failed every class.You woke up in tears,Your Dad woke up from your crying,Suho saw you crying and said "Why are you crying?", you said "N-n-nightmare.", he pulled you in a hug and comforted you.You noticed it was 1 AM, you woke up with a smug face.You washed your face and got ready in a minute.You brought some food for breakfast.You put a note on the table that said "Went to school early, please bring Daehwi to school instead, TY", You arrived at school at 3,you went to your locker and got your books.You sat on your seat waiting for the others to come.You read your book while waiting, you got sleepy so you slept for the mean time.You woke up to see Jungkook shaking your shoulders.You looked at him and said "Finally, you're here.", he sat next to you and said "Thank you for helping us yesterday.", you said "No problem!!", You smiled at him and looked at him suspiciously and said "Do you look 21 or am I hallucinating?", he sighed and looked down, he said "I am, All of us are adults.We were told to get close to you so you can join bighit.", A tear slowly went down his cheek.You wiped his tear and said "Don't cry, I will make sure to keep my promise and I will join bighit.", he smiled at you and gave you his bunny smile.You said "Hyung, can you confess to everyone later?", he nodded and held your hand.You were tearing up when you pulled out your phone from your bag.Jungkook pulled you in a hug and asked "What's wrong?", you said "My little brother got involved a car accident and so did my mom and dad.", He kissed your forehead and said "Everything is fine", You cried on his shoulder, The others went inside since they knew Jungkook told the truth.All of them became adults when they came in.Jin ran to you and asked "What happened?!!", Jungkook explained to him everything.Jin hugged you and said "They will be fine.", When class started, you were attentive like always.When it was break time, you met up with the others, you felt so down, you looked emotionless. Jimin gave you a hug and said "Xuichen, Don't be sad.I know they will be fine.", you looked at him with tears.He wiped your tears off and said "Xuichen, hyung won't be confident to tell the truth if you are like this.", you looked at him with a fake smile.Jin said "Guys, All of us are adults but we are here for a reason, we are here to keep watch on Xuichen our friend since his dad has told us to keep him safe.", Everyone accepted the truth.You went in front but fell from the stage, You hit your head on the floor hard, it caused you to faint.Jungkook carried you.All the girls were worried, Namjoon said "Don't worry, girls.He will be fine.", All of you went into the van they ride in.Yoongi held your hand while Jimin was letting you rest on his shoulder.J Hope said "Guys, calm down. He will be fine.", he kissed your forehead and said "I hope he will.",You woke up to see them around you.You held Jimin's hands and said "Hyung, what made me come here?", Jimin just smiled and ruffled your hair, he said "No need for you to know.", You smiled at him and asked "Hyung, are my parents in the room on my left?", he nodded.You got out and went to your parent's room while in your school uniform.You saw them sleeping but knew they were in a coma.Your tears started to flow.You ran to your dad and held his hand.You said "Appa, wake up!!", your tears fell rapidly.You couldn't help but blame yourself.Jimin got you in a hug and calmed you down.You smiled at him and went to Daehwi, he looked so peaceful.You played with his hair and kissed his forehead.You smiled at him and said "I hope you wake up soon.", Taehyung went inside and smiled to see you happy.He went to you and said "Let's go eat ice cream for you!!", you smiled at him and hugged him.You said "You make me so happy, hyung.", he smiled and said "That's what we all want to do.",You got up and followed him.Tae held your hand while Jimin held your other hand.You were happy to have them.You found the ice cream truck and ran to it as if you were a kid.Tae chuckled and caught up.You got chocolate ice cream while they got vanilla.You had a smile as sweet as sugar.Yoongi found you and carried you to your room.Yoongi said "Why are you so cute?", You smiled and said "Well, I can't live without Suga.", he smiled and said "J Hope, he said he can't live without me!!", J Hope pouted and said "Goodness, you are too cute even if I want to get angry at you.", you smiled and went to Yoongi.I sat on his lap and gave him a