
The life of a reincarnate is always good MHA

Warning, use of translator. He was trapped indefinitely in the void. After finally reincarnating, he discovered how real life is not a fiction.

Danonethick · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

chapter 4: Quirk

Okay, this chapter is more of an explanation, so please read it carefully since I use the translator, I write on my cell phone, and I'm terrible at explaining... So you know the shit if you put it all together.

And please read the whole chapter since at first it may seem like I'm weakening the protagonist, but I'm not. Just read carefully that you realize that he is op.


Two years has passed, and now I'm 12.

Meanwhile, I've spent most of my time training, and I've discovered that I can manipulate everything that doesn't live. More I include something important, what set alive for my Quirk are things with the soul present.

Why is that? Well, I can manipulate trees, and on the scientific side it counts as a living organism, but I can't tell from the spiritual side.

More anyway, looking at the map I cleared half the criminal bases. But I only aimed at the little ones, to get used to killing, even if I looked good at first, it's not exactly like that. "Good morning."

Looking away, I see Momo walking towards me. This girl got used to coming here, well, I can't complain since her cheerful way lights up my bloody side a little bit.

But I'm curious why I don't have vomit or anything they say that happens when you kill someone for the first time. I just had some very mild guilt issues, that's all. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time in the void ?

Whatever, it just made it easier for me. "Good morning Momo, didn't I tell you to knock when you come in?" She just lies on my bed and looks at me. "Again looking at the map ? You really get to be mysterious when you want to"

I just smile and keep the map as I stretch. "Everyone has their secrets..." She just puts her face on the pillow while mumbling something.

Speaking of secrets, my Quirk and one that does, the more I investigate him, the more things that come to me. How I can't manipulate the light, but I can get a different kind of energy I used to retrieve that bandit.

This energy has great healing factor, besides serving perfectly to improve your physique, which in addition to recovering fatigue, it until increasing the strength of the muscles.

It also has the elements, which I can separate in a very simple way, I can; water, fire, earth, wind and metals. I can't; light, darkness and even if it's not an element, gravity.

I understand that darkness and gravity can't touch each other, but light... Whatever, my power is extremely stolen, since I can manipulate the tectonic plates and make an earthquake. Or manipulate the city itself to destroy itself. Manipulate the water and form a giant dragon... There are many forms of my power I have destroyed a city or even the world if it continues to grow.

"Damn, you lost your thoughts again" Damn, I forgot Momo was here... I walk up to her and I rub my hand in her hair, making her calm.

Returning to my power. Also has the fact of energies. Not that I've discovered more than one, but you never know, other than that the healing energy hasn't shown its full potential, since I've tested regenerates body parts with other people and she's had no problem with it, I just had to spend more time than normal.

I can fix it too. Basically I need to use the same good stuff to fix it. An example and a piece of glass that broke in the middle, I can use its material to create the other part, but because of this, it would be thinner, since its material would be used to create the other part.

I can make the materials liquid, like I did with the glass and controlled it to go into a person's mouth and then harden. And, man, you wouldn't believe what happened, it would be the same thing as someone eating several shards of glass.

"So, are you going to join the U.A. ?" Momo asks as he gets up. " U.A. Well I don't know." I talk as I also get up and walk to the door, exclusive, she has password, but Momo already knows, even if I don't remember giving it to anyone but my mother...