
The life of the damtomic king

the world of Damian Michial is gonna change his life forever. we start his adventure with his world then he got summon to not only one world but 3 different worlds. Though he was the only one supposed to go through ever single time, minusing the first time his friends he made on the way came with him. be prepared for adventure, action, and bone chilling events to take place. so take a ride on your Norflax, run away from evil monsters and enjoy the ride ( The norflax is a creature that you will see later on in the book that is used as a sort of mode transport)

dman_gaming_fun · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

chapter 1- where the story begins part 1

    (Ya ok, you hear the title of the story and think it is all about someone  being a king, but you can not be any more wrong.  This not only includes the story of this person being a king but it also includes the adventures before that. Just to let you know that the story might start slow but it will pick up later on. Also to let you know that none of these events actually happen. This is all Fiction. And when you see this -> *4:30* it represents the time)

The story began in a  house in the middle of a small town. Where Damian Michial was getting ready for another average, boring day at high school. This average-looking teen was in the middle of eating breakfast. He wore his black gaming shirt (though it is never seen because he always were a baggy gray hoodie over it), his blue jeans. He was eating a bowl of chocolate flavor cereal and had a cup of water nearby. This very teenager did not know that the next 5 years would be one of the most challenging and adventurous times of his life.

 (This very teenager that went on the ride of his life is me. I Will speak in the 3rd person. When you see these things you will know that I am putting more input into what is happening. You can skip over these if you want, but if you want a funny comment or more information on the subject read away.) 

Damian lived with his parents and his three siblings. He does not talk a whole lot. When he was almost done with his breakfast his dad called for him. 

"Damian you need to get going and don't forget you have a trip in nine days."

"Ya, I know dad. You don't need to remind me every day."

Even though Damian sounds like he does not like his dad to constantly remind him though he is very forgetful. He will never admit it but he likes his dad reminding him. Damian look at the clock *6:15*. Damian grabbed a plain gray backpack, went out the door and started walking to school.

 There was not much that ever happened. He walks by the same route every day not changing anything. He goes by the same houses and the same colors he passes by. The only interesting thing that Damian sees on the way there is the statue of a great ship in front of an arcade. The arcade was called treasure trove.


The sun shines bright in Damian's eyes on the way to school. Though nothing really seems to bother him. It could be snowing right now (even though it is near summer) and it will not even faze him. Though he might get a slight chill. He was almost  to school when Zack came by. "Hello weirdo I heard you like soggy lunches when you eat," he shouted. Damian tried to get away but he did not react quick enough. (Damian was more than capable of getting away from this guy. The teen was 10× faster than Zack. Though he does not have the reaction time for it because after a lack of sleep. I will tell you more about that later.) "Well now you should know the deal by now. Give me all of your money then I leave you with a few cuts and bruises," Zack said, slightly tightening his grip around Danian's neck. Damian broke loose from the grip and shook his head no and tried to walk away. But atlast his efforts were futile. He was stuck with nowhere to go. "Well have it your way four eyes," Zack exclaimed. (Yes, the main character has glasses. He mainly wore them because of bad eyesight. Through the glass gave him a slight  genius look. Though he was nothing more than a straight A student. Though the glare from his glasses make it hard to determine his eye colors. Most people say it is brown) Damian suffered a good 10 minutes of pure torture from Zack. Damian would indeed fight back sometime, but he will never be able to win. He was left there to rot most days that Zack was there to bully him. Noone ever really slightly cares at that point. "Well I might as well continue my trek to school.
