
The life of all things

The real name of the story is The Sun but someone has that title already.

Befragedamn · สงคราม
2 Chs

The Sun Chapter 1

"Hey Frag wake up!" says a gray haired woman. Frag opens his eyes and jumps out of bed. He mumbles to himself "why she always have to be so loud". Frag opens his closet and puts on clothes. He looks at his calendar and realizes that today is the day. "Finally I can follow in my brother's footsteps. Frag walks down the stairs and sits at the table. "Hey mom what are you cooking?". "I'm just making some eggs and bacon, the usual." says Frag's mom. "So today is the day huh, make sure you keep to yourself". "Don't worry mom I won't get in any trouble". Jain (Frag's mom) makes an egg and bacon sandwich and puts it on Frag's plate. Frag grabs the sandwich and runs out the door. "Bye mom see you later!" Frag looks back at his brown house and mumbles " I guess this is the day everything changes". Today is referred to as the day of reckoning because everyone who is 15 or older has their vibrance awakened within them. Everyone in this country known as Redmin has to get their vibrance awakened so they can operate in this world. You might be asking why are all these countries at war? It is only for the one thing the object known as "The Sun". Not many know where the object came from or what it truly is but everyone on this planet knows it is the source of all vibrance and vibrance is what runs the world. Frag see's the school in sight and starts mad dashing towards it. Frag once in front of the school is bumped into to. Frag already knows who it is but he pays no mind as he walks into the school. Their he walks upstairs and goes to his classroom. Once he enters he see's everybody whispering about what is about to come. Frag lives in a wealthy area in the middle of Redmin so he and his peers are not affected by this war. Frag was not raised in wealth like most of them were he was raised in poverty as the father he never even knew betrayed the country and went to another military to fight against his own mother country. So Frag and his mom were left with zero money but Jain was not foreign to having zero money so she had to sell her body so they could eat. Frag sits down and the teacher walks into the room. Frag prays that he can get a higher aptitude so he can join the war and kill his father for the pain he caused his mom. People go up one by one and get their aptitude checked as well as their vibrance awakened. Some people leave excited and some leave depressed. Frag is finally called on to go and the teacher says...