

" I hide my emotions and fear all these years but is it really useful .These emotions makes me sink down deep inside the ocean in my dreams i don't know how many times.Its not that i wanted to live a life of a masked girl but i have no choice.....now when i looks back i don't know what to do how should i feel.I don't want to live like that and wants to break down those chains who is trying to tie me down. But can i do that??? If i can't break those chains then i will kill those chained who me down, even if i had to go hell i will bring all those people to meet their demise sooner or later." Mo Chou: "Dare to touch me i will cut your hands " Fei Hong: "I don't dare but let me touch your heart" This is a story of Mo chou who lived her life as a person who she didn't. She indured physical harrasment at young age but unlike others she didn't shed tears and ask for justice because she didn't want to hurt her parents and make them feel sad. She endures this pain silently without any complain .But is it really easy .Her believes and heart was shattered by her boyfriend once again and what was worst that she even misunderstood by her parents and everyone.When she is alone none of them comes to her which makes her realise that this world is cruel but even though she didn't complain but one day everything she did became nothing when she realised all these pain which she endured till now is given to her by her parents because she has never been a daughter for them there is only one daughter i.e.,her elder sister.But why ??? Is there any secret?? She decided to punish all of them even her parents for her pain and sufferings.No one will be spared. Fei Hong a young and ruthless CEO OF FEI GROUP fells in love with her.And decided to make her his woman. But whenever he tries to go near him she glared at him with her icy look which makes him even more passionate about her. Can Fei Hong will win her heart or her heart which becomes a ice block will never melt for anyone?? Come and join this adventurous journey of Mo Chou and Fei Hong where they torture the villains and face up and down in their relationship. And eventually find themselves empty without each other.

Aayushi_Garg_4694 · สมัยใหม่
76 Chs

Fei Hong weird action

But then...

"I will come with you take me there ."

Mo Chou: " "

Everyone: " "

What did he just said !!!he wanted to come with me . Mo Chou is so shocked that she forgets to blink her eyes. This handsome man with paralyzed face said he wanted to come with her and didn't wanted to stop her .

Tang Zhi also rubbed his eyes to confirm that he has not started hearing things and even after he confirmed he didn't heard wrongly he nudged Muzhen to pinch his arm. And only when he felt pain in his arm he believes that Fei Hong had truly said that he wanted to go with this girl.

Muzhen is also not an exception he is equally surprised with his words.

So its impossible for others also to believe this.

All people were staring at Fei Hong at this time. And almost everyone has the same thought :

Is this Fei Hong is fake, because the person they know would not had said this . Fei Hong which all of them know is cold and detached person. He would never meddle himself with others matter.

Tang Zhi and Muzhen were the closest person to Fei Hong. They were together since their childhood so they know each and every thing about each other. And so they also know Fei Hong better than anyone else. They knows how much he hated getting close with other people especially woman but today he himself suggested to go with an unknown person. What's going on...does this person changed overnight or there is something they did not know about him. But its impossible so they immediately discard this reason. But if it is not then what is the real reason.

Fei Hong also felt their eyes locked on him which make him feel irritated.

What.....he asked unhappily while looking at them.

Tang Zhi can't stop himself so he asked him seriously.

Are you okay Fei...he asked as he think Fei Hong is not well.

What do you mean ... what can happen to me he asked frowning slightly. He is completely fine and healthy so why ask him is he okay or not.

Ha .. you said you are fine, then why did you just say that you wanted to go with her.

Tang zhi asked immediately when he said heard from Fei Hong that he is okay pointing his fingers towards Mo Chou.

Fei Hong: " "

This time he wanted to smack Tang Zhi for asking this question. How can say the truth before everyone moreover is it really hard to believe that he wanted to help anyone. Actually Tang Zhi is not wrong because in reality he never helped anyone unless the person is related to him but this time he made an exception for Mo Chou which surprised everyone.

Let's go , he ignored Tang Zhi question and ordered Mo Chou to lead the way.But then turned towards Muzhen and said something which once again shocked everyone but this time they didn't show much reaction as they did earlier .

Fei Hong asked Muzhen to go with his friends and rescue Mo Chou friends from the car and take them here safely.

Earlier Muzhen thought Fei Hong stopped him from taking action because he didn't want to involve in any kind of mess but now he also think there is something fishy. If not why Fei Hong changed his attitude so much suddenly. But he didn't ask him anything and take his friends to rescue her friends while deciding to ask Fei Hong about it later.

Mo Chou also nodded her head and lead Fei Hong and Tang Zhi towards her room where Li Zhi is . Because he wanted to help her and in getting help from others is not a bad idea . Infact it is good since it would lessen her burden .

Soon they entered the room. As soon as they entered the room , wailing sound coming out from every corner pierced their ears. Inside the room everything is in complete mess as there is blood every where and there are also mens who is lying on the ground.

All of them are in worst condition without any difference. Tang Zhi wanted to puke when he saw this mess and once again looked at girl.

This girl is monster how can she beats these people in such cruel way. Is she even a human. No she must be a vampire in human skin who loves to drink other's blood.

Fei Hong mouth twitched and curled up slightly but no one noticed this little change in him. Ah his woman is really something, truly deserves to be his woman . If Tang Zhi can hear his friend inner then he would know that his friend is not only weird but his taste in woman is also weird. Because there might be no man in this world who would love woman who kills others ruthlessly and would say proudly that she is his woman .

Their sight also fall on the girl who is lying unconsciously on the sofa . The woman lying there is also beautiful but her dress ..is quite unique as her top has a cartoon character

printed on it.

Fei Hong without wasting time reached there and helped Mo Chou in carrying her outside this room and helped her to take Li Zhi to their room .

Mo Chou felt relieved in her heart when she successfully rescued Li Zhi and takes her out from that room . She laid Li Zhi on the sofa and she also leaned herseslf on the sofa. She saw her watch its 2:15 am now and she is very tired as she did have any rest entire day. But still pushed herself as the policeman has didn't come with Nianzhen and Zhang wei so she is worried about them.

Fei Hong also realised this when he saw her worried expression and her tired face. She is completely tired but still didn't want to take rest as her friends still didn't come back. He felt pain in his heart when he saw her in this condition. He wanted to comfort her but don't know how to do it so he just sat there and called waiter to come with coffee and snacks in his room and then sat silently waiting

for her friends to come with her.

Waiter comes with coffee and snacks after sometime but she did not touch anything because she is not in a mood to eat and drink anything.

dear readers plz give some of your time to rate this book as i am still waiting for your rating.

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