cute smile.You looked at Jin and said "Hyung, here have my ice cream, you look so hungry.", he smiled as he got the ice cream, he ruffled your hair.You heard something break in your parent's room.You got started that you fell.Yoongi said "What was that?", You signalled them to follow you.Yoongi stayed in front of you to protect you. Yoongi flicked the light switch and saw your parents and brother awake. You hugged Daehwi and said "You're awake finally.", He smiled at you and said "Hyung, I missed you.", you kissed his forehead and said "I missed you too!!", You ran to your dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek.Your mom hugged you while crying tears of joy.You said "Jennie eomma, where are samcheon?", you heard a familiar voice that said "We're here.", you looked over to see Uncle Kai with the others.You hugged them while Uncle Chanyeol said "Look behind us!!", you saw Jackson and the others.You ran to them, Yugyeom carried you and said "Good thing, you are still intact!!", you giggled like a kid but Jimin said "Who are these people?!!", you said while Yugyeom carried you "They are my real brothers.", Xuimin smiled and said "I am happy all of you are reunited.", You laid on his shoulder and yawned.Yugyeom layed you down and said "I think its time to sleep for our baby brother.", you pouted and said "I am not a baby!!", Jackson chuckled and said "You aren't, hyung was just teasing you.", Daehwi looked at you and held your hand, he asked "Hyung, is your head healed?", You said "Not yet, I can balance well but not much, you have to go to school tomorrow.",He nodded and said "Tae, keep him safe, if he comes back to visit me tomorrow hurt, there will be consequences!!", Jackson said "Make sure he stays safe, when he punished us for stealing his food.We all were his servants for a year.", You said "I had the best year back then.", Yugyeom kissed your forehead and whispered "Good Night.", You slept instantly since your Dad sang you to sleep.When you were in a deep sleep.Kai said "Guys, can all of you buy dinner?", they all nodded and left.Kai sat next to you and said "Look how peaceful you look.", you awoke from his voice and said "Hello, Uncle.", He said "Hello!!", you said "I'm bored, I want to use my phone!!", he said "No gadgets, how about a game I play?", you looked at him and said "What is it?", he said "Just let me do it.", he kissed you passionately and removed your shirt.He took off his and carried you to the bed where your dad layed.He said "Don't do anything, just moan.", When he kissed your neck and unbuttoned your pants, you moaned quietly.When he removed his, he kissed you letting his tongue enter.He noticed you had full developed abs already.He said "You are working out every day.", you blushed but moaned when he kissed your abs.He removed your underwear and gave you a blowjob.Your moans were louder than before.He said "Don't cum in my mouth, I want it on my member.", He entered you with no warning and said "I won't be gentle.", He kissed you as he thrusted deeper in you.He said "It seems you are enjoying my "game", huh?", you nodded as he kissed your forehead and said "You make me so happy.", He then hit your good spot, you said "F-f-f-faster.", he went and hit it repeatedly and exceeded his speed limit.You moaned louder and louder.He kissed your neck until you came on his member.He came in you, he collapsed next to you and said "You look sleepy, sleep on my chest and lay your hand on my abs.", You layed on his chest and laid your hand on his abs.He held your hand And kissed your forehead.You looked at him and said "Good Night.", He hugged you to sleep, you tucked in his warm embrace, he smiled and said "I love you, nephew.", You layed on his chest and eventually slept.You looked so peaceful and quiet.When they came back, their jaws dropped.Yoongi and Jin signalled them to be quiet.You and your Uncle were sleeping peacefully.Yugyeom kissed your forehead and let both of you sleep. You woke up hugging him.You said "Uncle, what are you doing?", he said with a smile "I am keeping you warm.", You put your clothes back on and said "Uncle Kai, you have the fan meeting today!!", He got ready and said "See you later.", you waved bye as he left.You stayed in bed and tried to relax.Your brothers burst through the door and said "Hello!!!", You threw your pillow and said "Stop disturbing me!!!", They went near you while Jackson,Yugyeom,Jaebum,Bambam said "Do you want to go to the