

" I hide my emotions and fear all these years but is it really useful .These emotions makes me sink down deep inside the ocean in my dreams i don't know how many times.Its not that i wanted to live a life of a masked girl but i have no choice.....now when i looks back i don't know what to do how should i feel.I don't want to live like that and wants to break down those chains who is trying to tie me down. But can i do that??? If i can't break those chains then i will kill those chained who me down, even if i had to go hell i will bring all those people to meet their demise sooner or later." Mo Chou: "Dare to touch me i will cut your hands " Fei Hong: "I don't dare but let me touch your heart" This is a story of Mo chou who lived her life as a person who she didn't. She indured physical harrasment at young age but unlike others she didn't shed tears and ask for justice because she didn't want to hurt her parents and make them feel sad. She endures this pain silently without any complain .But is it really easy .Her believes and heart was shattered by her boyfriend once again and what was worst that she even misunderstood by her parents and everyone.When she is alone none of them comes to her which makes her realise that this world is cruel but even though she didn't complain but one day everything she did became nothing when she realised all these pain which she endured till now is given to her by her parents because she has never been a daughter for them there is only one daughter i.e.,her elder sister.But why ??? Is there any secret?? She decided to punish all of them even her parents for her pain and sufferings.No one will be spared. Fei Hong a young and ruthless CEO OF FEI GROUP fells in love with her.And decided to make her his woman. But whenever he tries to go near him she glared at him with her icy look which makes him even more passionate about her. Can Fei Hong will win her heart or her heart which becomes a ice block will never melt for anyone?? Come and join this adventurous journey of Mo Chou and Fei Hong where they torture the villains and face up and down in their relationship. And eventually find themselves empty without each other.

Aayushi_Garg_4694 · สมัยใหม่
76 Chs

Sleeping together

Fei Hong covered Mo Chou and let her inside her car because he can't let others to see her in this condition.After that he told Yan to go with Tang Zhi and Muzhen .

Tang Zhi and Muzhen has tacit understanding between them as they can understand Fei Hong intention but what they did not know that Fei Hong didn't take Mo Chou with him because he has some intention but because he want to hide her with them. They doesn't have any other option so they left as it's impossible that Fei Hong will come with them.

Fei Hong is the only one who can cutivate in his family. Except him everyone in his family is a normal human being. But his great grandfather is a cultivator who came to this world because he had been chased out from demon clan. After him no one has inherited his talent and only Fei Hong get the chance to gain his heritance after long time. Even in his family no one knows about his special condition except his grandfather. This is a family secret and can't be revealed to anyone and can only be said to those who was choosed as the heir. His father was not the heir because he give up his rights and give it to Fei Hong when he is only two years old .

His grandfather had told him about the other world and told him everything which his father has told him. Before his death his he warned him to not say anything about this to anyone and told him to become strong so that one day he can go to that world and help his great grandfather to clean his name and get what belongs to his family.

This is also the reason why he always avoided others but Tang Zhi and Muzhen made him to change his principle and finally he became his friends but after that he never made anymore friends. No one can affect his emotion until the day he met Anna . It's like he felt some affinity towards her when he met her first time. But after that he fell in love with her and now suddenly he found that she is similar to him.

He had never thought he will meet someone like himself so he is realy surprised but he is happy also. He has lots of question but he can't ask her so he decided to wait till she herself tell him about this.

Anna i don't know what to do with you because you always surprised me . It's a fate that we met each other. So i will not give up on you because you can only belong to me he said sitting beside her.

He looks at her and felt increase in his heart beat. She is still unconscious and her beautiful hair are scattered and fluttering with wind making her looks like an etheral beauty.

His heart once again started racing when he saw her.

Her plump red lips has becomes more toxicating after she got drunk in his eyes. And so at this moment he wants to hug her and kiss her. But she is unconscious so he can't take advantage of her . If he do anything this time without her permission he is sure she would kill him. Hence he puts her on the front seat and covered her with jacket and drank water to quench his thirst. He sits on driver seat and then drives the car towards his mansion. In his way he made sure that she will not wake up soon and no one will find anything abnormal in her body.

Reaching his mansion he takes her in his room and ordered his maids to prepare a bath for her. He can't tolerate smell of alochol so he asked them give her a proper bath . After that he takes his cloths from his wardrobe and left the room . He enters another room and directly enters the bathroom. He is still feeling hot so he immediately stands under the shower to reduce the temperature of his body. And only after when his body regains the normal temperature did he come out of the bathroom. He is still wearing blue bathrobe and his hair is still wet. Droplets of water is flowing down through his neck

making him looks even more handsome.

Mo Chou is still unconscious as he used his energy to make her sleep and he knows she will not wake up soon. Maids had washed her and dressed her in new set of cloth when he enters the room. His sudden appearance made the maids blush but they were well trained so they know how to make a line in this kind of situation .They immediately retreated from the room.

Wah did you saw how sir looks at her. I have never seen sir to look at any woman like this. And the girl which he takes here is really beautiful. A maid who left the room said in hushed tone to another maid.

What beautiful she is clearly seducing our sir and don't think about her because she is nothing but a toy which our sir takes with him to play. There is no one who can replace Miss Mingwei and she is the true future madam of this house. So Xi stop saying something like this.

No sir doesn't love Miss Mengwei and she is too arrogant and is not as beautiful as this girl . And Zaoli you should know that our sir is not someone who will marry a girl which was forced on him. He will definitely not get together with her, Xi immediately retorted. She had seen how Mingwei used to treat maids and servant whenever she came here. So none of them liked her only Zaoli takes her side because she is sent by her to take care of her master. But in reality she is here to look out for his every movement. Such a hypocrite woman doesn't suit his master. But they can't say anything because of their low status. So she stopped talking with Zaoli and left her immediately making an excuse.

Inside the room Fei Hong enters and saw Anna who is sleeping in his bed. His eyes turns soft when he saw how beautiful she looks when she is sleeping. He tugged her under the quilt gently and then he also lay down beside her and covered himself with same quilt .

Anna you doesn't know how much i want to make you mine just after looking you sleeping like this. I am not going to do anything because i prefer doing those thing when you are awake so i am only going to hug you today. But if you make the same mistake in future i will not leave you as i did today. He wrapped his arm around her thin waist and pulled her in his embrace. Her soft body make him want to crush her but he controls himself. The heatness which he cooled down just now once again overwhelmed him but he doesn't let her go and slept in that position taking her close in his arm.