
Chapter 36: A Little More Day...?

The police operation was underway. Under the leadership of the K City security chief, a team of agents had gathered in a discreet location, away from prying eyes. The report sent by Matthew had provided enough details to justify a quick investigation into Star Corp and its CEO.

"Gentlemen, we have received reliable information about illegal practices involving Star Corp," the security chief began the meeting, his expression serious. "The CEO is allegedly linked to a bribery scheme that may be infiltrating even high levels of the city administration. We need to act cautiously, but firmly."

The police began to discuss the plan. The approach would be made during a scheduled meeting between the CEO of Star Corp and the mayor, where the bribe would be offered. The operation was designed to catch those involved red-handed.

Hours later, at the Star Corp office

The CEO, a shrewd and arrogant-looking man, was sitting at the table, surrounded by some of his closest collaborators. The atmosphere was tense; He knew times were tough for his company, but he believed the deal with the mayor would be the salvation.

"With this, we'll have control over NeuroSys. They won't be able to resist," he said, a sly smile spreading across his face.

At that moment, the door burst open, and armed police officers entered, surrounding the room.

"Police! Everyone, hands up!" the security chief ordered, his voice echoing with authority.

The CEO froze, his expression of confidence quickly turning to panic. "What's going on? This is a mistake!"

"Mistakes are exactly what we're here to correct," the chief replied, as officers began to arrest the men around the table.

Meanwhile, the mayor, who was about to meet with the CEO, was surprised in his own office. The police entered en masse, blocking all exits. "Mr. Mayor, we are here to arrest you on suspicion of bribery and collusion with Star Corp."

"This is absurd! I did nothing!" the mayor shouted, but his resistance was futile. Within minutes, he too was handcuffed and led out of the building.

In the police command center

The results of the operation began to unfold. The security chief and his team were in the control room, analyzing the audio and video recordings captured during the operation.

"We have enough evidence to incriminate the CEO and the mayor. The recordings clearly show the bribery proposal, and the messages exchanged between them confirm the connection to the underworld," one of the officers reported, passing the information to the chief.

"Excellent work, team. Now, let's prepare everything for the trial. This is not only about arresting these individuals, but also about sending a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated in K City," the security chief replied, a look of satisfaction on his face.

As soon as the news began to spread, Mateus was at NeuroSys, monitoring the situation through Aether's holographic screens. "Was the operation a success, Aether?" he asked, a smile forming on his lips.

"Yes, Mateus. The CEO of Star Corp and the mayor were arrested with overwhelming evidence against them. The operation was quick and efficient," Aether replied, displaying the headlines that were beginning to appear on social media.

"Great. This will shake up the underworld and show that we are prepared to protect what is ours," Mateus stated, his determination renewed.

He knew that the fight against corruption and crime was far from over, but today was an important victory. NeuroSys was solidifying itself as a force to be reckoned with.


"I heard what happened a few days ago. Why didn't you tell me?" The door opened with a bang, and Selene walked in, fury evident in her eyes.

Mateus, scared, jumped out of bed. "Calm down, love!"

"Don't ask me to stay calm!" she snapped, irritation dripping from every word.

He tried to look away, still stunned by the situation. "Look, it wasn't as dangerous as they told you," he explained, trying to find a tone that would calm her down.

"You... were... chased in your car through the busy streets, and that was nothing?" Selene questioned, the angry expression still firmly on her face.

Mateus sighed, realizing he needed to be more honest. "Love, calm down," he insisted, his voice soft. "Nothing dangerous happened."

Selene crossed her arms, her attitude still defiant. "Go on."

He hesitated for a moment, then decided the truth was the best approach. "They just stopped me and asked for my technology," he began, trying to convey the lightness of what had happened. "But instead, I took them to prison. Hahaha!" --skip

Selene's expression changed. Surprise quickly gave way to a mix of disbelief and relief. "You're saying you turned a stalking situation into an arrest?"

"Yes! They thought they could take advantage of me, but underestimating NeuroSys was a monumental mistake," Matthew explained, a smile forming on his lips.

Selene couldn't help but smile back, though her initial concern was still there. "You know you can't put yourself in danger like that, right? I worry about you."

"I know, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Matthew replied, moving closer to her. "But the situation is under control. The police have everything under control now. And more importantly, I'm fine."

She looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity, and found it. "I just want you to stay safe. We can handle business, but you're my priority."

Matthew nodded, his smile widening. "I promise I'll be more careful. And I can guarantee that if something like this happens again, you'll be the first to know."

Selene relaxed, the tension easing. "Okay, but I'll still monitor the situation. You need a heads-up when you get involved with these things. And maybe a security team too."

"I'll think about it," he replied, her concern making him feel loved. "Now, how about we have breakfast together? To start the day off right?"

She nodded, still with a hint of anger in her eyes, but the softness in her voice was already there. "Only if you promise to tell me everything from now on, okay?"

"Deal," Mateus smiled, leading her to the kitchen.