EXO fan meeting with us?", you nodded and said "Let me call my mom to pick Daehwi up after his school.", You texted her "Eomma,can you pick up Daehwi since my hyungs and Uncle Heechul and Kyunghoon will pick us up.", She replied "Of course!!",Yugyeom held your hand and said "I think you really missed us.", You nodded and said "Well, let's go.We have to get ready.", You went to your closet and changed into jeans, red shirt, and black Gucci shoes.Your brothers said "Waah,you look so handsome!!",, you smiled and went to hold Jaebum and Jackson's hands.When you got in,You laid your head on Jackson's shoulder.Jaebum said "Xuichen, wake up, we arrived.", You saw Daehwi, Uncle Heechul and Kyunghoon outside waiting for you.You hugged them and carried Daehwi and said "Behave today, he nodded cutely.The guards said "Xuichen, follow us.You won't get hurt if you follow us.", You nodded and followed them as the others followed from behind.You carried Daehwi and made sure he won't fall.He clinged on your neck and said "Hyung, are you uncomfortable carrying me?", You kissed his nose and said "No, because you are as light as a feather to me.", When it was your turn.Daehwi got out his album while you got your album.The others stayed backstage.You and Daehwi was with Uncle Chen.He signed both of your albums and said "Be Careful.Xuichen make sure your brother won't get hurt.", You nodded and went to your Dad.Xuimin said "Hello, boys!!!", both of you smiled and said "Hi appa.", He ruffled your hair and said "Have you been carrying your brother?", you nodded and said "Its okay since I don't want him to get hurt.", He smiled and signed both of your albums.He waved goodbye to you.When all of them signed both of your albums, you and Daehwi went backstage after.You carried him and said "Daehwi, are you sleepy?", He laid his head on your shoulder and said "Yes, I am.", You patted his head and let him sleep.You finally arrived and laid Daehwi down.Your arms were sore.Yugyeom massaged your arms while you tried to sleep on Jackson's shoulder.Bambam was so sneaky, he tried to wake you up but Jaebum stopped him.You slept on Jackson's shoulder.Jackson carried you and layed you next to Daehwi.Your arm was wrapped around him so he won't fall.When they finished, both of you were still sleeping.Heechul and Kyunghoon said "Look how peaceful.", Xuimin kissed both of your foreheads.Jackson got a blanket to cover both of you.You woke up to see Daehwi crying.You hugged him and asked "What's wrong?", He said "I saw you dead in my dream....", You hugged him and said "Hyung is alive and kicking, don't cry.", Jaebum said "Xuichen, wanna stay with us for a few days?", you nodded and looked at your dad.He nodded, you patted Daehwi's head and said "Hyung will sleep with his real hyungs, can you sleep with our cousins for a week?", He nodded and said "Just as long you video call us every night.", You smiled and said "I promise that.", He kissed your lips and said "Stay Safe and make sure to-", you said "Not get it any accident that will prevent me to visit you.", he nodded and said "Make sure to go to school to see me and Hyungs will be keeping you safe.", You nodded and got a call.It was Jungkook, he said "We know you will sleep in your real brothers' house and we put your stuff in your room.Please stay safe and don't forget-", you said "To not be lazy doing my homework and don't be shy to ask for help.", he said "Good thing, you remember.", You hung up and said "Jackson hyung, let's go.Daehwi, Appa, Uncle Bye!!", Jackson held your hand and the others followed.When you got in,Jaebum said "Irene is gonna be so excited that we found him.", You said with a confused tone "Who is Irene?", Jackson said "We have Red Velvet, Gfriend, and Blackpink members as our sisters.", You smiled and said "All my favorite groups are my family.", Jackson's eye widened and said "Really?!!!", You hit his chest playfully and said "What is the reason that I get excited when I am with you guys?", Bambam said "Since you are a Got7 fan,Blink, Buddy, and Reveluv.", You said "Exactly.", When you arrived at your home, your jaw dropped with amazement.Yugyeom held your hand and said "Welcome Home!!", You ran inside and bumped into someone.It was Irene, she said "Little brother!!", you hugged her and said "Noona, please don't crush my bones. ", She let go and screamed "Unnie, our dongsaeng is here!!!", your sisters rushed down to hug you.You saw someone that looked like