
The life of an immortal

He was a good lad until one day he was teleported to another world . Anyway watch as he grows to be stronger, protects the innocents however kills those who deserve it.

Uriel_et_teneberis · แอคชั่น
3 Chs


{ Hello Master } I heard an angelic voice of a lady.

" Whose there?"

{ I am the 'path to Godhood system' that is here to guide you on your path to being a true god }

" Wait don't tell me it's one of those novels where you are transferred to another world with a system that forces you to do certain quest coz I ain't one doin it " I said.

{ The ' Path To Godhood System ' will not give you quest but will act as a mere guidance to your ascension to Godhood }

" What's the catch ? "

{ What do you mean a catch ? }

I sighed. " Judging by the way you are talking , you knew I would come and if there is one thing I have always known, nothing is free " I said.

{ Quite the smart one aren't you and yes , there is a catch }

" well name it "

{ You will help me acquire back my body }

" What about a no. As I said earlier , I won't be controlled by someone. Return me back and look for someone else . " I said.

{ Please you are the only one who can help me. You have a god's bloodline even though it's diluted }

" A god's bloodline ? But if that's so then doesn't that mean there others like me ?"

{ You are the only one who has inherited it. }

" Ok let's say I have this bloodline of a god , It would still prove ineffective due to it being diluted and why do you need a god's blood to give back your body ?"

{ A god can only resurrect a god and no your bloodline is not ok but we can increase it's pureness in due time. }

" Wait , you are a god? then why did you call me master "

{ Thought you were one of those guys who dreams of being teleported and getting a system . That way it would be easier }

" I like your thinking but unfortunately am not. Next question , why don't you ask your god friends ?"

{ ... }

" Not gonna talk ? Nevermind I will help you, so how long to acquire my blood to be pure "

{ If you are serious about it then about 200 million years or so }

" Well wait for another billion years coz am not what you will call a hard-working. I do what I can to survive though "

{ It's ok I have all the time of the world }

" BTW what's your name "

{ Oh Sorry My name is Eva the daughter of the god of creation and you ? }

" Kai Gilgamesh . I know it's sounds unoriginal but can't blame my mom for taking a liking to history . "

{ Sure anyway are you ready for your training}

I nodded.

{ Ok first , we will start with Training your physical body to enhance you adaptability to energy }

" Sure "

{ Do 1000 pushups , 1000 squats and 1000 sit ups }

" Did you forget you are talking to a growing kid!! "

{ Don't worry it won't harm you in anyway .}

I sighed and started my training regime.