you.You ran to her and hugged her.It was Umji, she hugged you and said "Well, look who it is, my twin brother.", you looked at her and said "My twin sister must have missed me.", She kissed your forehead and said "Of course.", You went to hug Wendy while Jisoo and Joy went to make food.You went to go to your room to see so much photos of you as a baby.Sinb followed you and said "Look how handsome and cute you look now.", You said "I am only cute even if all the girls in my school daydream about marrying me.", Her eyes widened and said "Are you really that attractive?", I said with a wink "I can if you want~", She blushed and said "You must have got that from your brothers.", you went back down wearing your pj's.You went down to see Jackson looking at you angrily, you said "What?!!!", he said "Why do you look cuter than me?", You just ran to Wendy and said "Noona, this boy angry at me for being too adorable!!", She said "Yah, watch your manners!!", You looked at him cutely and said "Am I really that cute?", He fell to the floor from your cuteness.Wendy said "Let's go eat, You need to try to eat your two very caring noonas' food.", You ran and sat next to Irene and Wendy.Jackson said "Yugyeom, give him a bit of everything and rice.", He gave you rice and a little of everything.You liked everything when you ate.Jisoo and Joy said "Yah, don't eat too much!!", but you liked them that you finished everything in the plate.You let out a super loud and stinky burp that everyone laughed.Jackson said "I think he might have enjoyed the food too much.", Irene and Wendy said "You really are a big eater.You have a bigger appetite that every siblings you have combined won't even make it enough.", You smiled and said "That's my charm~" with a wink.Jackson said "Yah, why do you have to be the romantic and girl's dream boy in here.", You said while going to the living room "Well, watch out who you talk too, I have a bad boy side too.Just wait to see him~", Bambam said "Really then show us!!", you said "Make sure to put sunglasses on when I show you him, He is smoking hot~", All of them blushed while you went up to your room to change into your bad boy look.You went back down wearing black Gucci shoes while wearing a black shirt and black leather jacket.You had your hair on a cool style and your gaze looked so mean.When Wendy stood up to hug you, you pushed her to the wall and pinned her arms on the wall.She blushed and said "Y-y-yah, d-d-don't d-d-do t-t-this....", You looked at her eyes coldly and whispered "I know you are wet for your own little brother.",She blushed more and said "S-s-stop d-d-doing t-t-this t-t-to y-your n-n-noon-n-na....", You let her free and stared at them and said "Don't mess with me or I will teach you a lesson.", Jackson said "Yah, you look too hot!!", you smirked and said "Well, don't I inherit that from my father?", You walked back up and went back to your cute self.You said cutely "Missed me?", Joy went to hug you and said "Finally, our cute brother is back!!!!!", You hugged her and said "Of course.", You went to Umji and said "Noona, why are you my cousin and sister?", Umji said "You are our brother now, You don't have to think of me as a cousin.", You said "How about the others?", she said "They still are.", Jackson called Namjoon and said "Namjoon, Xuichen has a bad boy side.I don't know how to control his anger.", He said " Just give him chocolate ice cream.", Once you heard "chocolate ice cream", you said "Where?!!", He hung up and said "Finally how to control him.", Bambam said "Yah, go to sleep.", You nodded and said "All right,Can Umji sleep next to me?" cutely.Umji said "Of course!!", You went to your room and got your stuff toy and went to bed.Yugyeom went inside and said "Good night.", You smiled and said "Good night.", You heard the door open and saw Umji already in her pj's to sleep.You said "You look so cute!!!", Umji went next to you and hugged you.You woke up early and went down.You went to the kitchen and made yourself some food.You got ready and left a note on the door, it said "Mianhe, I went to school early.Don't worry about me.Jackson you better not try to call me since I don't answer calls at school.", You arrived at school to see Jimin, you ran to hug him.He hugged you and said "Finally, you're here!!", He let go and you went inside the school.Bullies were nowhere to be found.You loved the peace you made.You saw Taehyung, you ran to him and said "Yah, where are the others?", he said "They will come here soon.", You said "How about Kook, he might get hurt, kidnapped, harassed, or-", he said "Don't worry, he'll be okay.", You smiled and said "Gotta go.", You got your books and went to class, It was Exam Day, You passed the exam, you saw the others in the table you always ate in.You rushed to hug Jin and said "I passed!!", He said "Wow!!!", You sat next to Jungkook and said "Since I don't have anything to do after this, wanna hangout at my house.", They all nodded, you checked your phone and extremely blushed.Jin said "What happened?", You showed him a photo of Jimin revealing his chest.Jin took your phone and told you "He is too innocent.", Jimin saw it and said "Xuichen, are you a sasaeng?",you nodded while checking your messages.He said "Are you a army?", you nodded while playing with Jungkook.He said "I must be your bias.", You nodded and said "That's why I have your pics as well as the others.", Jungkook said "You are the whole package!!", You smiled and said "Yah, let's go to my house!!", They followed you and all of you walked to the house.When you arrived, you saw no one inside.You said "Finally, home alone.", they entered the house and said "You live in a mansion!!", you said "Since I have a lot of siblings and we have many money.", When you tried to go up, Jimin pinned you to the wall and kissed you passionately.You blushed and said "Y-y-yah, S-s-stop i-i-it.", He looked at you and said "Why aren't you happy, you are making out with your bias.", you said "I am not used to this...", He said "How about all of us do that to you?", You became as red as a lobster and pushed him away.You went to your room and locked your door.You sent a message to your Dad that said "Appa, I passed!!!", he replied saying "Woww!!!", you smiled and turned off your phone.You went to your laptop and finished your fanfic about you and Wendy.You heard Kook say "Xuichen, open the door.We all have something to say to you.", You opened the door to get pushed on the bed and kissed passionately.Kook said "You really don't like being forced~", Your tears started to form.Jungkook stopped and hugged you.He said "Don't cry please, I'm sorry.", You smirked at Jimin and laid your head on Kook's shoulder.Jimin thought "He is too smart, I can't do it.", Jin said "I think I'll make dinner.", He went out as well did the others.Jimin stayed and said "You sure you don't want to try?", you shaked your head as a no.You faced the opposite side and tried to sleep.Jimin went next to you and looked at you straight at your eyes.You turned to the left and tried to sleep.You felt Jimin's hands coming near your member.You looked at him and said "Please don't....", He stopped and said "Please just this once.", You closed your eyes and tried to sleep.Jimin's lips smashed to yours which made both of you to kiss.His hand was on your neck to deepen the kiss.You were trying to get out his grip but failed.You gave in and kissed him.He said "I think this puppy wants more treats.", you helped him remove his shirt.He said "I think we have to be equal.", He took off yours and said "At least we're equal now.", His hand went down to tease your member.You moaned out "D-d-daddy f-f-fas-t-t-ter. ", He went faster until he stopped when your climax was nearing.You said "Why?!!!", He sucked on your neck and said "Let daddy give you more treats~", You ran a hand through his hair as he sucked on your neck.He stopped and fixed your hair.He said "You really need to dye your hair after a week of your debut.", You said "It might damage it...", He said "Just try it, make it rainbow.", you nodded as he readied to enter you.He entered you without warning.He sucked on your neck as he thrusted in you.You moaned out "D-d-d-daddy, I'm c-c-c-close.....", He went over his speed and hit your good spot repeatedly.When you came on him, he came in you.He collapsed next to you and said "I think you know how it feels now~", He kissed you and said "You look as if you're sleepy.", You laid on his chest as your hand stayed on his abs.He held your hand and kissed your forehead.You dreamt about what would happen if you became a trainee.Jimin woke you up and said "Yah, time to eat.", You got in your pajamas while Jimin went back to his clothes.You ran down and saw Kook and J Hope telling you to sit between them. You saw so much food that you finished everything in a minute.Yoongi said "Xuichen, aren't you too much of a big eater?", Jungkook said "Hyung, thats why were friends, we are both big eaters.", You laid your head on his shoulder.Jungkook said "J Hope, it seems Xuichy is upset.", You looked at him and said "Yah, don't call me that!!!", You got a call, It was from someone in school.You said "Hey, bud.", she said "Hey, uh, wanna meet me tomorrow at the old meeting place?", you said "Sure,would you bring the others?", she said "Yes sir!!", you laughed and hung up.Jimin asked "Who was it?", You said "It was Yoo Jeongyeon.", Jin choked on air and said "You were old school friends with Twice!!! ", you nodded and said "They were my high school friends.",You laid your hand on Jungkook's abs and said "Kook, mind if we talk in my room?", he smirked and whispered "I won't be gentle.....", Jin said "Yah, no flirting plus that's gay.", you looked at him and said "All right.", You said "Although I have a crush on Jeongyeon.....", Jin choked on water and said "Wait what?!!!!", Jimin said "Maybe your bad boy side can get her.", Jungkook said "As if, its his romantic side that will attract her.", You said "Guys, don't fight.Who gets ready first gets to do something with me and Jimin you are not part.", you smirked and went to your room.You went to make a new chapter of your fanfic.You heard a knock and opened your door.It was Jin.You said "Since when were you like this?", He pinned you to the wall and whispered "Until I met you~", he kissed you passionately and said "I think I'm hungry for you.", You smirked and said "Try me.", He kissed you again but carried you to your bed.He said "Yah, you seem so light.....", You pulled him to a kiss and said "No chit chats, just business.", He kissed you as his hands pinned you down.Your hands held his hands.He smiled and said "Aish, how can you be so cute at this time?", You kissed him and said "Yah, go back to business.", He obeyed and removed your shirt.He licked his lips as he saw your body.He looked straight at you and went to suck on your neck.His right hand went down to tease your member.You pulled him for another kiss.You said "Y-y-your l-l-lips a-a-are s-s-so soft....", He kissed you again while his hand finally found your member.You put your hand on his neck to deepen the kiss.He teased your member, your breath became heavy and you moaned out "D-d-d-daddy f-f-f-faster...", He went faster which made you feel much better. He smirked and said "Let me suck your neck then, I'll make sure to leave marks that I own you....", You felt so good.He gave you so much hickeys and kissed you hotly.When you were about to cum, he removed your pajamas and underwear while he took off all his clothes.He entered you and hit your good spot repeatedly.You moaned out "D-d-d-d-daddy, I'm c-c-c-close...", He went faster and moaned out "M-m-me t-t-too", He came inside of you and you came on his member.He laid next to you as both of you breathed heavily.He hugged you, you winced, he said "What happened?!!", you pointed at the cut he touched.He got up and said "Do you have some clothes I can use?", You pointed at the top cabinet that had the clothes with the size that matched him.He wore red pj's and opened the medical kit in your drawer.He got some ointment and bandage.He put ointment on the cut and put a blanket on it.He made sure to not touch it.You faced him and laid on his chest.He said "Let hyung get you some clothes, you don't want to get a cold.", He got you some pj's and helped you put them on.You laid next to him, your head slightly near his head.He hugged you and said "Good Night.", he kept you warm that night.You woke up to see him still asleep.You went out quietly and noticed it was 3:59 am.You were scared to go down so you went into Jk's room.You went in his embrace and said "Hyung, please keep me safe.", When it was 4 AM, you went out of his embrace and went into your room to see Jin checking your laptop.He saw the fanfics and said "So you shamelessly like your own sister?", you nodded blushing from your embarrassment.You sat next to him and said "Do you hate me now?", He said "I'm not.", Your tears started to form.He stopped them and said "Don't cry.", you hugged him and said "Please don't tell my sister.", he nodded and said "I'll always keep it a secret.", When you went down, Jimin hugged you and said "Who gave you hickeys?!!", you said "Its a mark that Jin owns me."

It is long since my school is coming and I have some stuff to do for some time.I hope you like the new characters.Author nim is out.